
An introduction to someone new

Урок 1. Английский язык 4 класс ФГОС

Урок расскажет учащимся о том, как вести себя при знакомстве с новыми людьми. Ребята изучат основные фразы, которые помогут завести разговор. В конце урока учащиеся смогут закрепить полученные знания путём выполнения задания.
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Конспект урока "An introduction to someone new"

Hello, my dear friends! My name is Bobby.

And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

Welcome to our lesson.

We will be helping you to learn English during this year.

The three of us will also do our best to make the videos interesting for you to watch.

Let’s start our lesson.

Today we have two guests.

Their names are Loki and Odie.

They came from Kenya. It’s in Africa.

And they don’t know English at all.

Loki and Odie really want to find friends here.

Let’s help them.

As you can understand, today in the lesson we will:

·        talk about an introduction to someone new;


·        put the knowledge into practice.

First of all, if you want to make friends with somebody, you need to know how to introduce yourself to them.

Let’s revise some phrases which you’ll need to do that.

Firstly, when you meet new people, you need to greet them.

You can say “hello”. The translation is “здравствуйте”. You need to use this word if you greet people who are older than you. This way you will show your respect and politeness to them.

And you can say “hi”. The translation is “привет”. You can use this word to greet people of your age or who are younger than you.

There is also the word “hey”. It can also be translated as “привет”, but you need to know that this word is not suitable when you meet new people. You had better say “hey” to someone you know.

Secondly, when you meet new people, you need to tell them your name.

You can do that with the help of the following phrase “My name is …”. The translation is “Меня зовут …”.

After that you need to ask the person to tell you his or her name.

To do that you can use the phrase “What is your name?”. It can be translated as “Как тебя/вас зовут?”.

Now when you know the name of the person, you need to show that you are happy to meet him or her.

To do that you can use the following phrases:

·        Nice to meet you.

·        Glad to meet you.

·        Good to meet you.

·        Happy to meet you.

·        How wonderful to meet you!

·        I’m pleased to meet you.

·        I’m glad to meet you.

·        I’m happy to meet you.

·        It’s nice to meet you.

·        It’s good to meet you.

·        It’s very lovely to meet you.

·        It’s a pleasure to meet you.

If you tell your new friend one of these phrases, this will definitely help you to start your acquaintance on a positive note.

Let’s look at the following examples.

The first example:



My name is Cody. What is your name?

My name is Alex.

Nice to meet you, Alex.

Nice to meet you too, Cody.

And the second example:



My name is Mr. Wilson. I’m your new boss. What is your name?

My name is Mr. Green. I’m the manager of this firm.

I’m glad to meet you, Mr. Green.

I’m glad to meet you too, Mr. Wilson.

If you know the name, but don’t know the surname, you can ask your new friend to tell you this information using the phrase “What is your surname?”. The translation is “Какая у тебя/вас фамилия?”. And you’ll probably hear the answer “My surname is …”, which can be translated as “Моя фамилия …”.

For example:

Alex, what is your surname?

My surname is Johnson. And what about you, Cody? What is your surname?

My surname is Jackson.

If you don’t know the age of the person, you can ask: “How old are you?”.  The translation is “Сколько тебе/вам лет?”. The answer will be “I’m …” or “I’m … years old”, which can be translated as “Мне …” or “Мне … лет”.

For instance:

Alex, how old are you?

I’m 16 years old and how old are you?

I’m 17 years old.


Alex, how old are you?

I’m 16 and how old are you?

I’m 17.

Pay attention! When we tell someone our age, we can say, for example, I’m 26 or I’m 26 years old, but we cannot say: I’m 26 years. It’s a serious mistake.

If you want to know where your new friend lives, you can ask him or her “Where are you from?”. The translation is “Откуда ты/вы?”. Your friend will probably answer: “I’m from …”, which can be translated as “Я из …”.

Let’s look at the following example:

Alex, where are you from?

I’m from France and where are you from, Cody?

I’m from Spain.

If you want to keep in touch with your new acquaintance, it would be better for you to ask him or her for a phone number. You can do that with the help of the following phrase “What is your phone number?”. The translation is “Какой у тебя/вас номер телефона?”.

Look at the example:

Alex, what is your phone number? I would like to call you tomorrow.

My phone number is 465-15-75. And what is your phone number, Cody?

My phone number is 789-99-74.

After learning basic information about the person you have just met, you can continue the conversation by asking him or her more general questions.

This will help you to find out what you and your new friend have in common! Here are some of these questions:

·        What do you like to do?

·        Do you like …?

·        Do you watch …?

·        Can you …?

And so on.

Let’s look at the following example:

Alex, what do you like to do?

Oh, Cody, I like playing football and listening to music.

Cool! Do you like listening to rock music?

No, I like listening to pop music. What about you? What do you like to do?

Well… I like playing the guitar and watching horror films.

Do you watch romantic films?

No, I don’t! It’s for the girls.

Ha-ha. Yes, you’re right!

After you’ve talked for a while, you may want to continue the conversation and can ask for more details about your new friend’s work, studies or interests.

If you don’t want to continue talking, you should end the conversation politely. To do that you can use the following phrase “It was nice to meet you! See you later.”. The translation is “Было приятно познакомиться с тобой/вами! До свидания.”.

For instance:

Alex, I have to go now. It was nice to meet you. See you later.

See you, Cody.

Guys, we have revised some phrases which you can use when you meet new people.

Now we would like to check your knowledge and see how attentive you were.

Put each conversation in the correct order.


Listen and check yourselves.

Hello. My name is Sparky. What is your name?

My name is Pinky.

Nice to meet you, Pinky.

Nice to meet you too, Sparky.

Pinky, how old are you?

I’m 4 years old and how old are you?

I’m 5 years old. Pinky, where are you from?

I’m from Russia and what about you? Where are you from?

I’m from Belarus.

Oh, Sparky, I have to run. I was happy to meet you.

I was happy to meet you too. See you later.

See you.



Let’s listen and check.

Hi. My name is Rocky.

Hi, Rocky. And my name is Terry.

What is your surname?

My surname is Adamson. And what is your surname?

My surname is Jenkin.

It’s good to meet you, Rocky.

It’s good to meet you too, Terry.

Rocky, what do you like to do?

I like playing hockey. And what do you like to do?

I like working in the garden. Rocky, I need to go home now. It was nice to meet you.

It was nice to meet you too, Terry. Bye.

Thank you for your help.

Thank you.

You’re welcome.

Before the lesson Loki and Odie knew only this phrase, but now they know how to introduce themselves to someone new.

That’s all for today, our dear friends.

See you soon, boys and girls.


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