Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form (15 points):
Dear Jack,
I (to write)1 to you this letter sitting in front of your portrait I (to receive)2 a couple of hours ago. It suddenly (to remind)3 me of our childhood. You (to remember)4 this? You (to be)5 a new person in the class and all the girls were crazy about you. If anybody (tell)6 me back then that I (fall)7 in love with you, I would have laughed out loud. Now, after all those years of our friendship I want to tell you about my real feelings. I understand that I never (to be able)8 to tell you this looking in the eye, but I’m ready to, at least, let you know that I love you in a letter. And that hardly can (to call)9 the love you feel for a friend. Thank you for the present as now I (to give)10 the possibility to tell you all this without making your life and mine a disaster.
I cannot do this to you! You (to marry)11 Sandy by next Friday and I have no right to destroy your life. That’s why, I said to myself that you never (to get)12 this letter. (to be)13 the happiest ever!
Love you more than words can say,
P.S.: It seems that I just (ruin)14 my future. I constantly (to do)15 so to myself! Never mind.
II. Insert the articles if it’s necessary (8 points):
1. She is … very specialist you need. Nobody knows as much as she does.
2. What … dreadful weather! I cannot rely on forecasts anymore.
3. … Faroes are … group of islands in … Northern Europe.
4. If you want to get … happiness you should give some.
5. He said he had … wonderful news for me but then he hung up … phone and never called back.
III. Fill in the prepositions where necessary (8 points):
I couldn’t make … what he was aiming … as he was beating … the bush all the time.
My parents don’t approve … my choice to become a writer as they think I’m not right … the job.
I was told that he had done it … purpose but I know him … Adam, he couldn’t have done this … me.
IV. Change the given sentence into another one without changing the sense (6 points). Mind the quantity of the words in brackets without the given words:
Ian is proud of his achievements in sports.
Ian takes______________________________________ (6).
People say that he is an honest man.
He is _________________________________________ (6).
She decided to become a lawyer.
She made______________________________________ (7).
V. Find mistakes in the underlined fragments (3 points):
1. Keep in (1) mind, there is (2) always a good news (3) at the end (4) of the day.
2. I opened the book (1) and all at a sudden(2) my eye caught chapter three(3) and its first line(4).
3. She’s always doing a fuss (1) about a mouse when it’s (2) too early (3) to worry about anything(4).
VI. Join the sentences (2 points):
Hold it tight! A. It’s not as bad as that.
They don’t ever listen to me. B. That’s OK. There’s no haste.
Keep going! Don’t give up! C. My hands are so weak! Sorry!
Sorry, I’ve kept you waiting. D. Nor does he.
I’d rather be in your shoes. E. It’s so comforting. I promise, I won’t.
1A, 2D, 3C, 4B, 5E;
1E, 2B, 3A, 4C, 5D;
1C, 2D, 3E, 4B, 5A;
1A, 2D, 3C, 4E, 5B.
VII. Fill in the appropriate words (15 points):
This event took … (1) in September. We were … (2) to visit some friends of ours in Manitoba. My … (3) and kids were sleeping and I was at the wheel on that day. The … (4) was wet and … (5) so I made the car go quite slowly to keep everything under … (6). Then, unexpectedly, a … (7) with large antlers … (8) onto the road. At … (9), I wanted to … (10) Dean up but then I decided not to … (11) the panic take me over. So I … (12) a deep breath and … (13) to stop the car. It stopped … (14) in front of the wide open eyes of the terrified animal. I know I was very … (15) that day.
№ | A | B | C | D |
1 | time | part | place | interest |
2 | heading | driving | leaving | moving |
3 | friend | neighbour | bachelor | husband |
4 | route | path | road | way |
5 | slippery | crowded | snowy | waving |
6 | attention | power | circumstances | control |
7 | fox | deer | lynx | bear |
8 | appeared | jumped | climbed | walked |
9 | present | beginning | first | starting |
10 | take | raise | make | wake |
11 | force | afford | allow | let |
12 | did | took | brought | caught |
13 | managed | let | could | made |
14 | quite | quiet | up | right |
15 | funny | lucky | happy | crazy |
VIII. Find two odd words in each sentence (4 points):
1. They say they very understand the problem as it is such easy to detect.
2. Mike dislikes that his best friend he can come with a visit without no warning.
IX. Form new words from those in brackets to fit the sense of the sentences (10 points):
1. The weather is rather … (change) in this region. Take an umbrella.
2. The … (survive) of these people was mostly thanks to the charity money raised by their nieghbours.
3. My parents always … (courage) me whenever I start something new. They aren’t very supportive and that’s a pity!
4. It’s a real problem if a …. (save) is a … (coward) person.
X. Read the texts and do the tasks after reading:
A. Jill (a salesperson):
I grew up in a small town where there were only a few shops and one sawmill (лесопилка) where many generations of our citizens made their living. When I moved to a bigger city I didn’t have any qualification except for a school certificate and a couple of ambitious ideas what to become. I tried to be a house keeper, a dish washer in a restaurant, even a manager in a café to the position of which I had been promoted after several years at the counter and hard work in the kitchen. I’ve got a better pay but I’m still not satisfied with the path I’ve chosen. I feel like I’m missing something really important. As a child I used to draw a lot and I often imagined myself as a fashion designer somewhere in a cosmopolitan city. I’m not crazy about fame but I feel like this could have been my cup of tea. The only person who still believes in me is my godfather. He says it’s important to find meaning in a job, to have a sense of purpose.
B. John (a bank clerk):
When I was a boy I often thought of becoming a farmer as my grandparents always took me to spend summer on their farm. There were a lot of different plants and animals and I had so much fun spending time with them. But as I grew up I realised that farming is not that simple, you always have to work hard on the land, you know, and I wanted to earn a lot of money with less effort. Today I have economic and job security, my career isn’t my calling but, at least, it gives me the possibility to buy everything I want, though I know that money doesn’t ever lead to job satisfaction. Maybe someday I’ll get attracted to a different job. Nobody knows.
C. Barbara (a journalist):
I’ve always wanted to write a column for a famous magazine. Even at school I made up stories with unpredictable endings and I liked to see the excited faces of my classmates listening to my new masterpieces. Now I’m really happy as I’m not a follower, I’m a leader, I do what I want. I travel a lot, I meet new people all the time and my day is never the same. That’s why I don’t think I’ll end up in another job someday. My job gives me the chance to make use of my talent. My editor allows me to feel the independence in the profession I need. He thinks I’m a promising employee. I’m happy to have made the right choice and I’m lucky to be where I am.
D. Steven (a waiter):
My pipe dream has always been to become a music teacher. But my mom once told me that the job wouldn’t be profitable and I’d live from hand to mouth. I ended up moving from one job to another all the time, which was very stressful for me. Hardly had I got used to the place and the people as I had to quit because I realised that I wasn’t suitable for the job for this or that reason. Now I’m not satisfied with the job I have. I earn enough to let myself have what my heart desires but I don’t get any job satisfaction. I’m sick and tired of being a waiter. It’s like you’re running all the time and nobody’s satisfied with the service. It’s a dead-end job for me. If I don’t hop to another one, I’ll have to pay for some sort of psychological help. I don’t know, maybe I should remember my childhood dream? I’ll be grateful for any guidance.
Decide, who (9 points):
1. doesn’t think that money gives pleasure in any job?
2. isn’t keen on being popular?
3. doesn’t have any relatives who have faith in them?
4. doesn’t want to work much to earn a living?
5. is satisfied with the career?
6. admits that he/ she likes the job now but he/ she could quit the job someday?
7. says his/ her clients aren’t happy with his/ her work?
8. is praised by the supervisor?
9. needs assistance to take the next step?
The keys to the test (Total - 80 points):
(15 points):
1. am writing;
2. received;
3. reminded;
4.Do you remember…?
5. were;
6. had told;
7. would fall;
8. will never be able;
9. be called;
10. am given;
11.will have married;
12. would never get;
13. be;
14. have just ruined;
15. am constantly doing.
(8 points):
1. the;
2. -;
3. the; a; -;
4. -;
5. -; the.
(8 points):
out; at; about;
of; for;
on; from; to.
(6 points):
… pride1 in2 his3 achievements4 in5 sports6.
… said1 to2 be3 an4 honest5 man6.
… up1 her2 mind3 to4 become5 a6 lawyer7.
(3 points):
1. 3 (ⅹ good news);
2. 2 (all of a sudden);
3. 1 (making a fuss).
VI. (2 points):
3-1C; 2D; 3E; 4B; 5A.
VII. (15 points):
1. C (place);
2. B (driving);
3. D (husband);
4. C (road);
5. A (slippery);
6. D (control);
7. B (deer);
8. D (walked);
9. C (first);
10. D (wake);
11. D (let);
12. B (took);
13. A (managed);
14. D (right);
15. B (lucky).
VIII. (4 points):
1. very; such;
2. he; no.
IX. (10 points):
1. changeable;
2. survival;
3. discourage;
4. savior; cowardly.
X. (9 points):
1. B (line 7);
2. A (line 10);
3. A (line 10);
4. B (line 5);
5. C (line 8);
6. B (lines 5-8);
7. D (line 7);
8. C (line 7);
9. D (line 11).