Тесты  /  Английский язык  /  9 класс  /  Тест №2

Тест №2

22.02.2024. Тест. Английский язык, 9 класс
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/to be waiting/of/to be crowded/a/to stand/around/ to go/any where/ that/to happen.

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

1. Прочитайте текст на следующие за ним вопросы, выбери один ответ из одного вопроса ( в сумме должно было 5 ответа )


The crossword (puzzle) first appeared on December 21, 1913. Arthur Wynne created it for the New York World newspaper. Wynne gave 35 clues and called it a word-cross. The puzzle was a great success. The cross-word, as it called today, is the world's most popular game. Nearly 90 percent of the world's newspapers publish them. In the United States there are nearly thirty million fans of this game.
Most forms of games require a partner. Crosswords do not. This is, perhaps, the reason
why they attract so much attention.
Why do people do crosswords? Maybe for educational value. Most fans say that they play crosswords to check their abilities and their speed in doing the puzzle. The more they play, the more they become to solve the most difficult crosswords.
But most experts doubt that puzzles teach anything. They say the most evident reason
why the crosswords are played is that they are done just for fun.

1. What was the first crossword created by?

2. Is the crossword puzzle game popular today?

3. Are the world's newspapers interested in publishing them?

4. Why are crosswords popular?

5. What do experts think of crosswords?


Варианты ответов
  • a) for children of New York
  • b) for the New York World magazine
  • c) for the New York World newspaper
  • a) it's one of the most popular games
  • b) it's the most popular game
  • c) it's not very popular
  • a) few newspapers publish them
  • b) all the newspapers publish them
  • c) nearly all the newspapers publish them
  • a) they are cheap
  • b) they are very interesting
  • c) they can be done by one person
  • a) they are very useful
  • b) they teach people a lot
  • c) they don't teach anything
Вопрос 2

2. выберите правельные ответы.

1.Takethe pen ... the shelf.


2. I like ... lot of milk in my tea.


3. ... very far to walk.


4. o’clock is ... time when I’m allowed to come home.


5. Will you have ... cup of tea.


6. She looked ... today in her new coat.


7. Everybody failed the exam ... you.


8. It was ... advice. It helped me a lot.


9. I got ... letter from Bob.


10/ She has ... many friends.

Варианты ответов
  • 2.1 a) out of
  • 2.1 b) from
  • 2.1 c) up
  • 2.2 a) the
  • 2.2 b) -
  • 2.2 c) a
  • 2.3 a) There was
  • 2.3 b) It was
  • 2.4 a) the last
  • 2.4 b) the latest
  • 2.4 c) the least
  • 2.5 a) other
  • 2.5 b) another
  • 2.5 c) the other
  • 2.6 a) good
  • 2.6 b) well
  • 2.6 c) nicely
  • 2.7 a) except
  • 2.7 b) beside
  • 2.7 c) besides
  • 2.8 a) useful
  • 2.8 b) useless
  • 2.8 c) used
  • 2.9 a) another
  • 2.9 b) else
  • 2.9 c) more
  • 2.10 a) such
  • 2.10 b) as
  • 2.10 c) so
Вопрос 3

3. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

1.She is ... in her group

2.You ... Drink milk if you don’t want

3.The policeman asked if I ... the stranger.

4.Bob asked John ... volley-ball.

5.He always meets me at the station but today he ... me near the bus stop.

6.While he ... his dinner I explained to him what to do.

7.You ... do it in time.

8.The garden ... a lot since I was there last.

9.The teacher asked his pupils... the poem by heart.

10. ... usually does this work?

Варианты ответов
  • a) did he play
  • b) if he had played
  • c) if he played
  • a) meets
  • b) met
  • c) has met
  • a) had
  • b) was having
  • c) has had
  • a) needn’t
  • b) mustn’t
  • a) changed
  • b) has changed
  • c) had changed
  • a) learn
  • b) learned
  • c) to learn
  • a) whom
  • b) who of you
  • c) which of you
  • a) shorter
  • b) short
  • c) the shortest
  • a) cannot
  • b) needn’t
  • c) should
  • a) saw
  • b) have seen
  • c) had seen
Вопрос 4

4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

а) Составить соответствующий вопрос


Did birds fly away in autumn?


He usually has a smoke after dinner, doesn’t he?


When shall we arrive in Moscow?


Where have the pupils been taken to?


Has mother cleaned the sitting-room or the bedroom?

Варианты ответов
  • He usually has a smoke after dinner.(Disjunctive)
  • We’ll arrive in Moscow early in the morning.(Special)
  • Mother has cleaned the sitting-room.(Alternative)
  • The pupils have been taken to the playground.(Special)
  • Birds flew away in autumn.(General)
Вопрос 5

4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

б) Перевести предложения из прямой в косвенную речь


Jack told Mike that he would phone him the next day


Mary asked her father why those flowers had blossomed so soon.


He asked me how often I had my hair cut.


My mother told me not to forget to come in time that night.


My friend said, “I have enjoyed my trip to lake Baikal.”

Варианты ответов
  • I asked my friend: “When is your brother going to arrive?”
  • The teacher said to his pupils: “Learn the poem by heart if you like it.”
  • My brother said to me: ”I know these two girls quite well, we are classmates.”
  • Roy asked Bob: “Did anyone want tickets for the boxing-match yesterday?”
  • Ann said to her sister: “Will you ring her up when you learn about it?”
Вопрос 6

5. Из данных слов составить предложения


He had hardly got up when the phone rang alarmingly and loudly.


She kept asking all the difficult words instead of looking them up in the dictionary.


He hasn’t seen the old man since he came here.


They must do the work, mustn’t they? (They mustn’t do the work, must they?)


I wonder whether the old man will sell all his pictures to John.

Варианты ответов
  • /whether/I/the old man/wonder/sell/to/all/will/his/pictures/John/.
  • /hasn’t/he/the/man/seen/since/came/here/he/old/.
  • /hardly/had/up/when/loudly/phone/and/rang/alarmingly/the/he/got/.
  • /words/looking/dictionary/she/me/the/instead/in/kept/difficult/up/them/asking/all/of/the/.
  • /mustn’t/do/they/the work/must/they/?
Вопрос 7

6. Перевести с русского на английский


He said he had bought the car in Liverpool.



The report will be listened to with interest.


“Where have you put the money?” – “I’ve put it into the bag.”


Where else can this film be seen?


“Must you go to the station to meet her?”(Do you have to …?) – “No, I can’t”.

Варианты ответов
  • «Ты должен пойти на станцию встречать ее?» ― «Нет, я не могу».
  • Где еще можно посмотреть этот фильм?
  • Он сказал, что купил машину в Ливерпуле.
  • Доклад будут слушать с интересом.
  • «Куда ты положил деньги?» ― «Я положил их в сумку».
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