
Phrasal verb GO

Урок 11. Английский язык 8 класс ФГОС

Очередной фразовый глагол, который мы рассматриваем в данном уроке, – go. Основные значения глагола — "идти, ехать". Благодаря предлогам этот глагол приобретает все новые значения, которые мы детально рассмотрели и наглядно продемонстрировали на примерах. И не забывайте, что без практики нет совершенства! Поэтому грамматический практикум является замечательным дополнением к данному уроку.
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John: Hi guys,

Today we’re going to go over another set of phrasal verbs. It’s the turn of “GO”. Time goes by very quickly, so let’s get started.

As you might remember, phrasal verbs are very common in spoken and written English. So we need them to understand and speak natural English.

Phrasal verb is a verb followed by a preposition or an adverb;

the combination creates a meaning different from the original verb.

The verbs with “GO” are very popular in English.

In its primary meaning the phrasal verb “GO” is translated like: идти, ехать.

But if it is used with any of these prepositions: back, off, out, through, on, together, aside, down, after, around, away, by, for and over it has a completely different meaning and some of them have more than one.

So let’s consider all of them.

Go after means to follow someone or something in order to catch them.

E.g. The police went after him but he got away.

In the alphabet B goes after A.

Go around/round

The first meaning is to be enough for everyone – хватать на всех (за столом, в компании).

E.g. Is there enough coffee to go round or shall I make some more?

Another meaning is to move from place to place, to circulate – посещать, осматривать.

E.g. Would you like to go round the flat?

One more meaning is to move or spread from person to person – передаваться, распространяться (о новости, болезни) = go about.

E.g. There's a cough going around.

Go away means to leave – покидать, оставлять, уходить.

E.g. If you take an aspirin your headache will go away.

Don't go away. Please wait here.

Did you stay at home or did you go away over the holidays?

Go back

The first meaning is to return (to some place, state, etc.) – возвращаться (на место, к мыслям, к работе, и т.д.).

E.g. He has completely recovered and can go back to work.

Another meaning is to not keep a promise or one’s word – нарушать, отказываться (от своих слов, обещаний).

E.g. Jason is totally unreliable and always goes back on his word.

Go by

The first meaning is to move past, in space or time – проходить около или мимо чего-либо; идти (о времени).

E.g. Could you buy a paper for me if you go by the newsagents?

Another meaning is to follow something or use information provided by something or someone – действовать в соответствии с чем-либо, судить о чем-либо.

E.g. If you go by his advice, you will make a serious mistake.

Go down

The first meaning is to move down to a lower level or place – снижаться, опускаться; садиться (о солнце).

E.g. We sat on the beach and watched the sun go down.

Another meaning is to be defeated in a contest – потерпеть поражение.

They went down 3-0 to Austria.

Go for

The first meaning is to move somewhere in order to do something – пойти, чтобы сделать что-то.

E.g. He's gone for a walk but he should be back soon.

Another meaning is to decide on, to choose – одобрять, предпочитать, нравиться.

E.g. I don’t go for this plan.

One more meaning is to try to achieve – пытаться получить.

E.g. She is going for the gold medal at the national championships.

Go for also means to apply to; have relevance for – иметь отношение к чему-либо.

E.g. What goes for one does not necessary apply to all.

Go off

The first meaning is to stop working (of a light or machine) – отключаться (о свете, приборах).

E.g. I can’t hear you well. The microphone must have gone off.

We may also say that food or drink goes off meaning that it stops being good to eat because it’s too old – портиться.

E.g. Don’t drink the milk. It’s gone off.

One more meaning is to give a sudden loud sound – шуметь, звенеть.

E.g. Didn’t you hear your alarm clock going off this morning?

Go for also means to happen in a particular way – проходить гладко, успешно (о мероприятии).

E.g. The concert went off well.

Go on

The first meaning is to continue – продолжаться (о действии) = go along.

E.g. Go on! I could listen to you sing all day.

Another meaning is to happen – случаться.

E.g. What’s going on here?

One more meaning is to be switched on – включаться (о приборах).

E.g. The lights go on automatically at 6 o’clock.

Go out

The first meaning is to go outside – выходить, уходить.

E.g. He went out to feed the cat when the door flew shut.

Another meaning is to go to an entertainment – сходить куда-нибудь развлечься.

E.g. They love to go out on weekends to the movies.

One more meaning is to be exhausted of a fire or light.

E.g. Happiness went out of his face.

Go through

The first meaning is to undergo a difficult period or experience – испытать, пережить.

E.g. He’s going through a hard time at work.

Another meaning is to examine, study carefully – проверять, просматривать.

E.g. I went through all my papers but I couldn’t find the letter.

One more meaning is to be officially approved or completed – быть одобренным.

E.g. The deal went through.

Go up

The first meaning is climb (the stairs, the hill)

E.g. He went up the stairs to his room.

Another meaning is to rise – расти, повышаться.

E.g. The prices have gone up again.

Go with

The first meaning is to match or suit – сочетаться, гармонировать.

E.g. Do you think this top goes with my shirt?

Another meaning is to accompany – сопутствовать, составить компанию.

E.g. I am going with Jill to school.

Go without means to not to have something – обходиться без чего-либо.

E.g. Few people can go without water for more than a week.

I’d rather go without food than work for him.

Now let’s check up your knowledge of phrasal verb with GO.

Look at the pictures. What phrasal verbs with GO do we use in this situation.

1. go after

2. go round

3. go off

4. go away

5. go up

6. go with

7. go by

8. go out

9. go down

That’s all for today.

Hopefully the lesson was informative and useful to you, guys!

Practise your grammar skills because practice makes perfect!


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