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University of Glasgow

Message in English «University of Glasgow»

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Municipal state educational institution

"Secondary school No. 4"

Message in English

«University of Glasgow»


The 11th grade,

Karabut Julia


Mukhina I. A.

Shadrinsk 2022

T he University of Glasgow is one of the oldest universities in Europe and the second in Scotland after the University of St. Andrews. The university was founded in 1451. Pope Nicholas V granted permission by his bull to open a university at Glasgow Cathedral. The original bull was taken to France in the middle of the XVI century and, unfortunately, lost.

The University of Glasgow is the only higher education institution in Scotland where both law, medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, natural and social sciences, technical disciplines, ancient and modern languages, literature, theology and history are taught.

Initially, the university was located in one of the premises at Glasgow Cathedral, then moved to a separate building. At the end of the XVII century, the university moved to the Gilmorhill area, away from the city center. The famous staircase with sculptures of a lion and a unicorn was also moved to a new place. The university complex was designed by architect George Gilbert Scott in the Neo-Gothic style. The largest building has something in common with the old university building. The construction was completed by the son of George Gilbert Scott - Aldrid. He is the author of a magnificent assembly hall, where exams and graduation ceremonies are held. Aldrid Scott added a Gothic tower to the complex of university buildings. The light sandstone cladding and Gothic style are completely alien to the Victorian era of construction, but the University of Glasgow is the second largest example of Neo-Gothic style in the UK after Westminster Abbey in London.

Gilmorhill now houses the main building and the main territory of the university. On the outskirts of Glasgow, in Dresden, there is a veterinary faculty, an observatory and sports grounds. The Dental faculty is located in the city center. In connection with the expansion of the university in the middle of the XX century, many additional buildings, a reading room of the library, etc. were built. The University library is one of the largest in Europe, it has more than 2.5 million volumes, not counting periodicals, microfilms and digitized data.

The University consists of four colleges, each of which, in turn, includes several faculties. These are the College of Arts, the College of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Natural Sciences, the College of Engineering and Technology and the College of Social Science. At the time of its foundation in 1451, the university consisted of only four faculties – arts, theology, medicine and law. Now the University of Glasgow is a globally recognized educational institution that firmly occupies the highest ranks of the rankings of higher education institutions, is part of the Russell Group and "Universitas 21". Among the graduates of the university are six Nobel laureates and two British prime ministers.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Интерактивные методы в практике школьного образования

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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