Цели мероприятия
Обобщить лингвострановедческий материал по указанной теме. Углубить и расширить знания по теме.
Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму.
Повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка.
Оснащение урока
Карта Соединенного Королевства, газеты и журналы о стране, флаг страны, картинки с достопримечательностями Лондона, книги на английском языке английских писателей, листы с тестом «The Britain Quiz» для каждого ученика, карточки с текстом об У. Шекспире, проектор, экран, компьютер, кроссворд (в 2 - х экземплярах).
Ход мероприятия
- Teacher: Dear boys and girls! I am very glad to see you at our lesson today because we have an unusual lesson – a competition. There are two teams at the lesson: the girls’ team and the boys’ team. They will show us their knowledge of the United Kingdom because our lesson is devoted to this country. We’ll speak about the sights, the capital of the country, some poets and writers and some interesting facts. We’ll do several tasks for the lesson. Some of them were prepared by you at home but most of them weren’t. I hope our competition will be fun. Let’s start our competition and introduce our teams to each other. What’s the name of the girls’ team? What’s the name of the boys’ team?
Students: The name of the girls’ team is “The Rose”. The name of the boys’ team is “the Tulip”.
- Teacher: The first task is the following: answer the questions about the United Kingdom. You’ll get a point for a right answer.
(Обеим командам задается по 3 вопроса. За правильный ответ команда получает по 1 очку, за допущенную грамматическую ошибку команда получает 0, 5).
Where is the United Kingdom situated?
(It is situated on the islands in the northwest of Europe. )
- Which island is the largest one?
(Great Britain is the largest island. )
- What separates Great Britain from the Continent?
(The English Channel separates Great Britain from the Continent. )
- How many countries does the UK consist of?
(The UK consists of 4 countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. )
- What is the population of the UK?
(The population of the UK is about 60 million people. )
- Which city is the capital of the country?
(London is the capital of the country. )
- Teacher: The second task is “Spot the mistake”. You will listen to a text about London. You know a lot of interesting facts about this wonderful city. Now try to spot the mistakes made in the facts about London and correct them. Be attentive!
This text is about London. London is the capital of Scotland. It is one of the oldest and largest cities of the world. They say that London is one hundred years old. London has suffered many misfortunes. In the 5th century Saxons and later Danes invaded the British shores and ruined the city. In 1665 the Great War broke out. Many people died. Then in the winter of 1666 the Great Fire broke out. Most of the city was destroyed.
Now London is a big political, industrial and cultural centre. More than 1 million people live there. London is situated on the river Clyde. The river connects the capital with the sea.
London is divided into 2 parts. They are the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster. The West End is the richest part of the city with many beautiful shops, hotels, bars and restaurants. The East End is the place where the working people live. Westminster is the heart of business and commercial life. The City is the political centre.
(London is the capital of the UK and England. )
(London is two thousand years old. )
(In 1665 the Great Plague broke out. )
(The Great Fire broke out in the summer of 1666. )
(More than 8 million people live in London. )
(London is situated on the river Thames. )
(London is divided into 4 parts. )
(Westminster is the political centre. )
(The City is the centre of business and commercial life. )
- Teacher: You’ve read much about the sights of London at our lessons. Your task was to prepare a story (or presentation) about sights of London and speak about one of them.
- Teacher: Britain is also famous for its writers and poets. The following task for you is “Guess who it was!” You should put the passages of the story in the right order, read them aloud and tell me what British writer this story is about.
(Каждой команде даётся по 4 экземпляра разрезанного на части текста об одном известном британском писателе)
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