
Quiz “The nervous system”

Урок 16. Английский язык 11 класс ФГОС

Нервная система – это самая сложная и загадочная система в нашем организме. Учёные знают гораздо больше о взрывах звёзд в миллиардах световых лет от нас, чем о работе нашего мозга. Но всё же есть основные факты, которые известны многим. Их знание мы и проверим в этом видео.
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Конспект урока "Quiz “The nervous system”"

Hello friends,

The nervous system is probably the most mysterious and complicated system in our body. Yet without it, none of the other systems could function optimally.

Scientists know more about stars exploding billions of light years away than they know about the brain.

But there are some basic and common facts that all of us know. Let’s check your knowledge.

Anyway, don’t worry if you do the tasks incorrectly… answers are provided for you to check or learn something new.

Here we go!

1. The human body is made up of a system that enables us to access our five senses. What are they?

1. taste

2. sight

3. touch

4. smell

and 5. sound.

2. Match the parts of the brain 1 to 6 with their names a to f.

3. Match the parts of the brain with their functions.

1. Cerebrum is responsible for intelligence, memory, personality, emotion, speech and the ability to feel and move.

2. Hypothalamus controls automatic processes such as body temperature and appetite.

3. Thalamus carries messages from the sensory organs like the eyes, ears, nose and fingers to cerebrum.

4. Cerebellum controls balance, movement and coordination and the brain stem.

5. Pituitary Gland produces and releases hormones to control growth, metabolism, our response to stress and many other things.

4. Do the puzzle and say the name of the nerve cell.

And the answer is NEURON.

5. There are four types of neurons:

1. Sensory.

2. Motor.

3. Receptors.

4. Interneurons.

What are their functions?

Sensory neurons deliver electrical signals from the outer parts of the body — the glands, muscles, and skin — into the CNS.

Motor neurons carry signals from the CNS to the outside parts of the body.

Receptor neurons sense the environment (light, sound, touch, and chemicals) around you.

Interneurons sends messages from one neuron to another.

6. Did you know that you have ________ different pairs of nerves that connect your central nervous system to the rest of your body, and that ________ of these nerve pairs connect to the brain, while the remaining ones connect with the spinal cord?

Complete the gaps.

a) 100 / 25

b) 43 / 12

c) 75 / 43

Correct answer is b).

7. When germs invade your body, chemical messages are sent to the brain. Your brain tells white blood cells to start working harder to fight off the bacteria.

What do you feel when white blood cells are defending your body from incaders?

a) fever

b) hiccup

c) itching

Correct answer is a).

8. They say that there are more nerve cells in the human brain than there are … Continue the saying.

a) people in the world

b) sand in the desert

c) stars in the Milky Way.

They say that there are more nerve cells in the human brain than there are stars in the Milky Way.

If we lined up all the neurons in our body it would be around 965 km long.

9. The human nervous system is divided into two parts and include the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). What are they distinguished by?

a) by their location in the body.

b) by their functions in the body.

c) by their size.

Correct answer is a) They are distinguished by their location in the body.

The CNS is located in the skull and vertebral canal of the spine. It includes the nerves in the brain and spinal cord. All remaining nerves in other parts of the body are part of the PNS.

10. In newborns, the brain is known to grow three times during a year. As we grow older the brain loses it weight. How much do we lose every year?

a) a gram

b) 10 grams

c) 100 grams

Correct answer is a) a gram

11. Can the spinal cord execute certain actions on its own, without the brain?

a) Yes

b) No

Yes, it can. The reflex action triggered when we touch a hot object is one of the best examples of the same. Or a chicken can run away and wave its wings for some time after its head is chopped off.

12. In humans, the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, while the left side of the brain conrols the right side. Agree or disagree with the statement.

You were right, if you said YES! That’s amazing, but it’s true!

13. What Russian writer had the heaviest brain in the world?

a) Fyodor Dostoevsky

b) Lev Tolstoy

c) Ivan Turgenev

The heaviest known normal human brain belonged to the Russian writer Ivan Turgenev, who died in 1883. His brain weighed 2012 grams. The average male brain weighs around 1400 grams.

14. The brain uses more than пауза____ % of the body’s total energy production. Choose the correct option.

a) 20%

b) 50%

c) 80%

Though the brain makes up 2% of the body’s weight it uses more than 20 % of the body’s total energy.

This energy is used whether we are awake or asleep. It is a well-known fact that the brain works tirelessly even during sleep.

15. The autonomous nervous system has two important functions. It is activated under emergencies and stress conditions and transmits two signals? What are they?

a) “fight” or “flight” (=run away)

b) “cry” or “fly” (=run away)

c) “shout” or “doubt”

The autonomous nervous system transmits two signals a)“fight” or “flight” (=run away).

Moreover, males and females tend to deal with stressful situations differently. Males are more likely to respond to an emergency situation with aggression (fight), while females are more likely to flee (flight), turn to others for help, or attempt to tend and befriend.

16. According to a study men and women’s brains are different: men have 6.5 more gray matter in their brain than women, but women have 10 times the amount of white matter than men. What are these matters responsible for? Match.

The brain’s gray matter works like a computer in the body, while the white matter acts as the cables that allow the gray matter to communicate with other gray matter.

17. Look at the picture and say what the brain’s biggest part is made up of?

a) water

b) fat

c) salt

Your brain is made up of about 75 percent water.

18. How long does the brain can stay alive without oxygen?

a) 30 minutes

b) 10-15 minutes

c) 4-6 minutes

The brain can stay alive for 4 to 6 minutes without oxygen. After that cells begin to die.

19. Only a small part of the brain is active.

There are over 100 billion cells in the brain. However, only 4% of these cells are active and involved in electrical impulse generation and transmission. What does the rest of the cells do?

a) they’re spoilt cells

b) they are in a dormant or resting phase.

c) they keep waiting for an order to start “fighting”

20. The brain’s structure is static; it doesn’t change with acquiring new knowledge.

Agree or disagree with the statement.

The statement is completely wrong!

The structure and density of the brain of a baby vary significantly with a teenager or an adult. This is due to the learning process which contributes towards the development of new neuronal connections in the brain. The more we learn, the more electrical connections are generated in our brains.

As they say – practice makes perfect!

And the most important fact for you to remember is that the nervous system cannot efficiently repair itself.

So take care and don’t get stressed too much!


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