Spotlight 8 M6 (final)

Список вопросов теста
Вопрос 1
Fill in the missing words:
Sam is going to Madrid with British Airways. He has already _____ a seat.
Варианты ответов
- native
- beneath
- varied
- drive
- catch
- snaps
- missed
- sunstroke
- boat
- landmarks
- booked
- cuisine
Вопрос 2
Fill in the missing words:
You aren’t the only one waiting in this long queue. We’re all in the same _____.
Варианты ответов
- native
- beneath
- varied
- drive
- catch
- snaps
- missed
- sunstroke
- boat
- landmarks
- booked
- cuisine
Вопрос 3
Fill in the missing words:
I took some _______ at the party.
Варианты ответов
- native
- beneath
- varied
- drive
- catch
- snaps
- missed
- sunstroke
- boat
- landmarks
- booked
- cuisine
Вопрос 4
Fill in the missing words:
As he walked, the leaves crunched _______ his feet.
Варианты ответов
- native
- beneath
- varied
- drive
- catch
- snaps
- missed
- sunstroke
- boat
- landmarks
- booked
- cuisine
Вопрос 5
Fill in the missing words:
Goulash soup is part of the traditional Hungarian ______.
Варианты ответов
- native
- beneath
- varied
- drive
- catch
- snaps
- missed
- sunstroke
- boat
- landmarks
- booked
- cuisine
Вопрос 6
Fill in the missing words:
Famous for its ________ landscapes, Canada is very outdoor enthusiast’s dream.
Варианты ответов
- native
- beneath
- varied
- drive
- catch
- snaps
- missed
- sunstroke
- boat
- landmarks
- booked
- cuisine
Вопрос 7
Fill in the missing words:
We only have a few minutes to ________ the bus. Let’s hurry.
Варианты ответов
- native
- beneath
- varied
- drive
- catch
- snaps
- missed
- sunstroke
- boat
- landmarks
- booked
- cuisine
Вопрос 8
Fill in the missing words:
Oh, you poor thing! You got _____ from lying on the beach for too long.
Варианты ответов
- native
- beneath
- varied
- drive
- catch
- snaps
- missed
- sunstroke
- boat
- landmarks
- booked
- cuisine
Вопрос 9
Fill in the missing words:
I don’t know how Ann babysits those naughty children. They ____ me up the wall!
Варианты ответов
- native
- beneath
- varied
- drive
- catch
- snaps
- missed
- sunstroke
- boat
- landmarks
- booked
- cuisine
Вопрос 10
Fill in the missing words:
Ben was late going to the airport. Sadly, he _____ his flight.
Варианты ответов
- native
- beneath
- varied
- drive
- catch
- snaps
- missed
- sunstroke
- boat
- landmarks
- booked
- cuisine
Вопрос 11
Form nouns from the adjectives and verbs. (Словообразование существительных из прилагательных и глаголов (записать правильный вариант слова)
Вопрос 12
Form nouns from the adjectives and verbs. (Словообразование существительных из прилагательных и глаголов (записать правильный вариант слова)
Вопрос 13
Form nouns from the adjectives and verbs. (Словообразование существительных из прилагательных и глаголов (записать правильный вариант слова)
Вопрос 14
Form nouns from the adjectives and verbs. (Словообразование существительных из прилагательных и глаголов (записать правильный вариант слова)
Вопрос 15
Form nouns from the adjectives and verbs. (Словообразование существительных из прилагательных и глаголов (записать правильный вариант слова)
Вопрос 16
Form nouns from the adjectives and verbs. (Словообразование существительных из прилагательных и глаголов (записать правильный вариант слова)
Вопрос 17
Form nouns from the adjectives and verbs. (Словообразование существительных из прилагательных и глаголов (записать правильный вариант слова)
Вопрос 18
Form nouns from the adjectives and verbs. (Словообразование существительных из прилагательных и глаголов (записать правильный вариант слова)
Вопрос 19
Form nouns from the adjectives and verbs. (Словообразование существительных из прилагательных и глаголов (записать правильный вариант слова)
Вопрос 20
Form nouns from the adjectives and verbs. (Словообразование существительных из прилагательных и глаголов (записать правильный вариант слова)
Вопрос 21
Rewrite the following statements in reported speech.
(Из прямой речи в косвенную (записать предложение)
“I can speak French,” he said.
Вопрос 22
Rewrite the following statements in reported speech.
(Из прямой речи в косвенную (записать предложение)
“What is Norilsk like?” Misha asked Ivan.
Вопрос 23
Rewrite the following statements in reported speech.
(Из прямой речи в косвенную (записать предложение)
"Have you ever been to the USA?" he asked me.
Вопрос 24
Rewrite the following statements in reported speech.
(Из прямой речи в косвенную (записать предложение)
"They are not getting married in the spring," Patty said.
Вопрос 25
Rewrite the following statements in reported speech.
(Из прямой речи в косвенную (записать предложение)
"Do not forget to wear your sunglasses." the doctor told me.
Вопрос 26
Match to form exchanges.
I lost my luggage, but it was found and returned to me 5 days later.
Варианты ответов
- Sounds great!
- Thank goodness!
- What a shame!
- Good for you!
- It was fantastic!
Вопрос 27
Match to form exchanges.
Everything went wrong.
Варианты ответов
- Sounds great!
- Thank goodness!
- What a shame!
- Good for you!
- It was fantastic!
Вопрос 28
Match to form exchanges.
Why do these things keep happening to me?
Варианты ответов
- Sounds great!
- Thank goodness!
- What a shame!
- Good for you!
- It was fantastic!
- I don't know.
Вопрос 29
Match to form exchanges.
We are planning to spend 3 weeks on a Greek island this summer.
Варианты ответов
- Sounds great!
- Thank goodness!
- What a shame!
- Good for you!
- It was fantastic!
- I don't know.
Вопрос 30
Match to form exchanges.
Did you enjoy your trip around Europe?
Варианты ответов
- Sounds great!
- Thank goodness!
- What a shame!
- Good for you!
- It was fantastic!
- I don't know.
Вопрос 31
Fill in.
They spent a week … the seaside last summer.
Варианты ответов
- in
- at
- on
- for
- without
- off
Вопрос 32
Fill in.
I booked my holidays … advanced this year.
Варианты ответов
- in
- at
- on
- for
- without
- off
Вопрос 33
Fill in.
Please send me the information … delay.
Варианты ответов
- in
- at
- on
- for
- without
- off
Вопрос 34
Fill in.
There are many bikes … hire in Helsinki.
Варианты ответов
- in
- at
- on
- for
- without
- off
Вопрос 35
Choose the correct answer.
We ........ Paris early in the morning.
Варианты ответов
- arrived
- reached
- got
Вопрос 36
Choose the correct answer.
Ann, can you ........ a towel from the bathroom?
Варианты ответов
- bring
- fetch
- got
Вопрос 37
Choose the correct answer.
I love travelling to ...... countries.
Варианты ответов
- foreign
- strange
- curious
Вопрос 38
Choose the correct answer.
The documentary follows Columbus’ ....... to the West Indies.
Варианты ответов
- excursion
- expedition
- voyage
Вопрос 39
Choose the correct answer.
This would be a nice ........ for a picnic.
Варианты ответов
- place
- room
- gap
Вопрос 40
Comlete the correct preposition.
Tom should set ____ some money if he is going to travel abroad.
Варианты ответов
- aside
- back
- in
- off
Вопрос 41
Comlete the correct preposition.
We set …early in the morning to catch the train.
Варианты ответов
- aside
- back
- in
- off
Вопрос 42
Comlete the correct preposition.
Weather has set…already, so went camping.
Варианты ответов
- aside
- back
- in
- off
Вопрос 43
Comlete the correct preposition.
The opening of the new shopping center has been set… a few days.
Варианты ответов
- aside
- back
- in
- off
Вопрос 44
Comlete the correct preposition.
Winter has started to set .....already, so we can go skiing.
Варианты ответов
- aside
- back
- in
- off
Вопрос 45
Fill in.
The plane crashed with 157 passengers .... board.
Варианты ответов
- in
- at
- on
- for
- without
- off