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Revision of Perfect forms of Passive

29.03.2019. Тест. Английский язык, 10 класс
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Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Complete the sentence "If we want to mention the person who does the action, we can use the preposition ...".

Вопрос 2

Choose "yes" if the statements are true, choose "no" if the statements are false.

Варианты ответов
  • To form negative sentences in the Past Perfect Passive, we put the subject in first place, then we put had. After that we put the word been. And then we put the past participle of the main verb.
  • To form positive sentences in the Present Perfect Passive, we put the subject in first place, then we put: have or has. After that we put the word been. And then we put the past participle of the main verb.
  • To form positive sentences in the Past Perfect Passive, we put the subject in first place, then we put had. After that we put the word been. And then we put the past participle of the main verb.
  • To form positive sentences in the Present Perfect Passive, we put the subject in first place, then we put had. After that we put the word been. And then we put the past participle of the main verb.
  • To form questions in the Past Perfect Passive, we put the subject in first place, then we put had. After that we put the word been. And then we put the past participle of the main verb.
Вопрос 3

Look at the picture and complete the sentence "The underlined sentence is in the .... voice".

1 - active

2 - passive

Вопрос 4

Choose "yes" if the statement is true, choose "no" if the statement is false.

If we change the sentence "I have watched the films" into the passive voice, we'll get "The films have been watched by me".

Варианты ответов
  • Да
  • Нет
Вопрос 5

Put the words in the correct order.

"To form negative sentences in the Present Perfect Passive we use ...".

Варианты ответов
  • the subject
  • have or has
  • particle not
  • been
  • past participle of the main verb
Вопрос 6

Look at the picture and complete the sentence "The underlined sentence is in the _______ _______ passive".

Вопрос 7

Complete the sentence "The active voice describes ...".

Варианты ответов
  • the sentences where the object is acted upon by the verb
  • the sentences where the subject performs the action stated by the verb
  • the sentences where the subject is acted upon by the verb
  • the sentences where the subject performs the action stated by the noun
  • the sentences where object performs the action stated by the verb
Вопрос 8

Choose the right statements.

Варианты ответов
  • The passive voice describes the sentences where the subject is acted upon by the verb.
  • We use passive voice when we want to focus on the action.
  • The construction of the sentences in the passive voice is easy to read.
  • The construction of the sentences in the active voice is difficult to read.
  • The construction of the sentences in the active voice is easy to read.
Вопрос 9

Read the sentence and choose the right variant.

"The dishes are washed by Jessica every day.".

In this sentence "are washed" is the ...

Варианты ответов
  • verb in the active voice
  • object
  • verb in the passive voice
  • subject
  • conjunction
Вопрос 10

Match the sentences with the active or passive voice.


Active voice


Passive voice

Варианты ответов
  • I bought a cake yesterday.
  • The mouse was caught by the cat.
  • Robert fixed the fridge.
  • The scarf will be bought by Emma.
  • The cakes are made by my sister.
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