
Quiz. Ecological problems

Урок 40. Английский язык 8 класс ФГОС

В данном уроке учащимся предоставляется возможность проверить свои теоретические знания на актуальную тему «Ecological problems». Для этого им пригодится весь запас «экологической» лексики, усвоенной в данной теме. Урок проходит в форме увлекательной викторины. Она состоит из 18 заданий, в которых учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, разгадывают кроссворды и ребусы, а также получают интересные комментарии к ответам.
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Конспект урока "Quiz. Ecological problems"

Pure Nature. Amazingly beautiful, isn’t it?

It’s a wonderful world we live in.

This is what happens when a man interferes... The world faces a lot of ecological problems then.

Do the quiz “Ecological problems” and think again what you can change in your life to save the purity of our world.

Question №1:

Which day is observed as World Earth Day?

a)                April 22

b)                September 15

c)                 August 3

Correct answer is a) April 22.

Question №2:

How many “ecological” words can you find in the table?

There are 8 words in the table: waste, throw, damage, rubbish, drop, pollute, pack, danger

Question №3:

What does this sign mean?

a)                the thing is made from recycled materials

b)                the thing can be recycled

c)                 traffic sign “Roundabout”

Correct answer is a)

Question №4:

What do you call the rain that contains chemical waste and causes damage to plants and animals?

a)                Mushroom rain

b)                Smog

c)                 Acid rain

Correct answer is c) Acid rain!

Question №5:

Which way saves more energy?

a)                turning your computer off

b)                putting it in sleep mode

c)                 leaving it plugged in

Correct answer is a)

Remember! The things use electricity when they’re plugged into the wall even if you’re not using it right now!

Question №6:

What country consumes more energy in the world?

a)                China

b)                Russia

c)                 The USA

Correct answer is c) the USA.

Question №7:

What is the most polluted city in the world?

a)                Shanghai, China

b)                Mexico City, Mexico

c)                 New Delhi, India

Correct answer is b) Mexico City. Air pollution in Mexico City is a severe ecological problem.

Question №8:

Name the phenomenon because of which the earth's atmospheric temperature is increasing?

a)                Greenhouse effect

b)                Bluehouse effect

c)                 Redhouse effect

Correct answer is a) Greenhouse effect

Question №9:

What ecological problem is shown in the picture?

a)                Air pollution

b)                Global warming

c)                 Deforestation

Correct answer is c) deforestation.

Remember! Trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and release oxygen (O2).

Question №10:

Which layer of the earth’s atmosphere protects the earth from dangerous ultraviolet radiation of the sun?

a)                Ionosphere

b)                Ozonosphere

c)                 Troposphere

Correct answer is b) Ozonosphere. Ozone layer absorbs most of the sun UV radiation.

Question №11:

Which of these sources of energy is a renewable one?

a)                wind

b)                coal

c)                 oil

Correct answer is a) wind.

Question №12:

Why do many countries change their time twice a year (in autumn and in spring)?

a) to have an extra hour of daylight

b) to set the clock to the correct time

c) to get some more sleep

Correct answer is a) to have an extra hour of daylight.

Question №13:

Which pole is colder?

a) South Pole

b) North Pole

c) Both

You should know that both the Arctic (North Pole) and the Antarctic (South Pole) are cold because they don’t get any direct sunlight.

But the South Pole is a lot colder than the North Pole. Why?

The Arctic is ocean surrounded by land. The Antarctic is land surrounded by ocean. The ocean under the Arctic ice      is cold, but still warmer than the ice! So the ocean warms the air a bit.

Antarctica is dry—and high.

Question №14:

Why are electric cars a good way to help reduce global warming?

a)                They can go so fast that the winds they create gives additional energy

b)                They go so slow that after a while people just end up walking

c)                 They don't release greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

Correct answer is c) They don't release greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

Question №15:

What is the process of collecting, processing and reusing waste materials called?

a)                Recycling

b)                Reusing

c)                 Reworking

Correct answer is a) Recycling

Question №16:

How much waste does a European family with two children throw away in a year?

a)                100 kilos of paper and 200 kilos of plastic

b)                1000 kilos of paper and 2000 kilos of plastic

c)                 50 kilos of paper and 60 kilos of plastic

Correct answer is c)

Question №17:

The Bronx Zoo once had a picture frame covered by cloth. It was labelled “The most dangerous species in the world”. What was there under the cloth?

a)                a virus

b)                a mirror

c)                 a great white shark

Correct answer is b) a mirror. Every visitor could see his own reflection.

Question №18:

Do the “ecological” puzzle.

Acid rains, global warming, air and water pollution are some of the most serious environmental problems.

It’s no good pretending they don’t exist – they do!

We have everything to make our planet a better, cleaner and safer place.


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