Connections between people

Список вопросов теста
Вопрос 1
Complete the dialogue.
- Hello, Rony. I wanted to thank you for your hard work yesterday. I think you .......... a holiday.
- Oh, thank you, Mrs. Mills.
Вопрос 2
Complete the sentence: "The word ......... means to tell someone that you will certainly do something".
Варианты ответов
- to quarrel
- to promise
- to deserve
- to avoid
- to praise
Вопрос 3
Complete the sentence: "The word ......... has two meanings".
The meanings are:
1. to stay away from someone or something;
2. to prevent something from happening or not to allow yourself to do something.
Варианты ответов
- to deserve
- to promise
- to quarrel
- to avoid
- to praise
Вопрос 4
Choose the right variants.
The word "patience" means ...
Варианты ответов
- The ability to run very fast
- The ability to suffer without complaining
- The ability to wait
- The ability to continue doing something despite difficulties
- The ability to read other people's thoughts
Вопрос 5
Look at the picture and choose the appropriate word.
1 - Severe
2 - To avoid
3 - To deserve
4 - To praise
5 - Patience
Вопрос 6
Look at the picture and choose the appropriate word.
1 - Severe
2 - To avoid
3 - To promise
4 - To praise
5 - Patience
Вопрос 7
Complete the sentence: "The word ......... means to disagree angrily".
Варианты ответов
- to deserve
- to promise
- to avoid
- to quarrel
- to praise
Вопрос 8
Choose the right variants.
The word "severe" means ...
Варианты ответов
- Very serious
- Not kind or sympathetic
- Causing great pain, difficulty, damage, etc.
- Very optimistic
- Very kind
Вопрос 9
Choose the right variants.
The word "decent" means ...
Варианты ответов
- to be of a good quality
- to be strange
- to be kind and generous
- to be of a bad quality
- to be of a socially acceptable standard
Вопрос 10
Complete the dialogue.
- Tyler, how was your first day at school?
- Oh, Joe. It was awful! I had a .......... with my English teacher.