Үйрөнүп жаткан тилдин практикалык курсу
Список вопросов теста
Вопрос 1
Choose the right paraphrase the following using Patterns
They will never force Andrew to break his promise.
Варианты ответов
- They will never make Andrew break his promise.
- They will never make Andrew to break his promise.
- They will never make Andrew breaking his promise.
- They will never made Andrew break his promise.
Вопрос 2
Choose the right paraphrase the following using Patterns
He will not break with his bad habits, no matter what you are saying.
Варианты ответов
- Nothing will make him break with his bad habits, no matter what you are saying.
- Nothing will make him to break with his bad habits, no matter what you are saying.
- Nothing will made him break with his bad habits, no matter what you are saying.
- Nothing will make him breaking with his bad habits, no matter what you are saying.
Вопрос 3
Choose thОтвет:
e right translation using Patterns :
Что заставило вашего брата бросить бокс?
Варианты ответов
- What made your brother give up boxing?
- What made your brother to give up boxing?
- What made your brother giving up boxing?
- What made your brother gives up boxing?
Вопрос 4
Choose the right translation using Patterns :
Едва ли найдется другой тренер, такой
внимательный и терпеливый.
Варианты ответов
- There is hardly another coach as attentive and patient as this one.
- There are hardly another coach as attentive and patient as this one.
- There is hardest another coach as attentive and patient as this one.
- There is hard another coach as attentive and patient as this one.
Вопрос 5
Choose the right translation using Patterns :
Что заставило Лэнни вернуться в Стилвелд?
Варианты ответов
- What made Lanny return to Stilveld?
- What make Lanny return to Stilveld?
- What made Lanny to return to Stilveld?
- What made Lanny returning to Stilveld?
Вопрос 6
Choose the right English translation using Essential Vocabulary and word combination:
Он очень общительный человек
Варианты ответов
- He is a very sociable man.
- He is a very sociable men.
- He is a sociable man.
- He is a very sociabl man.
Вопрос 7
Choose the right translation of vocabulary notes:
производить впечателение кого-либо
Варианты ответов
- to impress smb
- to impress to smb
- to impressive smb
- to impress with smb
Вопрос 8
Choose the right translation of vocabulary notes:
при свете чего-л.
Варианты ответов
- by the light of smth
- by the light on smth
- by the light off smth
- by the light by smth
Вопрос 9
Choose the right translation of vocabulary notes:
Варианты ответов
- to get light
- to get to light
- to get the light
- to get a light
Вопрос 10
Choose the right translation of vocabulary notes:
не позволять кому-л делать что-л
Варианты ответов
- to prevent smb. from (doing) smth
- to prevent smb. (doing) smth
- to prevent smb. of (doing) smth
- to prevented smb. from (doing) smth
Вопрос 11
Choose the right answer of the text "SEEING PEOPLE OFF"
Who was Le Ros for Lady
Варианты ответов
- Le Ros was one of the seers-off.
- Le Ros was her friend
- Le Ros was her brother
- Le Ros was her father
Вопрос 12
Choose the right answer of the text "ROSE AT THE MUSIC-HALL"
Were mostly the attendants and the members of the orchestra young or elderly people?
Варианты ответов
- They were nearly all about Mrs. Burlow's age.
- There were very few young people there.
- There were very few old people there.
- There were very few people there.
Вопрос 13
Choose the right answer of the text "ROSE AT THE MUSIC-HALL"
Where were their seats?
Варианты ответов
- The seats were nice friendly little place, this music-hall, warmer and cosier and altogether more human
- Their seats were very cheap place and noisy
- There were a lot of people, where Mrs. Burlow showed them the seats
- The seats were in the balcony where could not see the play
Вопрос 14
Choose the right answer of the text "ROSE AT THE MUSIC-HALL"
Why were the actor's eyes anxious behind the mask of paint?
Варианты ответов
- The actor's health was not very well and was so old
- He was very young and his acting was not enough well
- His eyes were anxious seeing audience's' laugh
- The actor was unhappy
Вопрос 15
Choose the main character of the text "ROSE AT THE MUSIC-HALL"
Варианты ответов
- Rose
- Mrs Benny
- Ann
- Tom
Вопрос 16
The main character of the text "Seeing people off"
Варианты ответов
- The author and Le Ros
- Le Ros and the lady
- The Lady and her friends
- The author and his friends
Вопрос 17
The scene is laid of the text "Seeing peope off"
Варианты ответов
- At the railway-station
- At the airport
- At a train
- At a bus
Вопрос 18
Choose the right English translation using Essential Vocabulary and word combination:
Я сделал все возможное, чтобы помешать его отъезду.
Варианты ответов
- I've done my best to prevent him from leaving
- I've done my best to prevent him from leave
- I've done my best to prevented him leaving
- I've done my best to preventing him from leaving
Вопрос 19
Choose the right English translation using Essential Vocabulary and word combination:
Рекомендательное письмо не произвело на директора никакого впечатления.
Варианты ответов
- The letter of introduction did not impress the director at all
- The letter of introduction did not impressive the director at all
- The letter of introduction did not impressed the director at all
- The letter of introduction did not impression the director at all
Вопрос 20
Choose the right English translation using Essential Vocabulary and word combination:
Мы все были растроганы его прощальной речью.
Варианты ответов
- We were all moved by his farewell speech.
- We were all moved by his farewel speech.
- We were all moved by his farewelled speech.
- We were all moved by his farewelling speech.