Today millions of people all over the world learn foreign languages.
The knowledge of foreign languages is becoming increasingly important in today’s globalized world. People, who know foreign languages, are necessary for the development of technologies, economy and arts in modern society.
Nowadays there are lots of language schools, private teachers and manuals for self-tuitions to choose from. However, if you want to be fluent in any foreign language, you should be ready to study a lot.
So, today in the lesson we will:
● talk about the most important international language in the world;
● talk about the importance of learning foreign languages;
● discuss how to learn any foreign language quickly;
● put the knowledge into practice.
There are a lot of foreign languages in the world, but the most important international language today is English.
One billion people speak the English language. That’s 20 per cent of the world population.
English is the most widespread language on the Earth. It has become the standard language of summit meetings and international conferences.
English is the language of businesspeople and scientists, politicians and diplomats, sportsmen and singers.
The latest discoveries are published in English. 80 per cent of all information in the world’s computers is in English. The English grammar and vocabulary that is used in public speaking, radio and television, books and newspapers is known as “standard British English”. It is taught in colleges and universities and is spoken by educated people.
Now let’s listen to Madison. She would like to tell you about the importance of learning foreign languages.
“Hi, I’m Madison and I would like to tell you why it is important to learn foreign languages. Learning foreign languages is essential if you are going to build a successful career, if you are planning to travel around the world or if you want to get further education abroad. People want to learn foreign languages to write to their pen friends or to communicate with them personally.
They also want to read works of famous writers in the original.
If people know foreign languages, they can enjoy foreign films and music.
A person who learns a foreign language, at the same time gets acquainted with the culture of the country, its literature, history and geography.”
We’ve talked about the importance of learning foreign languages, especially the English language. Now…
Complete the sentences!
Let’s check the right answers!
1. The most important international language in the world is English.
2. English has become the standard language of summit meetings and international conferences.
3. 80 per cent of all information in the world’s computers is in English.
4. Learning foreign languages is essential if you are going to build a successful career.
5. People learn foreign languages to write to their pen friends or to communicate with them personally.
6. If people know foreign languages, they can enjoy foreign films and music.
– Now look, everyone! This is Jake.
– Jake, how many foreign languages do you know?
– Well… I know seven foreign languages. And they are English, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Chinese, French and German.
– Oh, wow! That’s impressive!
– Thank you, guys!
– Jake, is it easy to learn a foreign language?
– To tell the truth, it’s not so easy! But if you follow my tips, you will be able to learn any language you want.
– Oh, cool. And what are the tips?
– Well…
1. You should learn basic phrases!
It’s more important to master basic phrases than it is to start off by learning the alphabet or the perfect sentence structure. For example, if you study English, you should learn phrases like:
How are you?
What is your name?
And so on.
2. You should focus on the 100 most common words!
Mastering basic vocabulary is probably one of the most important things you can do when you learn a new language. Even if you can’t understand whole sentences, the ability to pick out keywords can help you to understand the general meaning of a speech or text.
3. You should work on pronunciation!
Pronunciation is the key to being understood by native speakers. There’s no point in memorizing hundreds of words and phrases if you pronounce them so oddly that they can’t be understood. Therefore, when you learn a new word, it’s important to learn the pronunciation simultaneously.
4. You shouldn’t worry about perfect grammar!
The main reason why many people can’t remember most of the language is that they spend a huge amount of time on learning grammar and very little time on speech. If you want to learn a language quickly, you should learn how to converse first.
Of course, there’s no denying that grammar is really important. The point is that you shouldn’t spend hours and hours learning verb tables by heart or worrying about the specific circumstances in which a certain preposition can be used. The specifics of grammar will come later.
5. You should practise speaking!
Try to find a friend or colleague who speaks the language you wish to learn and who would be willing to sit down with you and help you practise. If you can’t find anyone who speaks your language nearby, try to connect with someone online.
6. You should watch foreign films and listen to foreign music!
Possibly the easiest thing you can do is watch television shows or films in the language you are trying to learn. To make things easier, try to watch shows or films whose plots are familiar to you.
Watching foreign films and listening to foreign music can help you quickly improve your listening and speaking skills.
7. You should read children’s books and simple texts!
You should start reading at a basic level. This will help you learn easy vocabulary. As your language level progresses, you can move on to more advanced reading materials like newspapers and magazines.
8. You should study the language every day!
When you study the language only once or twice a week, you forget a lot of things that you’ve already learned. As a result, you have to waste a lot of time reviewing these things. If you study every day, the material that you learned the day before will be fresh in your mind. It means that you’ll spend less time in review.
Guys, if you follow my tips, you will be able to learn any foreign language quickly.
You’ve just listened to Jake’s tips. Now…
Read the sentences and say if they are true or false. Correct the false sentences!
1. You should learn basic phrases!
2. You should focus on the 500 most difficult words!
3. You should watch foreign films and listen to foreign music!
4. You should practise speaking!
5. You should study the language once or twice a week!
6. You should read adult books and difficult texts!
7. You should work on pronunciation!
8. You should worry about perfect grammar!
Let’s check the right answers!
1. True
2. False (You should focus on the 100 most common words!)
3. True
4. True
5. False (You should study the language every day!)
6. False (You should read children’s books and simple texts!)
7. True
8. False (You shouldn’t worry about perfect grammar!)
That’s all for now! In conclusion, I would like to say that if you know foreign languages, you will be able to get a good job, build a successful career, travel abroad and so on. Learning foreign languages is essential if you want to explore the world and develop your personality.