Imagine that you are doing a project “Protecting the environment” together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2,5 minutes be ready to:
Explain the choice of the illustrations for the project by briefly describing them and noting the differences; Mention the advantages (1-2) of the two ways to help protect the environment:
Mention the disadvantages (1-2) of the two ways to help protect the environment;
Express your opinion on the subject of the project – whether you like to take part in ecological programs and why.
Suggested answer:
Hi, Mary! I have found two photos for our project “Protecting the environment” and I’d like to describe them to you.
The first photo suits our project because it depicts people with a rubbish plastic bag and the second photo is good for the project because it shows a girl throwing rubbish. These two photos have certain differences, but the key one is that in photo one the people in a uniform are collecting rubbish, whereas in photo 2 the girl is sorting out rubbish, throwing a plastic cup into a special container.
So, the photos can be used for the project because they illustrate different ways of helping the environment.
Clearly, some advantages of these two ways to help the environment can be seen.
One of the benefits of collecting rubbish is that our planet is becoming cleaner. As for the
advantage of the second way of helping the environment, if people sort out rubbish, it makes recycling possible.
Despite some benefits, there are some downsides of these ways of helping the environment. In my view, the downside of picking up rubbish is that people might find disgusting garbage which is not pleasant to touch.
Speaking of the second way, there are no facilities for sorting out rubbish, at least not everywhere and people have to throw rubbish into waste bins with mixed garbage.
Personally, I like to take part in an ecological program or campaign, called “Subbotnik” when all adults and children gather together for a big clean-up.
Well, that’s all for now. I’ll send you the photos, please let me know if you approve of my choice. Bye.