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The words and word combination to speak about people in harmony with themselves

Урок 3. Английский язык 10 класс ФГОС

Данный урок познакомит учащихся со словосочетаниями, которые можно использовать для описания людей, находящихся в гармонии с собой. Один из главных героев — Мартин — расскажет о том, что нужно делать, чтобы всегда находиться в полном внутреннем равновесии.
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Конспект урока "The words and word combination to speak about people in harmony with themselves"

—   Hello, dear friends! My name is Martin Green.

—   And my name is James Wilson. We are glad to welcome you on our lesson!

—   Listen to the story about one boy whose name was Christopher.

—   Christopher had lots of friends, because he was a very sociable person.

—   The boy was the leader of his class, because he was self-confident and good-natured.

—   Every day after school, he went to the shop to buy bread and feed the ducks. They lived in the lake near his house. This made him feel content.

—   He fed them even in winter. Christopher felt self-satisfied every time he did it.

—   He made his mom to be over the moon all the time.

—   She was busy at work. At that time, Christopher helped her about the house.

—   He cooked the dinner,

—   washed the dishes

—   and vacuumed the floor every day.

—   He was such a good boy!

—   All his life the boy always looked only on the bright side.

—   Nowadays Christopher is an old man and he is so happy, that he lived a wonderful life.

Now, when you know the whole story, answer my questions:

•      Can we say that Christopher lived his life in harmony with himself?


•      Why do you think so?

Let me help you with the answers!

One. Can we say that Christopher lived his life in harmony with himself?

The answer is: Yes, we can!

Two. Why do you think so?

The answer is:

We can say so, because the author of the story used the following phrases:

“… he was a very sociable person.”

“… he was self-confident and good-natured.”

“…made him feel content.”

“… felt self-satisfied. “

“… made his mom to be over the moon…”

“… always looked only on the bright side.”

Now you see that in the lesson today we will:

•      learn the words and word combinations to speak about people in harmony with themselves;

•      talk about how to be in harmony with yourself.

Let’s look closely at these words and word combinations.

To be over the moon

It means to be absolutely happy. You can use this phrase when you want to tell about your feelings when something wonderful had happened to you.

Let’s look at the example.

—   Hey, Cody! I miss you since you moved to the USA. How do you like studying abroad?

—   Oh, Bobby, I’m over the moon. It has always been my dream to move abroad. Now I’m here. This is one of the most beneficial experiences for me. By studying here, I have the opportunity to meet new people and to learn more about a foreign culture.

To be good-natured

It means to be very friendly. We can say that about a person who has desire to be helpful to other people. It’s so easy for them to deal with such person, because he or she is always nice and gentle.

Look at the example.

—   Mr. Jones, look at you! You look so tired. Let me be on the stick today, please! I really worry about you.

—   Oh, how sweet of you! You are such a good-natured boy, but don’t worry. I’m fine. At this moment, you are too young to control the ship, but I’m sure that in the future you’ll be the captain of your own ship.

To be or to feel content

It means to be satisfied with your situation. We say that about a person who lives a happy life and makes other people happy. Contented people don’t need any changes in their lives. They appreciate everything they have and live every moment of their lives with a great pleasure.

Look at the example.

—   Benjamin, look at this house! It’s so huge and beautiful. Would you like to have such house?

—   No, of course not, Oswald. I have already bought a wonderful house. Yes, it’s small, but so comfortable. I would rather have my small house than this huge one.

—    Oh, Benjamin, you are such a content person. You always appreciate what you have. I want to be like you!

To be sociable

It means to have a desire to talk to different people, to share your opinion and emotions with them. Sociable people are usually very friendly. They enjoy meeting other people and spending time with them.

Look at the example.

—   Dad, could you give me your car for a week, please?

—   Robert, why do you need my car for such a long time?

—   Well… Today I’m going to the soccer game with Bobby. Tomorrow Larry and I are going to the cinema to watch “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom”. On Wednesday, Jillian and I are visiting our friends in Liverpool. On Thursday, Jennifer and I are going to the swimming pool. And on Friday, Monika and I are going for a picnic together.

—   Robert, since when did you become such a sociable person?

To be or to feel self-confident

It means to be certain in yourself. Such people never doubt anything. Their behavior is calm. They are sure in their own abilities and knowledge. The synonym of this word combination is self-assured.

Look at the example.

—   Arthur, did you draw these portraits?

—   Yes, I did, Dennis! I’m really proud of these paintings. I will take them to the art exhibition. I’m sure I’ll win the prize for the best portraits of this year.

—   Look at you! You are so self-confident.

—   Of course! I just know that I’m a great artist.

To be or to feel self-satisfied

It means to be pleased with yourself. Such people are proud of themselves. They have no desire to criticize themselves at all. Self-satisfied people love themselves and happy about their life situation. They think that they achieved everything they wanted.

Look at the example.

—   Hello, Mr. Smith! We would like to interview you for our newspaper “The Guardian”. We have only one question.

—   Sure. Go ahead, ask your question!

—   Okay, Mr. Smith, you are already a very rich man. What are your future plans?

—   Well, I don’t have any plans. I achieved everything I wanted in my life. I have a wonderful family and a beautiful daughter. I also have my own business, comfortable house and two cars. I feel self-satisfied.

—   This is a great answer! Thank you for the interview.

To be in high spirits

It means to be extremely happy and very excited. We can use this phrase when we want to say that everything is just great! People say “I am in high spirits” when they have desire to live and enjoy their lives.

Look at the example.

Amy was in a very high spirit. It was St. Valentine’s Day. She was waiting for her husband Frederick. He was about to come home. The woman bought him a present. It was his favourite gold watch, which he wanted for a very long time. Amy was so excited that she couldn’t wait to see Frederick’s reaction to her present.

To look on the bright side

It means to see only the best in people or different situations. We can say that people always look on the bright side if they stay calm and optimistic even in the worst life situations. They try to notice only good things.

Look at the example.

It was a rainy day. Felix wanted to go to work, but he forgot to take his umbrella.

When he decided to return home, he slipped and fell into a puddle.

Felix always looked on the bright side of things!

That’s why his first thought was: “Well, I didn’t want to wear these trousers anyway!”

Remember! When we use these phrases, we must put the verb “to be” into the necessary form. This form depends on the time of speaking.

If we talk about the present, we use the following forms: am, is, are.

Am is used with the pronoun: I.

Is with the pronouns: he, she, it.

And are with the pronouns: you, we, they.

For example: I am over the moon. He is good-natured. They are content.

If we talk about the past, we use the following forms: was, were.

Was is used with the pronouns: I, he, she, it.

And were with the pronouns: you, we, they.

For example: She was sociable. You were self-confident.

If we talk about the future, we use the form: will be.

Will be is used with all the types of pronouns.

For example: She will be self-satisfied. They will be in high spirits.

Now let’s discuss how to be in harmony with yourself.

You should follow these rules:

1. Fill your life with love and kindness.

It means that you need to forget about being angry or judging somebody. Keep in mind that no one in this world is perfect. Stop regretting about the past or about something that you didn’t do in the past. You don’t need negative emotions!

2. Love yourself.

It means that you must understand what you’re worth. Treat yourself with self-respect and as if you are a rare diamond or a chest of gold. Never listen to other people’s opinion of you. Remember about the English proverb “so many men, so many minds”. You will never be perfect for everyone, so just be perfect for yourself.

3. Accept the people you love just the way they are.

You loved them for who they are. So, please, stop trying to change them. The only person you can change is yourself.

4. Get rid of people who make you feel guilty, insecure and pathetic.

Such people are so unhappy that they make everyone around them unhappy by humiliating these people.

5. Always find the time for the books, education and learning something new.

When you are learning something, your mind is staying young, active and sharp. Read different books. Don’t be lazy and spend time on education whether you are ten or ninety years old.

6. Appreciate your life and people in your life.

Many people very often try to find something much better. In the end, they usually lose everything. This happens, because they don’t appreciate what they have. These people often start thinking about what they have just after they have already lost it. Appreciate everyone in your life. Be grateful that these people were sent to your life. Treasure every moment of your life.

7. Stop wasting time on your external beauty.

Think more about your inner beauty. This is the most important thing in a person. No one likes beautiful people with ugly souls.

8. Forgive people.

It doesn’t mean that if someone hurts you so awfully, you will pretend that it never happened. Just forgive these people, and then never let them appear in your life again. This way you won’t keep negative emotions and anger in your heart. This will also help you to open your heart to other wonderful people.

—   These simple rules will help you to be in harmony with yourself!

—   In addition, this is very important, because if you are in harmony with yourself, your life will be filled with love and joy.

—   We were glad to see you on our lesson. See you soon!


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