
Three Little Kittens

Урок 11. Занимательный английский 5–7 классы

В данном видеоуроке главные герои придут на урок английской литературы. На этом уроке ребята познакомятся со сказкой «Три маленьких котёнка», а также послушают стихотворение с таким же названием.
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Конспект урока "Three Little Kittens"

– Hello, boys and girls! My name is Charlie.

– Hello, everyone! I’m Kevin.

– Hello! I’m Mr. Foster. And I’m Charlie’s father.

– Welcome to our lesson.

– We are happy to see you!

– Dad, today is our last day before autumn holidays.

– Yes, I know that, Charlie.

– Can I stay at home? I don’t want to go to school today.

– No, Charlie, you mustn’t miss the lessons!

– Oh, come on, daddy! Kevin’s mum allowed him not to go to school today.

– Well… I’m not Kevin’s mum. That’s why you have to go to school!

– Okay. I’m sorry, Kevin, but I have to go to school now. Can we play computer games in the evening?

– Sure. No problem! By the way, I can go to school with you if you want.

– Oh, really?! That would be awesome!

– Great! In this case, let’s go!

– Let’s go!

– Our first lesson today is English literature.

– Yes, that’s right! Oh, look! Our teacher is here!

– Hello, Mr. Black!

– Hello, students! Sit down, please!

– Mr. Black, it’s our last day before autumn holidays. What are we going to do today?

– Well… You’ve got two options here. You can have an ordinary lesson, or you can sit quietly and listen to a fairy tale and a poem. Which option do you choose?

– Definitely the second one!

– Okay. Great!

– Mr. Black, what is the name of the fairy tale that you’re going to read us?

– Well… It’s called “Three Little Kittens”.

– Sounds interesting!

– Oh, trust me, students, you will enjoy this story.

– Okay. And what is the name of the poem?

– Well… It’s also called “Three Little Kittens”.

– Oh, wow! Okay. We are ready to listen!

– Fantastic! In this case, let’s start!

So, today in the lesson we will:

learn new words and revise the old ones;

● listen to the fairy tale and the poem;


● put the knowledge into practice.

– Students, before I read the story “Three Little Kittens” to you, let’s learn some new words and revise the old ones. You will need these words to understand this story.

– Okay, Mr. Black!

– Fantastic! And the words are…




Собака, пёс





Run away

Убегать, сбегать

Crawl away


Fly away





Неприятность, трудность, затруднение


Друг, подруга


Милый, очаровательный

Great! Now listen to the story “Three Little Kittens”.

Once upon a time there were three little kittens.

They lived with their mother in a little house in the country. One morning the kittens came to their mother and asked her:

“Dear mummy, can we go to the field and play there? Meow-meow.”

“Yes, of course, my little kittens! But be careful, please!”

“Okay. Thank you!”

After that three little kittens ran to the field. They ran and ran when suddenly they met a large dog.

The dog terrified the kittens, so they started running away from him. The dog ran after them.

The little kittens started to run faster and faster. Finally, they could break away a little bit from the dog, but the dog continued to follow them and didn’t stop.

On their way three little kittens met a beautiful bird. The kittens saw that the dog was far away, so they decided to stop for a minute and talk to the bird.

“Where are you running, little kittens?”

“We are running away from the large dog. Meow-meow.”

“The dog wants to eat us.”

The bird got frightened and said:

“Oh, no. In this case, you should hurry!”

“Yes, you are absolutely right. Goodbye, beautiful bird!”

“Goodbye, little kittens.” – said the bird and flew away.

Three little kittens continued to run. The dog was running after them. The kittens ran and ran when suddenly they met a harmless green snake. The dog was far away from them, so they decided to stop for a minute and talk to the snake.

“Where are you running, dear friends?”

“We are running away from the dog. Meow-meow. The dog is so large!”

The snake got frightened and said:

“Oh, no, little kittens! You should run as fast as you can.”

“You are absolutely right. Goodbye, green snake!”

“Goodbye, little kittens!” – said the snake and crawled away.

Three little kittens continued to run. The dog was running after them. Suddenly, the little kittens ran onto a long piece of wood. They had to stop, because there was water all around. Three little kittens had nowhere else to run, so they cried:

“Oh, no! Meow-meow. We are in trouble now!”

“Help! Help!”

Then the smiling dog ran up to the kittens and said:

“I’m so excited and happy to run with all of you! Let’s be friends!”

“Wait! What? Don’t you want to eat us?”

“No, I don’t want to eat you! I want to be friends with you! You are so cute!”

The little kittens were shocked and, at the same time, happy to hear that.

After that the large dog and the little kittens became best friends.

– Oh, that was an interesting story, Mr. Black!

– I’m glad to hear that, students. Now let’s find out how carefully you listened to this story.

– Oh, okay.

Put the sentences in the correct order!

Let’s check the right answers!

Once upon a time there were three little kittens who lived in a little house in the country.

One morning three little kittens ran to the field and met a large dog.

The dog terrified the kittens, so they started running away from him.

Three little kittens met a beautiful bird.

The kittens met a harmless green snake.

Suddenly, the little kittens ran onto a long piece of wood.

Three little kittens had nowhere else to run, so they started crying for help.

After that the large dog and the little kittens became best friends.

– Well done, students! Now I will read you the poem “Three Little Kittens”. But before I do that, let’s learn some new words.

– Okay, Mr. Black!

– Fantastic! And the words are…


Варежки, рукавицы


Плакать, кричать, плач, крик


Очень, весьма, значительно


Бояться, боязнь, страх


Непослушный, капризный





Great! Now listen to the poem “Three Little Kittens”.

Three little kittens,

They lost their mittens,

And they began to cry,

“Oh, mother dear,

We greatly fear

That we have lost our mittens!”

“Lost your mittens,

My naughty kittens!

Then you shall have no pie.

Meow, meow, meow.

No, you shall have no pie.”

Three little kittens,

They found their mittens,

And they began to cry,

“Oh, mother dear,

See here, see here,

Our mittens we have found!”

“Put on your mittens,

My clever kittens,

And you shall have some pie.

Purr, purr, purr.

Oh, let us have some pie.”

– Wow! That was a wonderful poem!

– Yes, it’s true, students! Now let’s find out how carefully you listened to this poem.

– Sure! No problem!

Answer the questions!

What did the three little kittens lose?

The variants are:

The kittens lost their scarves.

The kittens lost their gloves.

The kittens lost their mittens.

The kittens lost their boots.

Check yourselves!

The right answer is:


What did the kittens get when they found their mittens?

The variants are:

The kittens got some meat.

The kittens got some pie.

The kittens got some chocolate.

The kittens got some cheese.

Let’s check!

The right answer is:


– Well done, students!

– Thank you, Mr. Black!

– And thank you for the interesting lesson.

– You’re welcome! All right, everyone! The lesson is over. Goodbye, students!

– Goodbye, Mr. Black!

– That’s all for today, boys and girls!

– See you soon.


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