

Урок 38. Английский язык 5 класс ФГОС

Данный видеоурок расскажет учащимся о таком замечательном празднике, как День благодарения. Ребята узнают о том, как празднуется этот день в Канаде и Америке. В конце урока учащиеся смогут выполнить задания викторины по данной теме.
Плеер: YouTube Вконтакте

Конспект урока "Thanksgiving"

— Hello, boys and girls! My name is Kyle.

— Hello, everyone! My name is Sophia.

— Hello, friends! I’m Melanie.

— Hello! I’m Jackson.

— Welcome to our lesson!

— We are happy to see you!

Today in the lesson we will:

● learn new words and revise the old ones;

● talk about Thanksgiving;


● do the quiz.

Let’s start our lesson!


День благодарения





Roast turkey

Жареная индейка

Mashed potatoes

Картофельное пюре





Cranberry sauce

Клюквенный соус

Pumpkin pie

Тыквенный пирог

Have street parades

Проводить уличные парады

Musical performance

Музыкальное представление, концерт


Танцор, танцовщица




Воздушный шар

Now let’s revise all these words once again.

Listen and repeat after me!




Roast turkey

Mashed potatoes



Cranberry sauce

Pumpkin pie

Have street parades

Musical performance




Well done, boys and girls!

Now, everyone, let’s talk about Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving (or Thanksgiving Day) is a national holiday that is celebrated both in Canada and in the USA. It has been a holiday in many places in Canada since 1957 and in all of the American states since 1863.

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the USA and on the second Monday in October in Canada.

On Thanksgiving Day people usually give thanks for the harvest and other blessings of the past year.

Thanksgiving is a traditional family holiday. On this day all the members of the family gather together and have a great holiday dinner in one house.

The traditional thanksgiving meal consists of a large roast turkey served with mashed potatoes, vegetables, creamed corn, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.

A roast turkey is the main dish of a Thanksgiving dinner, that’s why Thanksgiving is sometimes called “Turkey Day”.

Americans usually have street parades on Thanksgiving Day. If you stay in New York during Thanksgiving, don’t miss the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Musical performances, dancers, clowns and giant character balloons appear in the parade. It is one of the largest parades in New York. Santa Claus arrives at the end. His coming marks the beginning of the Christmas season.

Watching American football games on television is also a typical Thanksgiving Day activity.

— Boys and girls, we have talked about Thanksgiving.

— Now we would like to check your knowledge.

Do the quiz!

It consists of 10 tasks.

Task 1.

Look at the pictures and unscramble the words!

The pictures are…

The words are…

Check yourselves!

The right answers are:


Mashed potatoes


The following pictures are…

And the words are…

Let’s check!

The right answers are:


Roast turkey


Task 2.

Answer the question!

When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

The variants are:

They celebrate it on the second Monday in October.

They celebrate it on the first Thursday in November.

They celebrate it on the fourth Thursday in November.

They celebrate it on the third Monday in October.

Check yourselves!

The right answer is:

They celebrate it on the fourth Thursday in November.

Task 3.

Guess the riddle!

It’s yellow, but it’s not the sun.

It grows in a field, but it’s not a sunflower.

It can be eaten piece by piece.

It goes well with butter.

What is it?

Let’s check!

The right answer is:

It’s corn.

Task 4.

Answer the question!

When do Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

The variants are:

They celebrate it on the third Monday in October.

They celebrate it on the first Thursday in November.

They celebrate it on the fourth Thursday in November.

They celebrate it on the second Monday in October.

Check yourselves!

The right answer is:

They celebrate it on the second Monday in October.

Task 5.

Complete the sentence!

On Thanksgiving Day people usually give thanks for the … and other blessings of the past year.

The variants are:





Let’s check!

The right answer is:


Task 6.

Answer the question!

Which of these activities do people usually do at Thanksgiving?

The variants are:

Have street parades

Watch baseball

Have a family dinner

Watch basketball

Make a snowman

Watch American football

Check yourselves!

The right answer is:

At Thanksgiving, people usually have street parades, have a family dinner and watch American football.

Task 7.

Complete the sentence!

Thanksgiving is sometimes called…

The variants are:

“Pumpkin Day”

“Turkey Day”

“Harvest Day”

“Corn Day”

Let’s check!

The right answer is:

“Turkey Day”

Task 8.

Look at the pictures and answer the question!

What do Americans usually eat at Thanksgiving?

The variants are:

Roast chicken

Roast turkey

Mashed potatoes

Strawberry jam

Pumpkin pie

Creamed corn


Cranberry sauce

Fried eggs


Check yourselves!

The right answer is:

At Thanksgiving, Americans usually eat roast turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, creamed corn, cranberry sauce and vegetables.

Task 9.

Read the sentence and choose the right variant!

The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is held in…

The variants are:

Los Angeles

San Diego

New York


Let’s check!

The right answer is:

New York

Task 10.

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences!

Check yourselves!

The right answer is:

Musical performances, dancers, clowns and giant character balloons appear in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Santa Claus arrives at the end. His coming marks the beginning of the Christmas season.

— Well done, boys and girls!

— Now it’s time to say goodbye to everyone.

— Goodbye, friends!

— Goodbye, boys and girls!

— Goodbye!


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