Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции.
- совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки на уровне высказывания;
- тренировать учащихся в умении вести общение на английском языке в предлагаемых ситуациях.
- формировать и развивать коммуникативные умения и навыки;
- формировать и развивать учебно - организационные умения и навыки (взаимоконтроль, навыки самостоятельной работы, умение обобщать и анализировать)
- воспитывать чувства индивидуальной ответственности, позитивной взаимозависимости;
Проектор, экран, ноутбук, раздаточный материал, презентация, видео фильм, аудиозапись, учебник «Enjoy English» для 6 класса, под ред. Биболетовой М. З.
Ход урока.
- Организация начала урока.
- High, five!
- Good afternoon. I am very glad to see you. Let’s say “Hello!” to each other.
Please, smile to your shoulder partner and shake hands with your face partner. Dear girls and boys, is everything ready for the lesson? Let me see. Please, help me, giving short answers to my questions.
- Is the teacher here?
- Are you in good mood?
- Are the guests here?
- Are the students ready for the lesson?
- Are we great?
- Are we nice?
- Is it fun to study?
- Are you glad to see each other?
- Are you OK?
- Is it time to begin?
II. Введение в тему урока.
Thank you. Well done.
- I have some more questions. Do you like animals? OK.
Answer the questions you can see on the screen.
What wild animals do you know?
What home animals do you know?
Thank you. Well done.
- You have cards on your desks. Try to complete the sentences. Think over the questions and then give your answers, reading and translating the sentences.
Now read your sentences and translate them.
So, tell me, please, what is the theme of our lesson? (на слайде тема)
- Развитие лексических навыков.
Now we shall do the structure AR GUIDE (ЭЙ АР ГАЙД), where you’ll learn some statements.
Read and translate the statements. Firstly, we’ll fill in the first column. If you agree with them put into the first column sign +, if not sign –
You have 2 minutes for preparing.
Do you need some additional time?
Before |
Statements |
After |
There over 700 animal species at the London zoo. |
The zoo occupies the territory of 36 acres. |
A lot of animals have their own names and keepers. |
Each famous animal has millions of fans. |
Now you can get closer to the animals. |
There is a new attraction – Penguin Beach. |
There are several cafeterias and a gift shop at the London zoo. |
Now let’s see the video.
Now let’s fill in the second column.
You’ve had a chance to think over and write down the answers.
Compare “before” and “after”. Have you changed you opinions? If you have changed your opinion, answer the 7th question, if not, answer the 8th question.
You have 2 minutes to write down your opinion.
Have you finished? Do you need some more time?
Now exchange your opinions. Number 1 will start.
Now let’s see your opinions. Table №1 participant №3 will start.
IV. Активизация лексических навыков по теме.
And now let’s do CORNERS (КОНЭРС)
- If you had an opportunity to make laws about the zoos you would choose the following point of view. («точки зрения» находятся на стенах кабинета )
People don’t need any zoos.
Zoos help endangered animals to survive.
Zoos help children to love wild nature.
Zoos are the places for having rest.
Now you should think for about 20 seconds and then take a decision.
Write down your decision on the sheets of paper.
Stand up and come up to your corner. Don’t forget to take your pens and writings
Form the pairs with your closest neighbors.
Now, discuss the problem in pairs why you have chosen your variant. You will have 30 seconds each. Start the person who is taller.
Don’t forget to thank your partner.
Tell us, please, what your partner thinks about the problem
- Отработка лексических навыков
And now let’s review the words on our theme.
Students № 1, 3, take sheets of paper. Fold them in half. Break them, please. Give one part to your shoulder partner.
Take your sheets of paper. Fold them in half. Break them, please. Do the same once more. Now each of you has four sheets of paper. Write down any word according to our theme and say it loudly. Put your card in the middle of the table. Then the next one should do the same.
Now number three will read and translate all the words.
- Thank you. Well done.
- Объяснение домашнего задания
And now open your books at page 103, ex. 2.
Listen and repeat.
Your home task will be: to prepare good reading and translate the words.
Write down the home task into the diaries.
- Подведение итогов урока.