TEREMOK (сценарий театральной постановки)
There stood a small wooden house in the open field. A mouse ran by:
-Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?
Nobody answered. The mouse went into the house and began to live there. A frog hopped by:
-Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?
-I am a mouse. My name is Penelope. I am one. I am grey. I am kind, nice and fast. And who are you?
- I am a frog. My name is Body. I am eight. I am green. I am kind and quiet. Let's live together.
So the mouse and the frog began living together. A hedgehog ran by. He saw the house and asked:
-Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?
-I am a mouse Penelope.
-I am a frog Body. And who are you?
-I am a hedgehog. My name is Needles. I am five. I am grey. I am economic and small. Let's live together.
So the mouse, the frog and the hedgehog began living together. A hare ran by.
- Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?
-I am a mouse Penelope.
-I am a frog Body.
-I am a hedgehog Needles. And who are you?
-And I am a hare. My name is Bunny. I am two. I am white. I am fast and funny. Let's live together.
The hare jumped into the house and all of them began living together. Then there came a fox. She knocked on the window:
-Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?
-I am a mouse Penelope.
-I am a frog Body.
-I am a hedgehog Needles.
-And I am a hare Bunny. And who are you?
-And I am a fox. My name is Foxy. I am three. I am orange. I am cunning and clever. Let's live together.
The fox climbed into the house too. A wolf ran by:
-Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?
-I am a mouse Penelope.
-I am a frog Body.
-I am a hedgehog Needles.
-And I am a hare Bunny.
-And I am a fox Foxy. And who are you?
-I am a wolf. My name is Joe. I am eleven. I am white. I am bad, strong and sad. Let's live together.
The wolf climbed into the house too, and they all started living together. A bear walked by. He saw the house and roared:
- Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?
-I am a mouse Penelope.
-I am a frog Body.
-I am a hedgehog Needles.
-And I am a hare Bunny.
-And I am a fox Foxy.
-I am a wolf Joe. And who are you?
-And I am a bear!!! My name is Winnie. I am twelve. I am brown. I am big!!!
The bear started climbing onto the roof and - crushed the whole house! All of the scared animals ran away in different directions!