The First Tractors
Список вопросов теста
Вопрос 1
A ________________ is a vehicle designed to deliver a high tractive effort, commonly
called the torque, at low speeds.
Варианты ответов
- threshing machine
- agricultural steam power
- tractor
Вопрос 2
The first petrol-powered tractor was built in _______________ by the Charter Gas
Варианты ответов
- 1898
- 1889
- 1988
Вопрос 3
In 1840s a portable steam engine was __________________ .
Варианты ответов
- invent
- inventing
- invented
Вопрос 4
The first petrol-powered tractor was built in 1889 by the _______________ .
Варианты ответов
- Charter Gas Engine Encom
- Charter Gas Engine Com
- Charter Gas Engine Co
Вопрос 5
The experimental tractor built in 1892 used some traction engine components and had a _____________ petrol engine producing 20 horsepower.
Варианты ответов
- single-cylinder
- first petrol-powered
- twin-cylinder
Вопрос 6
The first successful tractor was a two-cylinder petrol-powered tractor built in 1903 in the __________________ .
Варианты ответов
- UK
- Russia
Вопрос 7
The first tractors with __________ wheels were introduced in 1908.
Варианты ответов
- 6
- 4
- 8
Вопрос 8
The first mass produced tractors were manufactured by _________ and were called the Fordson.
Варианты ответов
- Karl Sauer
- Henry Ford
- Rockefeller
Вопрос 9
By 1918 there were already about ____________ companies producing tractors in the US alone.
Варианты ответов
- 50
- 500
- 200
Вопрос 10
In 1920s tractors with petrol-powered internal ____________ _______became the industry standard.
Варианты ответов
- to use various implements
- combustion engines
- powered directly
Вопрос 11
Тяговое усилие-?
Варианты ответов
- low speeds
- tractive effort
- power
Вопрос 12
одноцилиндровый бензиновый двигатель
Варианты ответов
- single-cylinder petrol engine
- first petrol-powered tractor
- Self-propelled traction engines
Вопрос 13
Варианты ответов
- to combust
- to thresh
- to plough
Вопрос 14
A cylinder is a chamber in which combustion of fuel takes place. An engine contains minimum three cylinders and at present the number of cylinders can go up to 16. These cylinders are arranged in different configurations:
inline, V-type and ___________-type.
Варианты ответов
- W
- A
- Y
Вопрос 15
Valves are _________ to the shaft with the help of rocker-arm.
Варианты ответов
- connected
- speed
- closing
Вопрос 16
___________ are cylinders that go up and down and mix fuel and air before the ignition.
Варианты ответов
- Valves
- Pistons
Вопрос 17
____________, or gearbox, is one of the vital parts of a vehicle. Power is
delivered by ____________from the engine to the wheels, changing the torque
and the speed of the vehicle. ____________has multiple gears, and you can
switch between them as speed changes. It helps to provide maximum power
along with good fuel efficiency.
Варианты ответов
- Transmission
- Torque
- Wheelbase
- Brakes
Вопрос 18
______________ help the vehicle to slow down or stop completely. ________ are di-
vided in various categories such as primary and secondary______. The driver
presses primary _________ by foot and secondary brakes are applied by the hand.
Another classification of brakes is on the basis of construction i.e. disc ___________
and drum ________. Most of new cars come equipped with disc ________, but
some budget versions may still have rear ___________of drum type.
Варианты ответов
- Transmission
- Torque
- Wheelbase
- Brakes
Вопрос 19
Air Filter-?
Варианты ответов
- There are two types of __________: one is for car engine and the other is for the car interior.
- A _______controls the emission of the gas and reduces toxic gases by oxidation and reduction reactions.
- The______acts as a bridge from the power to the transmission. When you step on the brake the generated power is disconnected from the wheels and this allows to proceed or to drop down to the consequent gear very smoothly. If you increase the gear, you can drive at higher speed. If you reduce the gear your speed drops down. The usage of the manual transmission gives you the full control over the vehicle. When compared to automatic transmission, manual transmission is considered more cost efficient, but it’s easier to drive a car with automatic transmission.
Вопрос 20
Варианты ответов
- There are two types of __________: one is for car engine and the other is for the car interior.
- A _______controls the emission of the gas and reduces toxic gases by oxidation and reduction reactions.
- The______acts as a bridge from the power to the transmission. When you step on the brake the generated power is disconnected from the wheels and this allows to proceed or to drop down to the consequent gear very smoothly. If you increase the gear, you can drive at higher speed. If you reduce the gear your speed drops down. The usage of the manual transmission gives you the full control over the vehicle. When compared to automatic transmission, manual transmission is considered more cost efficient, but it’s easier to drive a car with automatic transmission.
Вопрос 21
Варианты ответов
- ось
- зазор; клиренс
- коленчатый вал
Вопрос 22
crankshaft -?
Варианты ответов
- ось
- зазор; клиренс
- коленчатый вал
- смещение
Вопрос 23
Варианты ответов
- шестерня; передача
- зацепка
- компрессор
- каталитический нейтрализатор
Вопрос 24
Варианты ответов
- шестерня; передача
- зацепка
- компрессор
- каталитический нейтрализатор