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Tropical infections Lecture.

10.04.2022. Тест. Экология, Прочее
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A multiple- choice quiz for lecture points of the subject of Tropical infections consist of 15 questions, each with 4 possible answers of which only 1 is the correct answer. One correct answer 1 p

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

 Plasmodium falciparum is not characterisied:

Варианты ответов
  • causes more severe disease in pregnancy
  • is associated with recurrent relapses after initial treatment because of liver hypnozoites
  • is the only malarial parasite causing greater than 20% parasitaemia
  • is the only cause of cerebral malaria1
Вопрос 2

Amoebic liver abscess:

Варианты ответов
  • should be treated by diloxanide furoate alone
  • should be aspirated routinely
  • is associated with eosinophilia
  • usually affects the right lobe of the liver
Вопрос 3

Which of the following Plasmodium spp is considered to be the one causing a greater number of mortality rates throughout the world?

Варианты ответов
  • Plasmodium knowlesi
  • Plasmodium malariae
  • Plasmodium falciparum
  • Plasmodium vivax
Вопрос 4

A person can develop severe infections when infected with P. falciparum, the parasites grow and infect mainly red blood cells and liver cells and in severe cases may even invade the central nervous system. The malaria complications can lead to hemolytic anemia and symptoms like jaundice, discoloration of the urine can be seen.Which of the following term has been applied to this type of complication caused by P. falciparum?

Варианты ответов
  • Rift valley fever
  • Yellow fever
  • Blackwater fever
  • Kala-azar
Вопрос 5

Dengue and Malaria are both prevalent in India and an increasing number of people are dying annually from the diseases. Which of the following statements regarding malaria and dengue are Not true?

Варианты ответов
  • Dengue is transmitted via Aedes mosquitoes whereas malaria is via Anopheles mosquitoes
  • Painful eyes and skin rashes are the symptoms of dengue, not seen in malaria
  • Malaria can be treated drugs whereas there are no available drugs for the treatment of dengue
  • Malaria and dengue both are viral infections
Вопрос 6

After the penetration of cercariae of schistosomes on the skin occurs:

Варианты ответов
  • A pruritic papular rash
  • Chancre
  • Hemorrhage rash
  • Ulcer
Вопрос 7

A 35 year old  women who had not previously travelled abroad spent two months in Nepal during pre-harvesting period in rice cultivating region. After that she became ill with fever,vomiting and confusion.she is likely to be suffering from.

Варианты ответов
  • Dengue
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • Ebola
  • Hepatitis A
Вопрос 8

An incorrect statement regarding the pathogenesis of  malaria is:

Варианты ответов
  • the development of the attack is caused by the lysis of erythrocytes and the entry of the pathogen and its metabolic products into the blood;
  • with a high intensity of tissue schizogony, seizures may also develop
  • with all forms of malaria, the development of early relapses is possible;
  • malarial attacks occur when the pyrogenic level of parasitemia is reached;
Вопрос 9

A 39 years old train conductor, is hospitalized on the 4th day of illness with complaints on headache, weakness, dizziness, increased perspiration, insomnia, chills. Hyperaemia of face with edema, and conjunctivitis have been observed. On a transitional fold of conjunctiva are present some petechias. On the skin of trunk, thorax, stomach, extremities intensive roseolopetechial rash was found. During examination there was tachycardia, BP – 100/60 mm of Hg, tremor of tongue were marked. The liver, and spleen, are enlarged. Patient is constipated for 3 days. Most credible diagnosis is:

Варианты ответов
  • Epidemic typhus
  • Typhoid fever
  • Flu
  • Meningococcemia
Вопрос 10

In order to radically cure a patient with three-day malaria after the relief of paroxysms, it is necessary to prescribe a course of treatment:

Варианты ответов
  • quinine;
  • biseptol;
  • primaquine;
  • delagil
Вопрос 11

The links of the pathogenesis of typhus are not:

Варианты ответов
  • introduction of rickettsias into the body and reproduction in endothelial cells;
  • reproduction of rickettsias in lymph nodes
  • rickettsiemia and toxemia;
  • formation of blood clots and specific granulomas;
Вопрос 12

The following response options are not typical for the period of the height of typhus:

Варианты ответов
  • headache;
  • roseolar and petechial rash;
  • hepatolienal syndrome
  • delirium with hallucinations and delusions
Вопрос 13

Patient K., 45 years old, was admitted with complaints: fatigue, itchy skin, dry cough, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. Objectively: dry rales in the lungs. In blood test-eosinophilia 40%. Your diagnosis?

Варианты ответов
  • opisthorchiasis
  • enterobiosis
  • Ascariasis
  • taeniasis
Вопрос 14

The main method of laboratory diagnosis of  сlonorchiasis is:

Варианты ответов
  • microscopic examination of feces
  • serological test
  • biological method
  • allergy test
Вопрос 15

What stages of the African trypanosomiasis are found in other than

Варианты ответов
  • haemo-lymphatic stage
  • meningo-encephalitic stage
  • severe meningo-encephalitic stage
  • polio stage
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