
What’s your favourite food?

Урок 15. Английский язык 2 класс ФГОС

В ходе этого урока учащиеся узнают о том, как спрашивать о чьей-то любимой еде, а также выучат новые слова по теме «Еда».

Конспект урока "What’s your favourite food?"

Toy Box

Toys in the toy box

Come alive!

Walk and talk

on the count of five

1, 2, 3, 4, 5…

- Hello, our dear friends! My name is Maggie. I’m a doll.

- Hello, everyone! My name is Benny. And I’m a teddy-bear.

- Hello, boys and girls! I’m Legoman!

- Welcome to our lesson!

- Today we have a guest.

- It’s an alien.

- His name is Logo.

- Hello, Maggie, Benny and Legoman!

- Hello, Logo! We are happy to see you!

- I’m happy to see you too.

- All right! Now we can start our lesson.

And today in the lesson we will:

Сегодня на уроке мы:

· learn how to ask about someone’s favourite food;

узнаем, как спрашивать о чьей-то любимой еде;

· learn new words;

выучим новые слова;


· put the knowledge into practice.

и применим знания на практике.

- Boys and girls, let’s start!

- First of all, we will learn new words on the topic “Food”.

- And the words are…

A burger

The translation is:


Listen and repeat after me!

A burger… A burger… A burger…

The plural form is:



For example:

I will have a burger with fries, please!

Мне гамбургер с картофелем фри, пожалуйста.


It’s translated as:


Listen and repeat after me!

Chips… Chips… Chips…

For example:

Dad, could you buy me a bag of chips?

Папа, ты мог бы купить мне пачку чипсов?

An apple


Listen and repeat after me!

An apple… An apple… An apple…

The plural form is:



For example:

An apple fell from the tree.

Яблоко упало с дерева.

A banana


Listen and repeat after me!

A banana… A banana… A banana…

The plural form is:



For example:

Jillian is eating a banana.

Джиллиан ест банан.

A sandwich


Listen and repeat after me!

A sandwich… A sandwich… A sandwich…

The plural form is:



For example:

Mum, I had just one sandwich for lunch!

Мама, я съел на обед всего один бутерброд!



Listen and repeat after me!

Chocolate… Chocolate… Chocolate…

For example:

Jack, I just love eating chocolate!

Джэк, я просто обожаю есть шоколад!



Listen and repeat after me!

Yummy… Yummy… Yummy…

For example:

Lora, this cake is really yummy!

Лора, этот торт очень вкусный!



Listen and repeat after me!

Give… Give… Give…

For example:

Could you give me this book, please?

Ты могла бы дать мне эту книгу, пожалуйста?

Now let’s revise all these words once again.

Listen and repeat after me!

A burger



An apple


A banana


A sandwich             





Great! Now let’s learn how to ask about someone’s favourite food.

To ask about someone’s favourite food we can use the following question:

What’s your favourite food?

The translation is:

Какая твоя любимая еда?

Listen and repeat after me!

What’s your favourite food?

What’s your favourite food?

What’s your favourite food?

For example:

- Jennifer, what’s your favourite food?

- Oh, I just love eating pizza!

Now look at the screen, please!

Maggie, Benny, Legoman and Logo are in the kitchen.

Let’s listen to their dialogue!

- Maggie, could you give me the apple, please?

- Yes, of course, Logo! Here you are!

- Thank you so much!

- You’re welcome.

- Apples are my favourite food. Maggie, what’s your favourite food?

- My favourite food is burgers.

- Oh, really?!

- Yes! Burgers are yummy! Legoman, what’s your favourite food?

- Oh, I just love eating chips.

- Benny, what about you? What’s your favourite food?

- Oh, I love bananas!

That’s the whole dialogue, boys and girls.

Now let’s check your knowledge.

Task 1.

Answer the questions.

Ответьте на вопросы.

1.    What’s Logo’s favourite food?

Let’s check.

The right answer is:

Logo’s favourite food is apples.

2.    What’s Benny’s favourite food?

Let’s check the right answer.

Benny’s favourite food is bananas.

3.    What’s Legoman’s favourite food?

Let’s check.

The right answer is:

4.    Legoman’s favourite food is chips.

What’s Maggie’s favourite food?

Let’s check the right answer.

Maggie’s favourite food is burgers.

Task 2.

Unscramble the words.

Расшифруйте слова.

And the words are…

Let’s check the right answers.

The first word is “burger”.

The second word is “sandwich”.

The following word is “yummy”.

And the fourth word is “chocolate”.

Now look at the following words.

Let’s check the right answers.

The fifth word is “chips”.

The following word is “apple”.

The seventh word is “give”.

And the last word is “banana”.

- Well done, boys and girls!

- Now it’s time to say goodbye to everyone.

- Oh, yes, you’re right, Legoman! Goodbye, everyone!

- Goodbye, our dear friends!

- Goodbye, boys and girls!


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