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Урок английского языка "Английская грамматика в стихах и песнях"

На уроке ученики практикуются в аудировании, совершенствуют лексические и грамматические умения и навыки учащихся.

Описание разработки

Задачи урока:

Практиковать учащихся в аудировании;

Совершенствовать лексические и грамматические умения и навыки учащихся.

Воспитательная задача:

Воспитание познавательной активности, интереса к английскому языку у учащихся.

Оснащение урока: рисунки, бумажные игрушки, аудиоприложение с записями песен (CD MP3).

Ход урока.

1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, dear quests and dear children!

At the lesson we`ll revise English grammar in rhymes and songs, we`ll recite poems, answer questions and play.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Let`s read and translate the following words.

Together, together,

Together every day.

Together, together

We learn English

Grammar and play.

3. Речевая зарядка.

We`ve learned the English alphabet. Let`s sing the song «ABC».

To be is the first verb we`ve learned. First of all revise the personal pronouns. Name them. Conjugate the verb to be. The song «I am a pupil» has helped us to learn this verb.

4. Answer my questions:

What is your (his, her) name?

What are their names?

What are you (your father) from?

How old are you?

How are you?

5. Now tell us about yourself.

6. All children like to play. You`ve learned some poems with the verb to like. Let`s recite them «I like to play» and « We like to play».

7. You`ve got a lot of toys, haven`t you? Let`s sing the song `What have you got?`

8. Children, you like to draw and recite poems about your toys, don`t you? The poems are `Find the kitten we like best`, `Here is …`, `My doll`, `I love my dog`, `I found a cow`. Some of you lose toys very often. `Where is the ball?` - tell us, please.

9. It`s fun to play with toys. But what do you want to be? Recite the poem `What do you want to be?`

10. We`ve begun to read English fairy - tales. Let`s think of our fairy - tale. Snowland is a fairy - land. Let`s invite Winter Queen from Snowland.

  Role play `Winter Queen`.

W. Q. Good day, dear children! I`m glad to see you!

Ch. Good day, dear W. Q. ! We`re glad to see you too!

W. Q. I`ve got a magic box for you. Can you guess what toys are there?

Ch. Foxes, hares…

W. Q. Let`s decorate a New Year tree. Who can help me?

CH. I can. I can help you too.

W. Q. Thank you. Do you like to sing songs?

CH. Of course, we do. We`ll sing a song `I see green`.

W. Q. Do you know the poem `What colours are they?`

P1. Yes, we do.

W. Q. What can you tell about winter?

P2. I like winter…

W. Q. You`ve got a lot of friends. What does your friend like to in winter?

P3. I`ve got a lot of friends…

W. Q. Children? Do you like winter holidays?

P4. Yes? We like them very much… (Children recite poems `A New Year Greeting just for you`, `New Year Day, happy day`, `We wish you a merry Christmas!`)

W. Q. I love you, dear children!

T. Thank you, dear Winter Queen!

11. Our fairy Snowland is full of wonders, riddles, poems, songs and grammar rules.

Guess the riddles:

I come with cold and snow but you like me, I know. (Winter)

This month is the best of all,

Snowflakes dance, snowflakes fall.

People see the New Year in,

When this month ends/ it will begin. (December)

Who is this?

He lives in England.

He is funny and merry,

His cheeks are like roses,

His nose is like a cherry.

With a branch of green holly

And robin, his friends,

To all English children

New Year wishes he sends. (Santa Claus)

Who is this?

It is winter, it is cold.

He is very old.

But he is always full of joy,

And glad to give you, Russian boys

And girls, a nice toy. (Father Frost)

In winter and in summer

They stand in one colour.

What are they? (a fir – tree)

12. We`ve enjoyed English. Let`s sum up. What will you wish each other?

New things to learn.

New friends to meet.

New songs to sing,

New books to read.

New things to see,

New things to hear,

New things to do

In this glad New Year.

Dear children, you`ve worked hard at our lesson, you`ve worked with pleasure. Dear children, thank you very much!

Содержимое разработки

План – конспект урока английского языка «Английская грамматика в стихах и песнях» для 5 класса учителя английского языка МБОУСОШ № 68 имени Н. И. Долгих г. Тулы Светиковой Н. Г.

Тема урока: Грамматика в стихах и в песнях.

Задачи урока:

  1. Практиковать учащихся в аудировании;

  2. Совершенствовать лексические и грамматические умения и навыки учащихся.

Воспитательная задача:

Воспитание познавательной активности, интереса к английскому языку у учащихся.

Оснащение урока: рисунки, бумажные игрушки, аудиоприложение с записями песен (CD MP3).

Ход урока.

1.Организационный момент.

Good morning, dear quests and dear children!

At the lesson we`ll revise English grammar in rhymes and songs, we`ll recite poems, answer questions and play.

2.Фонетическая зарядка.

Let`s read and translate the following words.

Together, together,

Together every day.

Together, together

We learn English

Grammar and play.

3. Речевая зарядка.

We`ve learned the English alphabet. Let`s sing the song «ABC».

To be is the first verb we`ve learned. First of all revise the personal pronouns. Name them. Conjugate the verb to be. The song «I am a pupil» has helped us to learn this verb.

4. Answer my questions:

What is your (his, her) name?

What are their names?

What are you (your father) from?

How old are you?

How are you?

5. Now tell us about yourself.

6. All children like to play. You`ve learned some poems with the verb to like. Let`s recite them «I like to play» and « We like to play».

7. You`ve got a lot of toys, haven`t you? Let`s sing the song `What have you got?`

8. Children, you like to draw and recite poems about your toys, don`t you? The poems are `Find the kitten we like best`, `Here is …`, `My doll`, `I love my dog`, `I found a cow`. Some of you lose toys very often. `Where is the ball?` - tell us, please.

9. It`s fun to play with toys. But what do you want to be? Recite the poem `What do you want to be?`

10. We`ve begun to read English fairy-tales. Let`s think of our fairy-tale. Snowland is a fairy-land. Let`s invite Winter Queen from Snowland.

Role play `Winter Queen`.

W. Q. Good day, dear children! I`m glad to see you!

Ch. Good day, dear W. Q.! We`re glad to see you too!

W. Q. I`ve got a magic box for you. Can you guess what toys are there?

Ch. Foxes, hares…

W. Q. Let`s decorate a New Year tree. Who can help me?

CH. I can. I can help you too.

W. Q. Thank you. Do you like to sing songs?

CH. Of course, we do. We`ll sing a song `I see green`.

W. Q. Do you know the poem `What colours are they?`

P1. Yes, we do.

W. Q. What can you tell about winter?

P2. I like winter…

W. Q. You`ve got a lot of friends. What does your friend like to in winter?

P3. I`ve got a lot of friends…

W. Q. Children? Do you like winter holidays?

P4. Yes? We like them very much… (Children recite poems `A New Year Greeting just for you`, `New Year Day, happy day`, `We wish you a merry Christmas!`)

W. Q. I love you, dear children!

T. Thank you, dear Winter Queen!

11. Our fairy Snowland is full of wonders, riddles, poems, songs and grammar rules.

Guess the riddles:

I come with cold and snow but you like me, I know. (Winter)

This month is the best of all,

Snowflakes dance, snowflakes fall.

People see the New Year in,

When this month ends/ it will begin. (December)

Who is this?

He lives in England.

He is funny and merry,

His cheeks are like roses,

His nose is like a cherry.

With a branch of green holly

And robin, his friends,

To all English children

New Year wishes he sends. (Santa Claus)

Who is this?

It is winter, it is cold.

He is very old.

But he is always full of joy,

And glad to give you, Russian boys

And girls, a nice toy. (Father Frost)

In winter and in summer

They stand in one colour.

What are they? (a fir – tree)

12. We`ve enjoyed English. Let`s sum up. What will you wish each other?

New things to learn.

New friends to meet.

New songs to sing,

New books to read.

New things to see,

New things to hear,

New things to do

In this glad New Year.

Dear children, you`ve worked hard at our lesson, you`ve worked with pleasure. Dear children, thank you very much!



Курсы повышения квалификации

Теоретические и практические основания методической деятельности преподавателя иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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