3-курс 2-модуль. Анс-17 к 1. Башталгыч класстарда чет тилин окутуунун усулу
Список вопросов теста
Вопрос 1
… is the active use of language to express meanings so that other people can make sense of them.
Варианты ответов
- Speaking
- Listening
- Writing
Вопрос 2
To speak with respect to grammar and pronunciation - …
Варианты ответов
- to speak accurately
- to speak fluently
- to speak loudly
Вопрос 3
To speak with respect to speed and natural flow of the language.
Варианты ответов
- to speak fluently
- to speak accurately
- to speak loudly
Вопрос 4
Hello! Hi! How are you? I'm fine. And you? Who is missing? Where is Adam? Good-bye!
See you tomorrow! - What principle is it?
Варианты ответов
- Build classroom routines in English.
- Use speaking activities that reflect real-life communication
- Use speaking activities that are developmentally appropriate.
Вопрос 5
In classrooms, teachers use lots of dialogs to practice speaking, particularly ones found in the textbook. These dialogs usually reflect real-life tasks, like greetings, buying something at a store, visiting a doctor, asking for directions, asking for the time, etc. What principle is it?
Варианты ответов
- Use speaking activities that reflect real-life communication
- Build classroom routines in English.
- Use speaking activities that are developmentally appropriate.
Вопрос 6
The teacher can elicit examples based on students’ personal lives. This is a way to check comprehension and give them a chance to express something about themselves.
T: Where is your house?
S: It's on Jumeirah Road.
Варианты ответов
- Personalizing
- Repetition
- Question and Answer
Вопрос 7
.. .. … the teacher involves the students in reading together, using something as a pointer (a long stick, a laser pointer, or even the bouncing ball of a karaoke song in some EYL videos) with a big book (if the class is small), a video of a book, a PowerPoint, or a book projected on an interactive whiteboard or from a document reader.
Варианты ответов
- In shared reading
- Reading aloud
- Independent reading
Вопрос 8
. In a … … the teacher works with small groups of children who are at the same reading level. The goal is to let the children read, noting problems they have with specific words or punctuation, and providing support and modeling reading strategies for the children to practice (Herrell, 2000).
Варианты ответов
- Guided reading
- Reading aloud
- In shared reading
Вопрос 9
. … … is an approach that uses learner’s oral language as the basis of a written story. The learners (a class, small group, or individual student) dictate their “story” to someone who is a more competent writer (usually the teacher, but it may also be an older, more proficient student), who writes what the learners dictate.
Варианты ответов
- Language experience
- Phonics way
- Whole language way
Вопрос 10
… … … … focuses on accuracy, providing controlled or guided activities to help children learn the basics of writing, working on spelling, grammar, and mechanics, in a bottom-up fashion.
Варианты ответов
- A product-based approach
- A process-based approach
- A book-based approach
Вопрос 11
Beginning readers needs multiple opportunities to hear stories, poems, songs, chants, and other texts read aloud by the teacher, with opportunities to chime in where words or lines are repeated.
Варианты ответов
- Reading aloud
- Shared reading
- Silent reading
Вопрос 12
Something to communicate -
Варианты ответов
- topic
- alphabet
- sound
Вопрос 13
A reason to write—to inform, entertains, remember, express feelings
Варианты ответов
- purpose
- audience
- form
Вопрос 14
The example below shows a controlled interaction with students repeating after the teacher. The teacher is providing a model of the Q&A interaction.
T: Repeat after me. Where is the school?
Ss: Where is the school?
T: It's on Main Street.
Ss: It's on Main Street.
Варианты ответов
- Repetition
- Question and answer
- Giving examples
Вопрос 15
Children learn parts of a song where repetition and rhyme are present, pointing to the words written on the board or as they are projected. Some songs provide many opportunities for children to participate.
Варианты ответов
- Reading aloud
- Shared reading
- Silent reading
Вопрос 16
In .. … … … to writing the primary goal is for children to express their ideas, to construct meaning and to explore their linguistic and other resources. Writing is a thinking process, and in that process children will be learning. It takes children through a series of steps to help them construct and communicate their ideas, focusing on expression in the early stages, and only being concerned with accurate grammar or mechanics in the final stages.
Варианты ответов
- A process-based approach
- A different approach
- A book-based approach
Вопрос 17
… is a process of relating written symbols to language, of constructing meaning from written text (Goodman, 2005), or “ sense and deriving meaning from the printed word” (Linse, 2005, p. 69).
Варианты ответов
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking
Вопрос 18
. 1. Use a variety of activities to improve both accuracy and fluency.
2. Build classroom interaction by giving students plenty of opportunities to participate.
These principles are … principles
Варианты ответов
- Speaking
- Writing
- Reading
Вопрос 19
… is a process of relating written symbols to language, of constructing meaning from written text (Goodman, 2005), or “ sense and deriving meaning from the printed word” (Linse, 2005, p. 69).
Варианты ответов
- Reading
- Speaking
- Listening
Вопрос 20
As Cameron (2001) explains, “Discourse in young learner classrooms should follow patterns children find familiar, from their home and family, or from their school experience and should not demand more of children than they can do, in terms of imagining someone else’s state of mind or expressing causes and beliefs”. What principle is it?
Варианты ответов
- Use speaking activities that are developmentally appropriate.
- Use speaking activities that reflect real-life communication
- Build classroom routines in English.