
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. Part 4

Урок 27. Английский язык 2 класс ФГОС

Урок расскажет учащимся четвёртую часть истории про городскую мышь и деревенскую мышь. Затем ребята смогут проверить свои знания, выполнив два упражнения по данной истории.
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Конспект урока "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. Part 4"

Toy Box

Toys in the toy box

Come alive!

Walk and talk

on the count of five

1, 2, 3, 4, 5…

- Hello, our dear friends! My name is Maggie. I’m a doll.

- Hello, everyone! My name is Benny. And I’m a teddy-bear.

- Hello, boys and girls! I’m Legoman!

- Welcome to our lesson!

- We are happy to see you!

- All right! Now we can start our lesson.

And today in the lesson we will:

Сегодня на уроке мы:

· tell the story of the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse;

расскажем историю про городскую мышь и деревенскую мышь;

· learn new words and revise the old ones;

выучим новые слова и повторим старые;


· put the knowledge into practice.

и применим знания на практике.

- First of all, let’s learn new words and revise the old ones.

- You’ll need them to understand the story of the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse.

- And the words are…


The translation is:

Отлично, замечательно

Listen and repeat after me!

Great… Great…

For example:

Fiona, you look great today!

Фиона, ты выглядишь замечательно сегодня!


It’s translated as:


Listen and repeat after me!

Help… Help…

For example:

Michael, could you help me carry this table?

Майкл, ты не мог бы помочь мне перенести этот стол?


Много, достаточно

Listen and repeat after me!

Plenty… Plenty…

For example:

Julia has got plenty of money.

У Джулии много денег.

Take a seat

Садиться, присаживаться

Listen and repeat after me!

Take a seat… Take a seat…

For example:

Megan, take a seat, please!

Мэган, присаживайся, пожалуйста!

Ice cream


Listen and repeat after me!

Ice cream… Ice cream…

For example:

My mum bought an ice cream for me.

Моя мама купила мне мороженое.



Listen and repeat after me!

Burger… Burger…

For example:

Maria put ketchup on her burger.

Мария полила свой гамбургер кетчупом.



Listen and repeat after me!

Chips… Chips…

For example:

Cristopher loves eating chips!

Кристофер любит есть чипсы!



Listen and repeat after me!

Milk… Milk…

For example:

Kate drinks milk every day.

Кейт пьёт молоко каждый день.


Место, город

Listen and repeat after me!

Place... Place...

For example:

Paris is a very noisy place.

Париж – это очень шумный город.



Listen and repeat after me!

Delicious... Delicious...

For example:

Grace, this cake is so delicious!

Грэйс, этот торт такой вкусный!

Run away

Убегать, сбегать

Listen and repeat after me!

Run away… Run away…

For example:

Bryan ran away when the fire started.

Брайен убежал, когда начался пожар.

Now let’s revise all these words once again.

Listen and repeat after me!




Take a seat

Ice cream






Run away

- Well done, boys and girls!

- Now listen to the story of the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse.

- And the story is…

- Come on, Country Mouse, it’s great in my house!

- Oh, yes, I agree!

- There’s also plenty to eat. Country Mouse, please, take a seat!

- Oh, okay!

- Here you are, Country Mouse!

- Thank you, Town Mouse! Oh, what’s this?

- This is an ice cream!

- Wow! This ice cream is so delicious!

- Oh, I’m happy to hear that, my friend! By the way, I also have got a burger, chips and milk.

- Oh, wow! You’ve got lots of delicious food!

- Yes, it’s true, Country Mouse!

- Town Mouse, I just love your place!

- Oh, thank you! I love it too!

- Woof-woof!

- Town Mouse, what’s this?

- Oh, it’s a dog! Run away, Country Mouse!

- Oh, no! I’m afraid of dogs! Town Mouse, help me, please! The dog wants to eat me!

That’s the whole story, boys and girls!

Now we would like to check your knowledge. 

Task 1.

Match the pictures with the sentences!

Соотнесите картинки с предложениями!

The pictures are…

And the sentences are…

Let’s check the right answers.


By the way, I also have got a burger, chips and milk.


Wow! This ice cream is so delicious!


Oh, it’s a dog! Run away, Country Mouse!


Come on, Country Mouse, it’s great in my house!


Town Mouse, help me, please! The dog wants to eat me!

Task 2.

Look at the pictures and unscramble the words!

Посмотрите на картинки и расшифруйте слова!

The pictures are…

Let’s check.

The right answers are:





Now look at the following pictures…

Check yourselves.

The right answers are:


Ice cream


Run away

- Well done, boys and girls!

- Now it’s time to say goodbye to everyone.

- Oh, yes, you’re right, Legoman! Goodbye, everyone!

- Goodbye, boys and girls!

- Goodbye!


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