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Урок английского языка "A lame part"

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Описание разработки

Objectives: Student will be able to:

To develop the pupils’ interests in the subject of English, to widen pupils’ scope according to the inter communication by subjects: Geography of KZ and the UK and the USA, History of KZ and the UK and the USA.

To revise pupils’ knowledge of grammar, vocabulary

To teach to work creatively

To bring up the interest of English

The aids of the lesson: multimedia desk, cards with names of rounds.


I. Organization moment

Teacher: Good day ladies and gentlemen’s! Welcome to our intellectual competition named as “You are a lame part!” and will be consists of 6 levels. Each level consists of 12 questions. At the end of each level you will elect two persons who will get least of the coins to go out of the competition like a lame part in your team. Then, level by level you will elect a lame part. At the end of our competition we will choose the best pupil in your class. Is it clear for you? If it is O’K let’s introduce our jury, she will register your coins - the teacher of English language – Shkarina Svetlana Zagitovna. And now let’s introduce our participants. (Every participant has to introduce himself (herself). For example: My name is … I was born … My hobby is … I want to be …). O’K. Let’s begin our competition. I’ll ask the questions and if she or he is right will get 10 points.

II Round. 1 “Who knows…?”

1. Who is the head of your mother land? (The president)

2. The capital of Kazakhstan is …? (Astana)

3. What is the national symbol of KZ? (The golden man)

4. Kazakhs have used falcons for … (hunting)

5. The state language of KZ is … (Kazakh)

6. The largest region of KZ is … (Northern - Kazakhstan region)

7. KZ is situated in … (Central Asia)

8. What is for English and Kazakh “достижение” (achievement, жетiст)

9. Who are the authors of the new anthem of KZ? (N. Nazarbaev, Jumeken Najmedinov)

10. KZ was established as the Republic of KZ in … (December 1991)

11. When Akmola was renamed Astana? (1998)

12. The climate of KZ is … (extremely – continental)

Teacher: Who is the lame part in this level? (Jury named the lame part. )

III. Round. 2 “Polyglot” give the correct translation

глава государства – ел басы, the head of state

обычаи и традиции – салт дəстүр, customs and traditions

достояние народа – халық мүддесі, the nation’s property

процветание – гүлдену, prosperity

спасать – сақтау,  save, rescue

удобный – ыңғайлы, comfortable

природа – табиғат, nature

возможность - мүмкіндік, possibility

 река - өзен, river

 гора – тау, mountain

учитель – ұстаз, муғалім, teacher

политические цели – саяси мақсат, political aims

IV. Round 3. “Knowledge is power” match the definitions of the proverbs in Russian and in English

First think then speak – Слово не воробей вылетит не поймаешь

All is well that ends well – Все хорошо что хорошо кончается.

Business before pleasure – Сделал дело гуляй смело

Everything is good in its seasons – Всему свое время

There is no nation without language – Без языка нет нации

 Time is money – Время деньги

East or West home is best – В гостях хорошо а дома лучше

Health is best wealth – Здоровье лучшее богатство

Brevity is the soul of wet – Молчание золото

 So many men so many minds – Одна голова а две лучше

 To kill two birds with one stone - Убить двух зайцев одним выстрелом

 Knowledge is power – Знания сила

VI. Round 4 “What do you know about Great Britain?”

The official name of GB is … (The Unite Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. )

The capital of GB is … (London)

The Unite Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of ( Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland)

The head of state is (The Queen)

The state language is … (English)

The ocean which washes the west coast of GB is … (Atlantic)

Very popular sport in GB is … (rugby)

The name of islands on which situated The Unite Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is … (Great Britain and Ireland )

VII. Round 5 “What do you know about the USA?”

1. What is the official language of the USA? (English)

2. How many stars are there on the American flag? (50)

3. What is the name of present president of the USA? (Abama)

4. What is the national symbol of America? (The bald eagle)

5. In which American city the last Winter Olympic Games took place? (Salt Lake City)

6. Who is the head of the state and the government? (The president)

VIII. Round 6 “The leader of the XXIst century”


20 points: How many lakes are there in KZ? (Around 5. 000)

30 points: Where is the Lake Jalanash situated? (in Kokshetau)

40 points: The climate of KZ is … (extremely – continental)


20 points: KZ was established as the Republic of KZ in … (December 1991)

30 points: When was the first President of the Republic KZ elected? (In 1991)

40 points: How many years the president of the RK is elected for? (For 5 years)


20 points: In KZ people always respected this animal as the strongest and proudest animal. (Snow Leopard)

30 points: Since ancient times Kazakhs have used this bird for hunting. (Falcon – baloban)

40 points: Hunting brought these animals close to extinction. (Kulan)


20 points: The best place for outdoor world competition in speed skating. (Medeu)

30 points: The small version of the famous Colorado Canyon (Charyn Canyon)

40 points: A mountain is on the border of KZ and Kirgyzstan close to the borders with China. (Khan Tangri)

IX. Conclusion

Teacher: Today we had a good competition. I wanted to wish you good luck, to be best, and never be lame part. Thanks all of you. Good Bay.

To make a conclusion, to give a diplomas.

Содержимое разработки

Date: ___

Grade: ____

Objectives: Student will be able to:

  1. To develop the pupils’ interests in the subject of English, to widen pupils’ scope according to the inter communication by subjects: Geography of KZ and the UK and the USA, History of KZ and the UK and the USA.

  2. To revise pupils’ knowledge of grammar, vocabulary

  3. To teach to work creatively

  4. To bring up the interest of English

The aids of the lesson: multimedia desk, cards with names of rounds.


I. Organization moment

Teacher: Good day ladies and gentlemen’s! Welcome to our intellectual competition named as “You are a lame part!” and will be consists of 6 levels. Each level consists of 12 questions. At the end of each level you will elect two persons who will get least of the coins to go out of the competition like a lame part in your team. Then, level by level you will elect a lame part. At the end of our competition we will choose the best pupil in your class. Is it clear for you? If it is O’K let’s introduce our jury, she will register your coins - the teacher of English language – Shkarina Svetlana Zagitovna. And now let’s introduce our participants. (Every participant has to introduce himself (herself). For example: My name is … I was born … My hobby is … I want to be …). O’K. Let’s begin our competition. I’ll ask the questions and if she or he is right will get 10 points.

II Round. 1 “Who knows…?”

1. Who is the head of your mother land? (The president)

2. The capital of Kazakhstan is …? (Astana)

3. What is the national symbol of KZ? (The golden man)

4. Kazakhs have used falcons for … (hunting)

5. The state language of KZ is … (Kazakh)

6. The largest region of KZ is … (Northern-Kazakhstan region)

7. KZ is situated in … (Central Asia)

8. What is for English and Kazakh “достижение” (achievement, жетiстiк)

9. Who are the authors of the new anthem of KZ? (N. Nazarbaev, Jumeken Najmedinov)

10. KZ was established as the Republic of KZ in … (December 1991)

11. When Akmola was renamed Astana? (1998)

12. The climate of KZ is … (extremely – continental)

Teacher: Who is the lame part in this level? (Jury named the lame part.)

III. Round. 2 “Polyglot” give the correct translation

  1. глава государства – ел басы, the head of state

  2. обычаи и традиции – салт дəстүр, customs and traditions

  3. достояние народа – халық мүддесі, the nations property

  4. процветание – гүлдену, prosperity

  5. спасать – сақтау, save, rescue

  6. удобный – ыңғайлы, comfortable

  7. природа – табиғат, nature

  8. возможность - мүмкіндік, possibility

  9. река - өзен, river

  10. гора – тау, mountain

  11. учитель – ұстаз, муғалім, teacher

  12. политические цели – саяси мақсат, political aims

IV. Round 3. “Knowledge is power” match the definitions of the proverbs in Russian and in English

  1. First think then speak – Слово не воробей вылетит не поймаешь

  2. All is well that ends well – Все хорошо что хорошо кончается.

  3. Business before pleasure – Сделал дело гуляй смело

  4. Everything is good in its seasons – Всему свое время

  5. There is no nation without language – Без языка нет нации

  6. Time is money – Время деньги

  7. East or West home is best – В гостях хорошо а дома лучше

  8. Health is best wealth – Здоровье лучшее богатство

  9. Brevity is the soul of wet – Молчание золото

  10. So many men so many minds – Одна голова а две лучше

  11. To kill two birds with one stone - Убить двух зайцев одним выстрелом

  12. Knowledge is power – Знания сила

VI. Round 4 “What do you know about Great Britain?”

  1. The official name of GB is … (The Unite Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.)

  2. The capital of GB is … (London)

  3. The Unite Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of ( Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland)

  4. The head of state is (The Queen)

  5. The state language is … (English)

  6. The ocean which washes the west coast of GB is … (Atlantic)

  7. Very popular sport in GB is … (rugby)

  8. The name of islands on which situated The Unite Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is … (Great Britain and Ireland )

VII. Round 5 “What do you know about the USA?”

1. What is the official language of the USA? (English)

2. How many stars are there on the American flag? (50)

3. What is the name of present president of the USA? (Abama)

4. What is the national symbol of America? (The bald eagle)

5. In which American city the last Winter Olympic Games took place? (Salt Lake City)

6. Who is the head of the state and the government? (The president)

VIII. Round 6 “The leader of the XXIst century”


20 points: How many lakes are there in KZ? (Around 5.000)

30 points: Where is the Lake Jalanash situated? (in Kokshetau)

40 points: The climate of KZ is … (extremely – continental)


20 points: KZ was established as the Republic of KZ in … (December 1991)

30 points: When was the first President of the Republic KZ elected? (In 1991)

40 points: How many years the president of the RK is elected for? (For 5 years)


20 points: In KZ people always respected this animal as the strongest and proudest animal. (Snow Leopard)

30 points: Since ancient times Kazakhs have used this bird for hunting. (Falcon – baloban)

40 points: Hunting brought these animals close to extinction. (Kulan)


20 points: The best place for outdoor world competition in speed skating. (Medeu)

30 points: The small version of the famous Colorado Canyon (Charyn Canyon)

40 points: A mountain is on the border of KZ and Kirgyzstan close to the borders with China. (Khan Tangri)

IX. Conclusion

Teacher: Today we had a good competition. I wanted to wish you good luck, to be best, and never be lame part. Thanks all of you. Good Bay.

To make a conclusion, to give a diplomas.

Северо-Казахстанская область

район имени Габита Мусрепова

КГУ «Пескинская средняя школа»

Учитель английского языка: Ашимова Асель Ганиевна

2014 год

Курсы повышения квалификации

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по учебному предмету

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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