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Test form 5 : «Spotlight 5 M.1-5»

Контрольная работа для 5 класса (Spotlight 5) за I полугодие


Содержимое разработки

Spotlight 5 Midtest (Module 1-5)


  1. Write the correct personal pronoun.

  • Linda-she

  1. Masha – 4. Sue & I -

  2. Mark – 5. Ben & you -

  3. Tom & Lyn - 6. eraser -

2. Complete with a/an:

  1. …..pencil case

  2. ……atlas

  3. ……..book

  4. ………eraser

  5. ……….ruler

3. Fill in am/is/are:

  1. ……Sue new to school? Yes, she …. .

  2. ……Den and Mark at secondary school? Yes, they ….. .

  3. I……good at Spenish.

  4. What …..you look like?

4. Fill in have/has/haven`t got, hasn`t got:

  1. ……they got a new car? No, they…….

  2. ……he got a cousin? Yes, he……

  3. ……Lyn got a pen in his school bag? No, she……

  4. ………you got a TV. Yes, I……

5. Circle the correct word:

  1. This is my sister. Look at her/she.

  2. Mrs Browns is our/us French teacher.

  3. Danila is my best friend. I tell he/him everything.

  4. My/me brother is very funny.

6. Write the plurals:

  1. man

  2. child

  3. box

  4. wolf

  5. leaf

  6. party

  7. boy

  8. apple

  9. watch

  10. woman

Spotlight 5 Midtest (Module 1-5)


  1. Write the correct personal pronoun.

  • Linda-she

1. Sasha – 4. Susan & I -

2. Olga – 5. Mark & you -

3. Den & Vova - 6. school bag –

2. Complete with a/an:

1. ….. school bag 4. ………armchair

2. ……apple 5. ……….pencil case

3. ……..teacher

3. Fill in am/is/are:

1. ……Ira new to house? No, she …. .

2. ……Artem and Denis at secondary school? Yes, they ….. .

3. I……good at French.

4. What …..you look like?

4. Fill in have/has/haven`t got, hasn`t got:

1. ……they got a school? Yes, they…….

2. ……she got a doll? No, she……

3. ……Helen got a pencil case in his school bag? Yes, she……

4. ………you got a iron. No, I……

5. Circle the correct word:

1. This is my grandma. Look at her/she.

2. Mrs Simpsons is our/us Polish teacher.

3. Alex is my best friend. I tell he/him everything.

4. My/me uncle is very happy.

6. Write the plurals:

1. foot 6. lady

2. brush 7. bus

3. tomato 8. man

4. ball 9. fish

5. knife 10. toy

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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