
Artistic and cultural life in Russia and English-speaking countries

Урок 13. Подготовка к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Часть 2

С помощью этого видеоурока ребята узнают о художественной и культурной жизни в России, США и Великобритании. Также учащиеся смогут проверить полученные знания, выполнив три интересных упражнения.
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Конспект урока "Artistic and cultural life in Russia and English-speaking countries"

Art is the creation or expression of what is beautiful, especially in visual form. It consists of drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, music, ballet, etc.

When we speak about art, we connect this notion with culture. Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and social institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation.

So, today in the lesson we will:

● talk about artistic and cultural life in Russia, the UK and the USA;


● put the knowledge into practice.

First, let’s talk about artistic and cultural life in Russia.

Russia is a country with long-standing cultural traditions. It is the homeland of many world-famous artists, writers, poets, sculptors, musicians and dancers.

Russia is famous for its icon painting which it inherited from Byzantium. The art of icon painting started in Russia at the end of the 10th century. Andrey Rublyov was one of the most famous medieval Russian icon painters.

Russia is proud of its famous artists, whose pictures people can see in different picture galleries. Among them are:

Valentin Serov

Ilya Repin

Viktor Vasnetsov and a lot of others.

Russia is proud of its writers and poets. Alexander Pushkin is one of them. He is considered to be the most important Russian writer and poet of all time.

Russia is also proud of many other famous writers and poets. For example:

Fyodor Dostoyevsky,

Anton Chekhov,

Mikhail Bulgakov,

Ivan Turgenev and so on.

Russia is proud of its famous musicians and composers. There are many outstanding Russian composers who wrote classical music. Among them are:

Dmitri Shostakovich,

Sergey Rachmaninov,

Pyotr Tchaikovsky and many others.

Russia is also rich in young talents. There are a lot of modern singers, writers, artists, actors and film directors. All of them will make their contribution into Russian culture and art.

We’ve talked about artistic and cultural life in Russia. Now…

Read the sentences and say if they are true or false. Correct the false sentences!

1. The art of icon painting started in Russia at the beginning of the 9th century.

2. There are a lot of modern singers, writers, artists, actors and film directors in Russia.

3. There are many outstanding Russian composers who wrote classical music.

4. Andrey Rublyov was one of the most famous medieval British composers.

5. Pushkin is considered to be the most important Russian writer and poet of all time.

Let’s check the right answers!

1. False (The art of icon painting started in Russia at the end of the 10th century.)

2. True

3. True

4. False (Andrey Rublyov was one of the most famous medieval Russian icon painters.)

5. True

Now let’s talk about artistic and cultural life in the UK.

Artistic and cultural life in Britain is rather rich. Many British composers, sculptors, painters, writers, actors, singers and dancers are known all over the world.

The theatre has always been very strong in Britain. Its centre is London, where successful plays can sometimes run without a break for many years. For example, the musical “Cats”.

Britain is proud of its poets and writers. William Shakespeare is one of them. He is considered to be the greatest dramatist of all time.

Great Britain is also proud of:

Arthur Conan Doyle,

Charles Dickens,

Jane Austen,

Thomas Hardy and many other poets and writers.

Many people in the literary world say that British literature at the end of the 20th century has lost its way. But many others disagree with this opinion. “The Lord of the Rings” is called the greatest book of the 20th century. And Tolkien is called one of the greatest writers.

Everyone knows Joanne Rowling with her famous books about Harry Potter. Nowadays a lot of children and adults read her books with great pleasure.

The British music scene is extremely varied. There are many different types of music and groups. One of the most popular groups of the 1960s was “the Beatles”.

Britain is also proud of its classical musicians. Among them are:

William Byrd,

Henry Purcell,

Edward Elgar,

Arthur Sullivan and many others.

London is one of the greatest classical music centres of the world. Every night English and international musicians perform in the concert halls and opera houses.

We’ve talked about artistic and cultural life in the UK. Now…

Complete the sentences!

Let’s check the right answers!

1. William Shakespeare is considered to be the greatest dramatist of all time.

2. The theatre has always been very strong in Britain.

3. One of the most popular groups of the 1960s was “the Beatles”.

4. Everyone knows Joanne Rowling with her famous books about Harry Potter.

5. London is one of the greatest classical music centres of the world.

6. “The Lord of the Rings” is called the greatest book of the 20th century.

Now let’s talk about artistic and cultural life in the USA.

Artistic and cultural life in America is very diverse. There are a lot of writers, actors, singers, painters, sculptors, musicians and innovators in other fields who have won fame both at home and abroad.

The most significant developments in American art emerged in the years following the Second World War. Abstract expressionism became the first American art movement to attract the attention of artists abroad. Among the movement’s leaders were Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning and Mark Rothko.

During this period American sculpture developed new styles of their own. For example, Alexander Calder was known for his innovative mobiles and monumental public sculptures. David Smith was the first sculptor to work with welded metals.

The reaction to abstract expressionism continued with a movement called “pop art”. The important figures in the pop-art movement were Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. Andy Warhol was famous for his multiple rows of soup cans and portraits of Marilyn Monroe. Roy Lichtenstein was recognized for his imitation of well-known comic strips.

Unique forms and styles of music have been invented in America. Ragtime, blues, jazz, country-western, rock and roll, rock and the musical were all born in America.

Closely tied to developments in American music was modern dance, which emerged in America as a new art form. The first and most influential leader of the movement was Isadora Duncan.

The most famous and popular place in America is Hollywood. This place has gained its wide popularity due to the developed film industry in it. Such famous film studios as Paramount Pictures, Universal and Warner Brothers have made Hollywood world famous. Many great directors, producers, film actors and screenwriters live and work there.

We’ve talked about artistic and cultural life in the USA. Now…

Match the two parts of the sentences!

Let’s check the right answers!

1. The first and most influential leader of the modern dance movement was Isadora Duncan.

2. Alexander Calder was known for his mobiles and monumental public sculptures.

3. Hollywood has gained its wide popularity due to the developed film industry in it.

4. David Smith was the first sculptor to work with welded metals.

5. Andy Warhol was famous for his multiple rows of soup cans and portraits of Marilyn Monroe.

6. Roy Lichtenstein was recognized for his imitation of well-known comic strips.

That’s all for now! In conclusion, I would like to say that the cultural heritage of Russia, Britain and America is enormous and priceless indeed. And people in these countries keep it up and are very proud of it.


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