
Family and family problems. Generation gap

Урок 2. Подготовка к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Часть 2

В ходе этого видеоурока учащиеся узнают, что любая семья может столкнуться с разного рода проблемами. Это могут быть проблемы между братьями и сёстрами, между мужем и женой, между молодым и старшим поколением и многие другие.

Конспект урока "Family and family problems. Generation gap"

A family is an important part of every person’s life and of our society. It’s a little world with its own values and priorities. Close families share dreams, ideas, hopes and even possessions. It would be so nice to have our relatives always close and to be best friends. Unfortunately, it’s not possible. Because even the happiest families often have different types of problems.

So, today in the lesson we will:

● talk about family problems;


● put the knowledge into practice.

Families today face many different problems. These problems can be connected with the relationship between parents, the misunderstanding between parents and their children, the relationship between brothers and sisters and so on.

In all these situations people just have to understand it’s normal to have this kind of problems. We are people with different emotions and we can make mistakes. But it’s really important to accept mistakes and to talk to each other.

Now let’s read about the family problems of some people on the forum.

Christopher from the UK.

“Hello, I’m Christopher. And I would like to share my problem with you. My wife and I have some financial difficulties. I know that low-income families are not rare today, but the shortage of money has led to a serious problem in our family.

Three weeks ago our daughter Zoe asked us to buy her a new dress. My wife and I didn’t have any extra money, so we refused to do that. After that we had a serious quarrel and Zoe went to the store and stole the dress. We couldn’t believe that our daughter had committed a crime. It was a shock for us!

In my opinion, it’s very important to talk about the family problems openly to solve them. That’s why my wife, my daughter and I have already discussed this situation. Our daughter has admitted her mistake, so now everything is fine and everyone is happy in our family! There are many other problems which can take place in any family, but when regarded with love, respect and understanding, every problem can be solved.”

We’ve just read Christopher’s story on the forum.

Now answer the questions!

1. What problem does Christopher and his wife have?

2. What happened in Christopher’s family three weeks ago?

3. How did the man and his wife solve the problem?

4. What is Christopher’s opinion about the family problems?

Let’s check the right answers!

1. Christopher and his wife have some financial difficulties.

2. Christopher’s daughter Zoe committed a crime. She went to the store and stole the dress.

3. They discussed the situation with their daughter and she admitted her mistake.

4. Christopher thinks that it’s very important to talk about the family problems openly to solve them.

Now let’s read the following story!

Benjamin from the USA.

“Hello, I’m Benjamin! And I would like to tell you about the problem in my family. The point is that my wife and I have got four children. And the problem in our family is connected with the relationship between brothers and sisters.

They often quarrel or treat each other badly. Children want to show that they are separate from their siblings. Fearing that a brother or a sister is better at anything, they try to find out their own talents, activities and interests. They can also get jealous about parents’ attention. Our children don’t want to share! They can’t share a room, toys, clothes, etc.

Would you like to know how we cope with this problem? The answer is simple. We talk to our children all the time and tell them that we love all of them equally. We teach them to listen attentively to each other. My wife and I explain to our children that if they want people to treat them nicely, they have to treat them nicely too. Finally, it’s necessary to say that children shouldn’t be compared to one another at all!

To have a brother or a sister means to be never alone. From time to time children get sick of one another, but it’s quite natural. The main thing is that they will have a close person throughout their life.”

Guys, we’ve just read Benjamin’s story.

Now answer the questions!

1. How many children are there in Benjamin’s family?

2. What’s the problem in his family?

3. What do Benjamin and his wife do when their children treat each other badly?

4. What do they do when their children get jealous about parents’ attention?

Let’s check the right answers!

1. There are four children in Benjamin’s family.

2. The problem in his family is connected with the relationship between brothers and sisters.

3. They explain to their children that if they want people to treat them nicely, they have to treat them nicely too.

4. They tell their children that they love all of them equally.

Now let’s listen to Wendy. She wants to tell us about the problem she faced.

“Hello, I’m Wendy. The problem in my family is connected with the relationship between my husband and me. We don’t understand each other and fight a lot.

I know that more than a half of all marriages in well-developed countries end in divorce. Maybe my husband and I should divorce too. But in my opinion, children suffer greatly during a divorce.

Sometimes I think that it’s better for our children to live in a single-parent family than with two parents who are unhappy. And sometimes I think that we are their example in their future and they need both of us. So it’s better to make piece as fast as possible, because we can ruin life of our children as well.

My husband and I should talk our problems over. If we are able to do it, everything will be all right.”

Guys, you’ve just listened to Wendy’s story.

Now match the two parts of the sentences!

Let’s check the right answers!

1. In Wendy’s opinion, children suffer… greatly during a divorce.

2. Wendy also thinks that her children need… both of their parents.

3. Wendy and her husband don’t understand… each other and fight a lot.

4. More than a half of all marriages… in well-developed countries end in divorce.

5. The problem in Wendy’s family is connected with… the relationship between her and her husband.

6. If Wendy and her husband are able to talk… their problems over, everything will be all right.

Boys and girls, we’ve discussed three family problems, but we haven’t discussed such problem as generation gap.

Do you know the meaning of the term “generation gap”?

If you don’t know, we will explain it to you.

Generation gap is a difference in values and attitudes between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents.

Teenagers often consider their parents old-fashioned. And parents sometimes don’t want to understand modern views, ideals and system of values. They say that teenagers are cruel, brutal, heartless and rude.

Sometimes when parents talk to their children, they listen only to their own point of view. They say that wisdom always comes with age and that they know better. The young people, on the other hand, tend to think their times as the best. Teens look at the world with fresh eyes. Everything is new and interesting to them.

James, do you agree that children sometimes cannot solve their everyday problems?

Yes, I agree! But sometimes they want to cope with their problems by themselves. And in my opinion, adults shouldn’t prevent them from making their own mistakes.

Yeah, I think so too!

Guys, we’ve discussed such problem as generation gap.

Now we would like to check your knowledge.

Complete the sentences!

Check yourselves!

The right answers are:

1. Generation gap is a difference in values and attitudes between one generation and another.

2. Teenagers often consider their parents old-fashioned.

3. Parents sometimes don’t want to understand modern views, ideals and system of values.

4. They say that wisdom always comes with age and that they know better.

5. The young people, on the other hand, tend to think their times as the best.

6. Teens look at the world with fresh eyes. Everything is new and interesting to them.

7. Adults shouldn’t prevent their children from making their own mistakes.

That’s all for now, boys and girls! In conclusion, I would like to say that problem is something that makes us stronger. But we have to solve them to become stronger. And we need to be ready to forgive and forget bad words or actions. Also we have to remember there is no person closer in the world than our family member!


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