1. UNIT 2
2. UNIT 3
3. UNIT 7
4. UNIT 1
5. UNIT 8
This picture is from unit 2. It shows a mother and a daughter smiling happily. The unit is about evolution and heredity.
Galápagos [gəˈlɒpəgəʊz] Islands
The Galápagos [gəˈlɒpəgəʊz] Islands , part of the Republic of Ecuador [ˈekwədɔː] , are an archipelago [ɑːkɪˈpeləgəʊ] of volcanic islands . They are distributed on either side of the equator [ɪˈkweɪtə] in the Pacific Ocean , surrounding the centre of the Western Hemisphere . Located 906 km west of continental Ecuador, the islands are known for their large number of endemic species that were studied by Charles Darwin [ˈdɑːwɪn] . His observations and collections contributed to the inception of Darwin's theory of evolution by means of natural selection .
The Galápagos Islands and their surrounding waters form the Galápagos Province of Ecuador, the Galápagos National Park , and the Galápagos Marine Reserve . The principal language on the islands is Spanish. The islands have a population of slightly over 25,000.
Pacific Ocean
Latin America and the Caribbean
Which of the following can be true about
the Galapagos
giant tortoises?
l They can weigh up to 250 kg.
2 They live for more than 50 years.
3 They sleep for much of the day.
4 They аrе hеrbivоrеs.
5 They саn survive for а long time without drinking.
6 The brееding season is at the end of the rainy season.
7 The females lay between 2 and 4 eggs.
8 The young tortoises hatch аftеr around l00 days.
1. Он не понял намека и не спарился с самкой.
He failed to take the hint and mate with a female.
2. Это стало приятным сюрпризом, когда Джордж был обнаружен в 1971 году.
It came as a pleasant surprise when George was discovered in 1971.
3. Джордж не смог найти подходящую пару.
George was not able to find a suitable match .
4. Профессору нужно было взять образцы крови, прежде чем он смог проанализировать ДНК.
The professor needed to take blood samples before he could analyse the DNA .
5. Наиболее ценные музейные экспонаты обычно защищены за стеклом.
The most valuable museum specimens are usually protected behind glass.
6. Джордж был самым редким живым существом в мире.
George was the rarest living creature in the world.
7. Исследовательская группа решила проверить теорию профессора Пауэлла на гигантских черепахах.
The research team set out to test Professor Powell’s theory on giant tortoises.
8. Ближайшие родственники Джорджа жили на соседнем острове.
George’s closest relatives were on the next island.
9. Он был главной достопримечательностью исследовательского центра.
He was the star attraction at the research centre.
10. Профессор Пауэлл проанализировал ДНК семи черепах о-ва Пинта.
Professor Powell analysed DNA from seven Pinta tortoises.
- dead
- try
- position, rank
- formally
- wandering
- bad, not likely to get better
- both parents from the same subspecies
- area surrounded by some kind of fence
- parents, grandparents, etc.
- reproducing
- very much, deep
- not following a logical pattern
- success following a long period of failure
- very much, deep
- formally
- wandering
- reproducing
- area surrounded by some kind of fence
- dead
- parents, grandparents, etc.
- both parents from the same subspecies
- success following a long period of failure
- not following a logical pattern
- bad, not likely to get better
- try
- position, rank
- very much, deep
- formally
- wandering
- reproducing
- area surrounded by some kind of fence
- dead
- parents, grandparents, etc.
- both parents from the same subspecies
- success following a long period of failure
- not following a logical pattern
- try
- bad, not likely to get better
- position, rank
- very much, deep
- formally
- wandering
- very much, deep
- formally
- wandering
- reproducing
- area surrounded by some kind of fence
- dead
- parents, grandparents, etc.
- both parents from the same subspecies
- very much, deep
- very much, deep
- formally
- wandering
- reproducing
- very much, deep
- formally
- wandering
- reproducing
- area surrounded by some kind of fence
- very much, deep
- formally
- wandering
- reproducing
- area surrounded by some kind of fence
- dead
- very much, deep
- formally
- wandering
- reproducing
- area surrounded by some kind of fence
- dead
- parents, grandparents, etc.
- both parents from the same subspecies
- success following a long period of failure
- very much, deep
- formally
- wandering
- reproducing
- area surrounded by some kind of fence
- dead
- parents, grandparents, etc.
- very much, deep
- formally
- try
- position, rank
- formally
- wandering
- bad, not likely to get better
- both parents from the same subspecies
- area surrounded by some kind of fence
- parents, grandparents, etc.
- reproducing
- dead
- not following a logical pattern
- success following a long period of failure
- try
- bad, not likely to get better
- not following a logical pattern
- position, rank
- position, rank
- try
- wandering
- bad, not likely to get better
- both parents from the same subspecies
- area surrounded by some kind of fence
- parents, grandparents, etc.
- reproducing
- dead
- not following a logical pattern
- success following a long period of failure
- position, rank
- try
- bad, not likely to get better
- not following a logical pattern
- success following a long period of failure
- parents, grandparents, etc.
- position, rank
- both parents from the same subspecies
- try
- bad, not likely to get better
- not following a logical pattern
- success following a long period of failure
- dead
- both parents from the same subspecies
- position, rank
- parents, grandparents, etc.
- try
- bad, not likely to get better
- not following a logical pattern
- success following a long period of failure
- area surrounded by some kind of fence
- bad, not likely to get better
- both parents from the same subspecies
- position, rank
- parents, grandparents, etc.
- try
- dead
- not following a logical pattern
- success following a long period of failure
- try
- position, rank
- bad, not likely to get better
- both parents from the same subspecies
- area surrounded by some kind of fence
- parents, grandparents, etc.
- reproducing
- dead
- not following a logical pattern
- success following a long period of failure
- both parents from the same subspecies
- position, rank
- try
- bad, not likely to get better
- not following a logical pattern
- success following a long period of failure
- very much, deep
- formally
- wandering
- reproducing
- area surrounded by some kind of fence
- dead
- parents, grandparents, etc.
- both parents from the same subspecies
- success following a long period of failure
- not following a logical pattern
- try
- bad, not likely to get better
- position, rank
giant Galapagos tortoise
the Galapagos Island
the Ch. Darwin Research Station
find a mate
two tortoises
‘ lost’ ancestral genes
An ecosystem is all the plants and animals of an area interacting with each other and the natural environment. Everything in an ecosystem depends on something else and the loss of one thing could destroy the entire ecosystem. It is very important to protect ecosystems because if one collapses or ceases to function it could have catastrophic effects on the neighbouring ecosystem which could eventually affect the whole planet and threaten all of the life on the planet.
*offspring=sibling, litter