
Writing an invitation

Урок 49. Английский язык 4 класс ФГОС

Урок начинается с того, что к главным героям обращается за помощью пингвин по имени Маглс. Он хочет пригласить своих друзей на день рождения, но не знает, как правильно писать приглашения. Бобби, Мобби и Тобби помогут ему с этим. В конце урока учащимся будет предложено прочитать приглашения, которые написали Джулия, Эвелин, Одри и Зои, а затем найти в них ошибки.
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Конспект урока "Writing an invitation"

Hello, boys and girls! My name is Bobby.

And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

Welcome to our lesson.

Today we have a guest.

It’s Mr. White.

He is our postman!

Hello, everyone!

Mr. White brought us a letter.

It’s from Muggles.

Guys, who is Muggles?

Oh, I don’t know!

Me neither!

Yeah! We don’t know any Muggles, Mr. White.

Guys, my task was to bring you this letter. That’s all! If you want to know who Muggles is, open the letter and read it.

Oh, you’re absolutely right! Thank you so much, Mr. White.

You’re welcome! Bye, boys!

Bye, Mr. White.

Guys, let’s read the letter right now!

Yeah! I agree with Tobby.

All right! Let’s start reading it.

“Hello, Bobby, Mobby and Tobby. This is a penguin. My name is Muggles. I’m writing you, because I need your help. My friend Bruno said that you are very good and kind boys. So he advised me to write you a letter and ask for help. Bruno also said that you always help people and animals who are in trouble. I’m not in trouble, but I really need your help. I’m going to celebrate my birthday on Sunday. And I want to invite my friends to my birthday party, but I don’t know how to write an invitation. Boys, could you help me, please? If I don’t write the invitation, nobody will come. I really count on you. Can’t wait to get your response letter. Many thanks, in advance, for your help!

Best wishes, Muggles”

Guys, we have to help Muggles!

Yes, I agree with you.

Me too! Boys, let’s write the response letter and invite Muggles to our place.

Oh, that’s a wonderful idea!

Let’s do that!

“Hello, Muggles. We got your letter. And we will be happy to help you! Come to our place tomorrow. The address is 25 Gold Street. We will teach you how to write an invitation. Best wishes, Bobby, Mobby and Tobby”

So today in the lesson we will:

learn the definition of the term “invitation”;

discuss how to write an invitation;


put the knowledge into practice.

Hello, Muggles! Please, come in!

Oh, thank you!

Hello, boys! I’m so happy to meet you!

Muggles, we are happy to meet you too!

All right! Let’s start our lesson.

And first of all, let’s answer the question “What does the word “invitation” mean?”.

Invitation is a written or spoken request to get another person to join you at a specific event such as a party, a meal or a meeting.

Muggles, we’ve told you about the meaning of the term “invitation”.

Now let’s discuss how to write an invitation.

Oh, great!

When you write an invitation, start it with your friend’s name and a comma.

For example:

Dear Maddison,

Then you must write the reason you are inviting him or her.

Let’s look at the example:

My sister is turning 20! We have decided to surprise her with a great party. So please join us to celebrate Kate’s birthday. She will be happy to see you!

After that tell your guests when the event will be. This is a very important element, so make sure to be clear about the date and time of your event. Always include the day of the week as well.

Look at the example:

The celebration of her birthday will be on the 5th of December. It’s next Sunday. Come to our great party at 6 o’clock in the evening.

Then tell your guests the place where he or she has to go. Your event can take place at your house, at your friend’s house, at a restaurant or elsewhere, but you always have to be clear about the name and address of the location.

Let’s look at the example:

It will be held at Wendy’s house. Her address is 6 Greenfield Street.

And don’t forget to sign your invitation. At the end of it write something like “best wishes”, “with love”, “your friend” and so on.

For example:

Kate’s sister,


That’s all you need to know, Muggles!

Oh, thank you so much, boys! Now I understand how to write invitations.

Muggles, we are happy to hear that!

Yeah, but we would like to check your knowledge if you don’t mind.

Oh, sure! No problem!


Look! This is Julia.

This is Evelyn.

This is Audrey.

And this girl is Zoe.

Each of these four girls wrote an invitation. Read them and answer the question “What mistake did the girl make in her invitation?”

First, let’s read Julia’s invitation.

Dear Sam,

I’m going to perform at the concert on the 10th of September. It’s next Friday. The concert starts at 4 p.m. Would you like to come? I will be glad to see you.

Your friend,


Now answer the question.

Let’s check.

Julia forgot to tell her friend where the concert will take place.

Now let’s read Evelyn’s invitation.

Dear Megan,

I’m going to have a birthday party on the 12th of April. It’s Monday. The party will be held at my house. My address is 67 Baker Street. I will be happy to see you!

Your friend,


Now answer the question.

Check yourselves.

Evelyn forgot to tell the time of the celebration.

Now let’s read Audrey’s invitation.

Tyler and I are going to get married on the 2nd of March. It’s Sunday. The celebration of the wedding will be at the restaurant. It’s called “Happy face”. Its address is 24 Stone Street. Come at 5 o’clock in the evening.

With love,


Now answer the question.

Check yourselves.

Audrey forgot to tell her friend’s name at the beginning of the invitation.

And now let’s read Zoe’s invitation.

Dear Mike,

I’m going to have a birthday party on Saturday. The beginning is at 12 o’clock.

The party will be held at my sister’s house. Her address is 24 Mountain Street. I will be glad to see you!

Best wishes,


Now answer the question.

Let’s check.

Zoe forgot to tell the date of the celebration.

Well done, Muggles!

Now you know how to write an invitation.

Yes, that’s right. Thank you so much for your help, boys!

Oh, don’t mention it.

Yeah! We were glad to help you, Muggles.

Oh, boys, you are so kind!

That’s all for today, our dear friends.

See you soon.


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