
Revision of the Future Simple Tense

Урок 7. Английский язык 10 класс ФГОС

На этом уроке учащиеся вспомнят такое английское время, как the Future Simple. Они повторят, как образуются утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные предложения. Также ребята вспомнят, в каких случаях необходимо использовать время the Future Simple.
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Конспект урока "Revision of the Future Simple Tense"

—   Hello, friends! My name is Martin Green. This is my friend James Wilson.

—   We are glad to welcome you on our grammar lesson!

—   We would like you to meet our mutual friend Nathaniel. He was talking to his dad on the phone this morning. Let’s listen to their conversation and find out the theme of our lesson.

—   Hello, Nathaniel! Do you have some time to chat?

—   Hi, dad! Sure, I have 20 minutes! Then I will need to go to work.

—   Great! Nathaniel, I know that you will be on vacation soon. How do you plan to spend it?

—   Well… I think I will fly to India! It’s such an amazing country.

—   Oh, it’s a very interesting choice!

—   Yeah! I will also go to the jungle.

—   Really? Nathaniel, isn’t it dangerous to go there?

—   No, not at all! I will be with my group. I’m so excited. I want to go there as soon as possible. There will be so many different animals in the jungle: tigers, jaguars, antelopes, lemurs, monkeys, tapirs, etc. They are such interesting creatures!

—   Son, I don’t think it’s a good idea!

—   Dad, don’t worry. I will be careful.

—   Okay, but, please, don’t forget to call me. I want to make sure that you are fine.

—   All right, dad! I won’t forget. I have to go to work now. See you soon.

—   Okay, see you!

In this conversation you saw the following highlighted verbs: will need, will be, will fly, will go, won’t forget.

Can you remember what tense forms they are?

Let us help you!

They are the forms of Future Simple Tense.

Today in the lesson we will:

·        Revise the use of Future Simple Tense;


·        Revise the formation of this tense.

Nathaniel, you used Future Simple Tense in your speech.

Can you tell us when we can use this tense?

Sure, guys! I will tell you about 8 different situations when we can use it.


We use Future Simple Tense when we want to describe single actions, which will happen in the future.

For example: I will spend my vacation in India.


For example: Molly will take a car and drive home.

(In these two sentences we described single actions in the future).


Future Simple is used when we describe repeated or habitual actions in the future. In these sentences we can use the following words: tomorrow, tonight, the day after tomorrow, next week, next year, in a week, in a month, soon, etc.

For example: Owen will go to Italy a few times next month.

(Here we described a repeated action in the future. Owen will go to Italy more than one time).


For example: Marry will check her e-mail tomorrow in the evening. She always checks it in the evening.

(Here we described a habitual action. Marry does this action every day and she will do it again tomorrow in the evening).


We use this tense when we decide something instantly and inform everyone about this decision immediately. In other words, this tense is used when we take spontaneous decisions.

For example: I will order spinach lasagna, and what about you?

(In this sentence a person came to the restaurant, looked at the menu and chose lasagna spontaneously).


For example: Bryan, hold on, please! I will take my scissors.

(It became necessary to cut something off, that’s why the man informed Bryan about his decision to take scissors immediately).


Future Simple Tense is used when we think, suspect or guess that something will happen in the future. In these sentences we can see the following words: to think, to hope, to believe, to wonder, to expect, to imagine, to be sure, to be certain, to be afraid, probably, certainly, perhaps. These words are used to show certainty, uncertainty, guessing or doubt.

For example: Melanie is sure that her mom will enjoy the theatre.

(Melanie thinks that when her mom visits the theatre, she will like it so much).


For example: I’m afraid the snow won’t stop soon.

(In the sentence we suggest that the snow won’t stop).


We can also use this tense to express the following meanings: promises, requests, suggestions, cautions and threats. In these sentences “will” is not an auxiliary, but a modal verb.

For example: Mom, I will wash the dishes and clean the house tomorrow, but now I want to go to Kelly’s birthday party.

(In this sentence the boy made a promise to his mother that he will help her tomorrow about the house).


For example: Greg, stop shouting at me or I will punish you.

(In the sentence the man is threatening to his son, because the boy is misbehaving).


This tense is also used in the conditional sentences type I in the main clause.

For example: If you eat all the sweets, your mom will be angry with you.


For example: If Emma doesn’t go to school, the headmistress will call her mom and inform her about that.

(These are the conditional sentences type I).


We can use this tense after the conjunction if when it’s used as an indirect question, but not as a condition.

Remember! In conditional sentences we don’t use Future Simple Tense after the word if.

For example: Lucy wants to ask if her friend Rosy will go to Spain next year.


For example: Sam has no idea if Victoria will like these yellow roses.

(In these sentences the word if isn’t used as a condition).


Sometimes we use Future Simple Tense to describe the events which were planned in advance. In this case we usually tell someone not only about the event itself, but about the details as well.

For example: The Cody’s meeting will begin in the morning. The presentation will start at 9 o’clock.

(Here we said about the meeting itself and the details of the meeting).


For example: The festival will begin tomorrow in the evening. The concert will start at 11 p.m.

(In this sentence we said about the festival itself and described the details of the festival).

—   Nathaniel, thank you so much!

—   Now we know when we can use this tense, but we would really like to know how to form Future Simple. Can you give us this information?

—   Yes, Martin, of course!

To form positive sentences, we put the subject in first place, then we put the auxiliary verb will and after that we put the first form of the verb. For instance: will go, will swim, will run, will play.

Let’s look at the example:

—   Hey, Jeremy. Tell me, please, about your plans for tomorrow!

—   Hi, Dan. Well, I will go to work. Then I will go home and cook the dinner, because my sister will be late tomorrow. After that, I think we will go to the cinema.

—   Wow, Jeremy! It sounds like you will have a busy day.

In this example we used 4 positive sentences in Future Simple Tense.

To form negative sentences, we put the subject in first place, then we use the auxiliary verb will plus not, the short form is won’t and after that we put the first form of the verb. For instance: won’t go, won’t swim, won’t run, won’t play.

Let’s look at the example:

—   Hi, Thomas. I won’t even ask you about your plans for Friday. You always do the same things on this day.

—   Oh, Archie, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but tomorrow I won’t do the things that I usually do. I won’t visit my grandparents this time. I also won’t read the books and watch TV, because I have so many different plans. This Friday I will go to the football game. After that my girlfriend and I will go to the theatre.

—   Oh my goodness, Thomas you surprised me a lot!

In this example we used 4 negative sentences in Future Simple Tense.

To form interrogative sentences or questions we put the auxiliary verb will in first place, then we put the subject and after that, we use the first form of the verb. For instance: will she go? will he swim? will they run? will you play?

If we want to give the short answers to the questions in Future Simple Tense, we can use the following variants: Yes, I will. or No, I won’t.

Let’s look at the example:

—   Bobby, I’m so glad I found you. Will you go to the museum with me tomorrow? I have 2 tickets.

—   Sure, Victor, why not? I think it will be fun! And what will we do after that?

—   Well, we can go for a ride on my new car.

—   Victor, will you let me drive your car?

—   Yes, I will! Bobby, you are such a good driver.

In this example we used 3 interrogative sentences in Future Simple Tense.

Now you know how to form the sentences in this tense, but do you know what time markers we can use in Future Simple?

No, Nathaniel, we don’t!

Okay, I will tell you.

In Future Simple Tense, we use the following markers: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, later, soon, a week/ a month from now, in 2050, this evening, next (for example: next week, next month, next year), in (for example: in a week, in a month, in a minute) and in the future.

Martin and James, I told you everything about the Future Simple Tense. Now show me that you understood all the information.

Complete the sentences. Use “will” or “won’t”.

Let’s check the right answers.

1. Veronica was born in 1993. In 2019 she will be 26 years old.

2. It’s very hot and sunny today. It won’t rain.

3. Vanessa is twelve today. She will be thirteen until next year.

4. Marry sent a letter to her friend Alex this afternoon. It won’t arrive until tomorrow morning.

5. This month is April. It will be May next month.

The following sentences.

Let’s check.

6. “Dad, the train is late! I won’t be home until eleven o’clock.”

7. Steven in 79 years old. He will celebrate the anniversary on his next birthday.

8. It’s 27 degrees today. It won’t snow tomorrow.

9. The boy won’t go for a walk with his brother, because he washed all his clothes.

10. Regan will help her mom about the house tomorrow, because she is a good girl.

—   Thank you, Nathaniel, we understood everything!

—   You’re welcome, guys.

—   We hope you liked the lesson.

—   See you soon, our dear friends!


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