Test on linguistics 1st course 1st Module 20211111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Список вопросов теста
Вопрос 1
The scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of grammar, syntax, and phonetics.
Варианты ответов
- phonetic
- linguistics
- semiotics
Вопрос 2
How many branches of linguistics are there?
Варианты ответов
- 2
- 3
- 4
Вопрос 3
Morphology, Phonology, Lexicology, Semantics etc. What are they?
Варианты ответов
- aspects of linguistics
- key concepts of linguistics
- object of linguistics
Вопрос 4
It used to express people's needs or to get things done
Варианты ответов
- Personal
- Regulatory
- Instrumental
Вопрос 5
Language is used to make contact with others and form relationship
Варианты ответов
- Interactional
- Imaginative
- Representational
Вопрос 6
What is the main function of language?
Варианты ответов
- thinking
- society
- communication
Вопрос 7
is regarded by many as the creator of the modern theory of structuralism, to which his langue and parole are integral. He believed that a word's meaning is based less on the object it refers to and more in its structure.
Варианты ответов
- Andre Martini
- Ferdinand de saussure
- Panini
Вопрос 8
Swiss linguist whose ideas on structure in language laid the foundation for much of the approach to and progress of the linguistic sciences in the 20th century.
Варианты ответов
- Ferdinand de Saussure
- Yaska
- Sui Shen
Вопрос 9
Ferdinand de saussure is...
Варианты ответов
- "Father of Linguistics"
- "Father of Modern Linguistics"
- "Father of Old Linguistics"
Вопрос 10
What is the role of language in society?
Варианты ответов
- a system of communication used by a particular country or community.
- Language is the most important aspect in the life of all beings.
- I don't know
Вопрос 11
What is the relationship between language and thinking?
Варианты ответов
- The study of how language influences thought has a long history in a variety of fields.
- Language allows our minds to process this information in a consistent way
- Language does not completely determine our thoughts—our thoughts are far too flexible for that—but habitual uses of language can influence our habit of thought ...
Вопрос 12
Who said language is based on thinking?
Варианты ответов
- Sapir and Whorf
- Sui Shen
- Ferdinand de saussure
Вопрос 13
Does language control thought?
Варианты ответов
- maybe
- no
- yes
Вопрос 14
Which comes first language or thought?
Варианты ответов
- Thought
- Language
- both
Вопрос 15
What is the role of language?
Варианты ответов
- a system of communication used by a particular country or community.
- Languages are capable of developing human knowledge and extending it for the benefit of human kind
- Their role is not only limited to communication, rather it extends into the vast branches of knowledge and human sciences.
Вопрос 16
Experience, memory, association, pattern discernment and recognition, reason, invention, experimentation, and intuition. What are they?
Варианты ответов
- elements of thinking
- tools of thinking
- kinds of thinking
Вопрос 17
A classification based on the genetic principle—that is, the grouping of genetically related languages in a language family.
Варианты ответов
- Genealogical classification of languages
- Morphological classification of languages
- Areal classification of languages
Вопрос 18
Is a way of classifying the languages of the world (see linguistic typology) that groups languages according to their common morphological structures.
Варианты ответов
- morphological classification of languages
- areal classification of languages
- genealogical classification of languages
Вопрос 19
Is a type of language where words are made up of different types of morphemes to determine their meaning.
Варианты ответов
- both of them
- flexible language
- agglutinative language
Вопрос 20
Is English an Agglutinative language?
Варианты ответов
- maybe
- no
- yes