
Christmas stories

Урок 5. Занимательный английский 5–7 классы

Данный видеоурок познакомит ребят с такими рождественскими историями, как «Рождественская песнь» и «Счастливый снеговик». В конце урока учащиеся смогут проверить свои знания, выполнив два интересных упражнения.
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Конспект урока "Christmas stories"

– Hello, everyone! My name is Kevin.

– Hello! I’m Charlie.

– Welcome to our lesson.

– We are happy to see you!

– Ke-e-evin!

– Who is that?

– Oh, it’s my little sister June. She went to bed two hours ago. I’m sorry, Charlie, but I have to go to June’s bedroom and check on her.

– Okay. No problem. Can I go with you?

– Sure.

– Ke-e-evin!

– I’m here, June! What’s wrong?

– Kevin, I can’t fall asleep! Can you read me a story, please?

– Sure. What story would you like to hear?

– Well… Do you know any Christmas stories?

– Yes, of course. I can read you one interesting story. It’s called “A Christmas Carol”.

– Oh, cool! I can’t wait to hear it.

– Great! June, give me a minute, please! I’ll take the book and come back to you!

– Okay.

So, today in the lesson we will:

learn new words;

● read the stories “A Christmas Carol” and “The Happy Snowman”;


put the knowledge into practice.

– June, before I read the story “A Christmas Carol” to you, let’s learn some new words.

– You’ll need them to understand this story.

– Oh, okay!


Скряга, скупой


Хитрый, коварный


Думающий (только) о деньгах


Призрак, привидение




Исчезать, пропадать




Измученный, уставший




Похороны, погребение

Great! Now listen to the story “A Christmas Carol”.

Everyone was excited that Christmas was just around the corner. Everyone except the old miser, Mr. Scrooge. He shouted at the children who were singing and dancing happily and told them not to make any noise. He was a very cunning and money-minded man.

It was Christmas Eve and everybody was wishing each other “Merry Christmas!”, but Scrooge just sat inside his home all alone.

Suddenly, the ghost of Christmas past appeared in front of Mr. Scrooge. The ghost took him to the past and pointed to the little boy reading a book alone. Mr. Scrooge looked at the boy and said:

“Wait! That’s me in my childhood! It’s not possible. Is it a dream?”

“No, it’s not a dream.”

“I remember that day. My parents left me all alone.”

The ghost showed Scrooge how lonely he was when he was a child. The boy was always alone every Christmas. In a while Scrooge yelled:

“Spirit, take me back! I can’t bear it any longer.”

After those words the ghost disappeared and Scrooge found himself in his own bed again. He was very exhausted and sank into a heavy sleep.

Afterward, the ghost of Christmas present appeared in front of Scrooge. The ghost took him to a poor family’s house. There was no special meal on the table, but everybody looked very happy. Scrooge looked at them and said:

“How can they be so happy being poor?”

“It’s Christmas!” – replied the ghost and disappeared.

Next, the ghost of Christmas future appeared in front of Scrooge and took him to Scrooge’s funeral where everyone was criticizing him. The ghost made him realize that he didn’t care about anyone except for himself. Then Scrooge started begging the ghost:

“Please, give me a chance to change my future!”

After those words the ghost disappeared.

Finally, Scrooge woke up and realized that it was Christmas morning. He decided to change his future. Scrooge invited everyone to a Christmas party. That night everyone went to the greatest Christmas party ever. Since then Scrooge became the most loved man in town.

– Oh, it was a wonderful story, Kevin!

– I’m glad to hear that. Now let’s find out how carefully you listened to this story.

– Oh, okay.

Read the sentences and say if they are true or false. Correct the false sentences!

Everyone was sad that Christmas was just around the corner.

Mr. Scrooge was a very hospitable and generous man.

The ghost of Christmas past showed Scrooge how lonely he was when he was a child.

The ghost of Christmas present took Scrooge to a rich family’s house.

The ghost of Christmas future took Scrooge to his funeral where everyone was criticizing him.

When Scrooge woke up, he realized that it was Christmas morning, so he decided to change his future.

Let’s check the right answers!

False (Everyone was excited that Christmas was just around the corner.)

False (Mr. Scrooge was a very cunning and money-minded man.)


False (The ghost of Christmas present took Scrooge to a poor family’s house.)



– All right, June, now it’s time to sleep!

– No, I don’t want to sleep! Kevin, can you tell me one more story, please?

– Okay, June. One more story and then you’ll try to fall asleep.

– Okay. I agree!

– Great! The second Christmas story is called “The Happy Snowman”. But before I read this story to you, let’s learn some new words.

– Sure!




Северный олень


Дымоход, дымовая труба








Объятие, крепко обнимать


Воображать, представлять себе

Great! Now listen to the story “The Happy Snowman”.

Five days before Christmas Eve, Santa was practicing his technique of dropping down through chimneys without getting stuck. Suddenly, Donner, one of Santa’s reindeer, came to him and told the news. He said that Harry, the snowman, ran away from the village. Santa thought a little bit and said:

“Calm down, Donner! There’s nothing to worry about! We’ll find Harry and bring him back home.”

“Okay, Santa.”

“Now go and find the other reindeer!”

“What should I tell them?”

“Tell them to get ready for a search.”


When all the reindeer were ready, Santa took off to the skies to find Harry. Soon he found the snowman walking alone and heading away from Santa’s village. Santa shouted:

“Harry! Can you hear me?”

But he got no answer. Then Santa landed just beside Harry, but Harry ignored him and kept walking. After that Santa shouted again:

“Harry, please, talk to Santa. What’s wrong?”

As Harry looked at Santa, he broke down and started to cry.

“Santa, no one ever listens to me, no one has time for me! I’m just a silly worthless snowman. Nobody loves me!”

When Santa heard that, he walked to Harry, hugged him and said:

“Harry, my boy, you aren’t worthless. You are very special! Come with me, I want to show you how important you are!”

Then Harry, Santa and his reindeer took off to the skies.

As they traveled around the world, Santa showed Harry millions of snowmen all built by children with the help of their families and friends. Then Santa said:

“Look, Harry, the process of building snowmen brings people together. It’s impossible to imagine Christmas without a snowman. It will be incomplete. And I can’t imagine our family without you!”

After those words Harry became very happy. Then Harry, Santa and his reindeer went back to Santa’s village.

– Wow! The second story was also interesting!

– I’m happy to hear that. Now let’s find out how carefully you listened to this story.

– Okay!

Put the sentences in the correct order!

Let’s check the right answers!

1) Donner said that Harry, the snowman, ran away from the village.

2) When all the reindeer were ready, Santa took off to the skies to find Harry.

3) Soon he found the snowman walking alone and heading away from Santa’s village.

4) Santa landed just beside Harry, but Harry ignored him and kept walking.

5) As Harry looked at Santa, he broke down and started to cry.

6) Santa hugged Harry and told him that he was very special.

7) Harry, Santa and his reindeer went back to Santa’s village.

– Well done, June! Now it’s time for you to sleep!

– Okay. Goodnight, boys.

– Goodnight, June.

– That’s all for today, our dear friends!

– See you soon.


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