
How to write a resume?

Урок 18. Подготовка к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Часть 2

В ходе данного урока учащиеся выучат определение понятия «резюме». Также они узнают, как правильно написать резюме для своего будущего работодателя.
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Конспект урока "How to write a resume?"

Getting a job is a very difficult period in the life of most people. No matter what method of job hunting you use, the employer will definitely ask you for a resume.

Most companies require a resume before seriously considering a job candidate from the outside. Resumes are sometimes also required in order to receive a job transfer within a company.

The purpose of a resume is to help you obtain a job interview, not a job. Very few people are hired without a personal interview. So if you want to get a job interview, you should write a good and effective resume.

And today in the lesson we will:

● learn the definition of the term “a resume”;

● discuss how to write an effective resume;


● put the knowledge into practice.

First, let’s answer the question:

What is a resume?

A resume is a document that describes your qualifications, education and the jobs that you have had. You are often asked to send a resume when you are applying for a job. The purpose of this document is to demonstrate that you have the necessary skills to do the job for which you are applying.

Effective resumes are straightforward and factual presentations of a person’s experience and accomplishments. They are neither over detailed nor too sketchy. A general rule is that two or three pages in length is the best. One-page resume seems too superficial. A four-page (or longer) resume may irritate an impatient employment official.

You also need to know that…

An effective resume includes your:

personal information,



work experience,





Now let’s answer the question:

How to write an effective resume?

1. You should create the format for your resume!

Are you going to break each section up with a line?

Are you going to put each section in its own box?

Are you going to list all of your information?

It’s all up to you! Play around with different formats to see which looks most professional.

Try to avoid double columns. These are difficult to read for both a human and an Applicant Tracking System. Ensure that you have adequate spacing. Don’t attempt to squeeze too much information on a single page. You can use different types of formatting to highlight the most relevant content.

2. You should write your personal information!

List your name, surname, address, telephone number and email at the top of the page. It’s important to make your name and surname a size larger than the rest of the text, because your reviewer will want to know who he or she is reading about.

It is up to you how you format this information. Standard format would be to have your name and surname in the centre of the page. Your home address should be listed in a block format on the left side of the paper. Put your telephone number and email below your home address.

3. You should write a personal profile!

Writing a personal profile is an optional part of the resume that is good for giving your reviewer a deeper look at you as a person. This is where you sell your skills, experiences and personal qualities. It should be original and well written. Use positive words such as "adaptable", "confident" and "determined".

For example:

A motivated, adaptable and responsible Computing graduate seeking a position in IT company, which will use the professional and technical skills developed through past work experiences in this field. I have a methodical, customer-focused approach to work and a strong drive to see things through to completion.

4. You should create a section for your education and qualifications!

The section for your education and qualifications can be at the beginning of your resume or you can choose to list it after other sections. The order of sections is up to you.

List your education in reverse chronological order. Begin with university if you are attending or attended it and work your way backwards. Write the name of your university, the dates you went there, the field of study and the degree you obtained.

The section for your qualifications is an optional part of your resume. It should contain a list of your professional training, courses and qualifications.

5. You should write about your work experience!

The section for your work experience should include the information about the jobs that you have had. List the name of the company, your position in the company, the years you worked there and what you did.

Start with your most recent job and work backwards. If you have a long list of work experience, put only those experiences that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

6. You should create a section for your skills and achievements!

The section for your skills and achievements should include the things you accomplished at your previous jobs and the skills you have developed through your experiences.

7. You should write about your interests!

It is important to write about your interests, because it helps to demonstrate you are a well-rounded person who is engaged in extracurricular activities and the community. You should mention only your relevant interests and avoid listing too many hobbies.

8. You should check your spelling and grammar!

Once you finish writing your resume, don’t forget to check your spelling and grammar. Poor spelling is the quickest way to get rejected. Double check that you have spelled the name of the company correctly as well as any companies you have worked for in the past.

Don’t just check for mistakes, but also check to make sure that you keep the same tone and style of language throughout. Make sure you don’t have any sentences that suddenly sound informal in the middle of a professional resume.

9. You should get someone else to read your resume!

It’s often easier for someone who didn’t write the document to catch mistakes, because they don’t know what it was meant to say. Ask your friends and family members to read your resume and point out any issues they noticed with your spelling and grammar.

10. You should check the company’s application page!

See if there is any specific information they want you to list in your resume. There might be specific directions listed on the application page. Companies may ask for a cover letter or samples of your work. You should always double check this.

Boys and girls, we’ve learnt the definition of the term “a resume”.

We’ve also discussed how to write an effective resume.

Now we would like to check your knowledge.

Complete the sentences below with the missing words!

Check yourselves!

The right answer is:

A resume is a document that describes your qualifications, education and the jobs that you have had. You are often asked to send a resume when you are applying for a job. The purpose of this document is to demonstrate that you have the necessary skills to do the job for which you are applying.

Now… Answer the question!

What does an effective resume include?

Let’s check!

The right answer is:

An effective resume includes…

Achievements, interests, qualifications, work experience, skills, personal information and education.

Now… Look through the resume and fill in the gaps with the words from the box!

Let’s check the right answers!

1. Address

2. Telephone number

3. Email

4. Skills

5. Achievements

6. Interests

7. Name

8. Surname

9. Personal profile

10. Education

11. Work experience

That’s all for now! In conclusion, I would like to say that your resume is the most important tool when applying for a job. If it’s poorly presented or badly written, you are going to have trouble getting the job you want or even an interview.


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