Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Мероприятия  /  9 класс  /  Сценарий внеучебного мероприятия по английскому языку "Cinderella".

Сценарий внеучебного мероприятия по английскому языку "Cinderella".

Сценарий внеучебного мероприятия можно использовать для проведения Рождественских празднований.

Содержимое разработки


Сцена 1.

На сцене появляется грустный принц, прогуливающийся по лесу, и Золушка. Принц замечает золушку и прячется за дерево.

Голос за кадром под музыку песни «Снег кружится, летает, летает»:

Today, snow has been falling, all day.

It’s falling gently, in circles,

Do you remember? Then, everything was covered in snow too.

That was the snow of our meeting,

It was laying before us, of the whitest white, like a blank sheet of paper,

And I thought we will write on that paper the story of our love.

Золушка поет:

The snowfall like this, the snowfall like this,

The places haven’t seen for a long time.

The snow didn’t know kept falling, the snow didn’t know kept falling.

The earth was pretty wonderful, so wonderful and pure.

So the snow is just falling and falling.

Coming closer to the earth.

And the winter is snowing and snowing, everything that was before.

And on this fallen white snow, and on this fallen white snow,

On pure, weightless shiny winter snow,

There goes the very first, there goes the very first

So shy and so half-hearted, a footstep as you have.

So the snow is just falling and falling.

Coming closer to the earth.

And the winter is snowing and snowing, everything that was before.

The spaces will extend, the spaces will extend

To very furthest early morning dawn.

But I believe that soon, but I believe that soon

My steps will get to you in spite of this white snow.

So the snow is just falling and falling.

Coming closer to the earth.

And the winter is snowing and snowing, everything that was before.

Голос за кадром под музыку песни «Снег кружится, летает, летает»:

And the snow is just like then – of the whitest white,

like a blank sheet of paper,

And I want us to wander again in the huge city, just the two of us,

And this white snow would not become the snow of our separation.

Золушка замечает принца, закрывает лицо руками, пытается куда-нибудь спрятаться.

Prince (протягивая руку в ее сторону): Don’t be afraid, young lady. Your singing is marvelous, it made my soul cry. Who are you? Where are you from?

Золушка начинает удаляться.

Prince: Please, don’t leave. What is your name? How… where…. can we meet again? Tell me your name, pleaeaease…….!

Золушка уходит.

Prince: Oh, no! She’s gone. The most beautiful lady in the whole world…..

Принц убегает.

Сцена 2.

Дворец. Вбегает принц.

Prince: Dad! Dad! Daaaaad!

На крик принца вбегает испуганный король.

King: What’s the matter? What has happened to you, my dear son? Has anybody hurt you?

Prince: No.

King: No? So, why are you screaming as if somebody is killing you?!

Prince: Father, I have fallen in love.

King: But it’s great. Who is she? What is she? Where is she? I’d like to see that wonderful lady.

Prince: That is the problem. She’s gone. I’ve lost her. Oh, I’m the most miserable man in the whole world!

Принц поет. (Песня Томаса Андерса «I miss you»)

King: Wow, it’s a serious disease…Stop the panic! We’ll find her anyway. What is she like?

Prince:But how?

King: Am I the King or not? Any distinctive features?

Prince:She is gorgeous and sings beautifully, nobody else can sing like this.

King:And that’s it? Yeah, it won’t be so easy… (начинает ходить кругами) Think, think, think…. I need an idea, a good idea, a brilliant idea…. Got it!!!! I’m the cleverest king. A ball!

Prince:A ball???!

King:Yes, a ball. We’ll have a ball. We’ll invite all young beautiful ladies of the kingdom and ask them to perform. I think it’ll work.

Prince:I hope so. Otherwise, I don’t know what will happen to me, if I don’t find her….

King(подходитккраюсценыиобращаетсякзалу): Ladies and gentlemen, Madame and Monsieur, Miss, and MRS, there will be a ball tomorrow. We invite all young ladies to perform at the ball. And the girl with the most beautiful voice will get a chance to marry the prince.

Сцена 3.

Дом золушки. Появляются сестры и Мачеха.

Stepmother: Girls! Have you heard that?

Sister 1:Yes, mum.

Sister 2: And what does it mean?

Stepmother: Ha, it means that very soon one of my daughters will become a princess.

Both sisters: Me?

Stepmother: No, just one. But I haven’t decided who it would be.

Sister 1: But, mum, I am elder. It’s high time for me to get married.

Sister 2: So what? And I am more beautiful.

Stepmother: Stop quarrelling! I’ve invited a teacher for you, she’ll give you some lessons how to make the prince marry you and how to become a real princess.

Sister 1: Wow.

Sister 2: Cool.

Входит учитель.

Teacher: Good afternoon, young ladies. Let me have a look at you. Turn right, turn left, turn around (сестры выполняют, что просит учитель). Oh, myGod. (В сторону шепотом) It’ll be difficult, poor prince! OK, girls, take a piece of paper and a pen and write down.

Sister 1: Cinderella, paper!

Sister 2: Cinderella, a pen!

Вбегает золушка с бумагой и ручками.

Cinderella: Here you are. (уходит в сторону)

Teacher: So, girls, if you want the prince to be yours forever….. listen, remember, make notes, repeat.

Учитель исполняет песню (Песня из музыкального фильма «Золушка» «Не спугните жениха»).

Teacher: Something like this.

Both sisters: Are we ready for the ball now?

Teacher: Oh, yes, you are.

Both sisters: Cinderella, bring our beautiful dresses!

Cinderella: Everything is ready. And…..can I go to the ball with you?

Sister 1: You?!

Sister 2: To the ball?

Sister 1: Do you know what kind of people are going to be there?

Sister 2: And do you know what dresses they will be wearing?

Sister 1: So….it’s not for you.

Stepmother: Forget about it!

Сестры уходят собираться за кулисы, с ними уходит учитель и мачеха (громко смеются).

Сцена 4.

Золушка остается одна, садится и горько плачет. Звучит музыка, появляется фея.

Fairy: What can I see? Why are you crying, my dear? What’s happened to you?

Cinderella: Oh, good evening Fairy. Everything is OK. Don’t pay attention.

Fairy: But I see that somebody has offended you.

Cinderella: No-no-no, I’m just tired.

Fairy: What a shame! To tell a lie to a magician… I know that you are dreaming of going to the ball.

Cinderella: How do you know?

Fairy: Oh, my dear, I’m a fairy. I know everything. And I’m going to help you.

Cinderella: But how?

Fairy: Just stay here, watch and don’t bother me.

Фея поет, превращая золушку в красиво одетую девушку

(песня «Снежинки» исполнителя МакSим) .

Cinderella: Oh, Fairy, what a wonderful dress. Thank you, thank you very much.

Fairy: Not at all, my dear. You deserve it.

Cinderella: Now I can go to the ball. I’m the happiest in the world.

Fairy: Remember you are a real lady. Be very attentive.

Cinderella (убегая): Bye, Fairy. Thank you. I promise I’ll be.

Fairy (оставшись одна): No, she won’t be. She’s already forgotten what she promised. She’s in love. But I know that everything will be OK, she will be happy. (уходит)

Сцена 5.

Замок короля. Играет музыка. В зале много гостей.

King: Welcome, welcome to our ball! Oh, how do I like holidays! Christmas, New Year parties… I am crazy about them. Aaaaand….. today will have a great Christmas party. My son has fallen in love and he is looking for a mysterious girl. I hope he’ll meet her tonight.I hope that Christmas miracle will happen. So, let’s have fun! What is on the list today? Let it be the ball (фанфары).

Guard: We welcome Baroness Kylie (выходит баронесса и исполняет песню“Santa Baby” + подтанцовка).

King: Oh, thank you, thank you very much (целует ручку). You are gorgeous. (обращается к сыну) Is it your beauty?

Prince: (грустно) She’s beautiful, but it’s not she. (баронесса разводит руками и быстро уходит).

King: We’ll continue.

Guard: We welcome agroup of girls of secret military forces of our kingdom “Women in Black”! (танец)

King: Wow-wow-wow. Marvelous, phenomenal , snorting! (обращается к сыну) Has any of these girls fused into your soul?

Prince: (отрицательно качает головой).

King: But…… Ok. We’ll continue.

Guard: Greet the Duchess from the very East of our kingdom. Gyulchitai! (исполняется песня “Temptation” + восточный танец. Принц подпевает девушке).

Prince: (после исполнения) Gyulchitai, show me your face, please! (девушка открывает лицо, принц не узнает в герцогине своей любимой, опускает голову, уходит, садится на трон). It seemed to me… But…, no. I was wrong.

King: Don’t be upset, my boy. There’s still hope. Show must go on….

Guard:And now we greet a young viscountess, Sophia! (тишина, ничего не происходит).Viscountess, Sophia….!

King: What’s happening? Where is Sophia? ( доносится детский крик)

Sophia: I don’t want! Let me go home! (на сцену выводят упирающуюся Софию).

Sophia’s parents: There she is. (обращаются к Софии) You are a naughty girl.

Sophia: I am not. I just don’t want to perform, don’t want to be a princess!

King: But why, my little young lady?

Sophia: Because!!!! Listen! (София исполняет песню“I’m not ready to be a princess”).

Prince: Oh, my dear Sophia, you are really to be a princess. I understand you. Let’s be friends.

Sophia: Ok, I’m ready to be your friend (принц берет Софию за руку и усаживает рядом с собой).

Prince: Please, continue the performance. We, my new friend and I are ready to watch it.

Guard: Meet Countess Jerry with her “Mean girls” who will “rock the bells”. (исполняют песню “Jingle bells rock” + танец).

Prince: (в истерике) No, no, no! Everything goes wrong! I can’t find her!

King: Stop it, please! Is there anything else on the list? Invite!

Guard: But, Sir…

King: What’s the matter?

Guard: There are too many girls want to perform at the moment.

King: It doesn’t matter, call them all.

(флэш моб “Gangnam Style” сестер золушек).

King: (бегает вокруг девушек, обращается к принцу) Who, which of the girls is your princess?

Prince: There is still no my princess.

King: But how? Is it possible? So many beautiful girls and no princess?!

Prince: Possible! I’m the most miserable, unfortunate, the poorest prince in the world.

I have to leave the kingdom! (начинает уходить, но его останавливает непонятная волшебная музыка; появляется паж и исполняет песню “When Christmas comes to town”).

(паж выводит золушку из-за кулис и подводит ее к принцу)

Page-boy: If I'm not mistaken, this is your princess.

Prince: Who are you? Are you a magician?

Page-boy: Oh, no. I am not. I'm not a magician, I'm just learning. But I believe that true love can do wonders. And Christmas is the best time for miracles. (все смотрят на часы, часы бьют 12, звучит музыка волшебства). Merry Christmas!

King: Hooray! It happened! What a beautiful young lady! What is your name, my dear?

Cinderella: Cinderella.

King: Nice to meet you, Cinderella (пожимает ей руку). Cinderella, may I ask you to sing?

Cinderella: With a great pleasure, my King (золушка и принц исполняют песню «А на свете все об одном влюбленные мечтают» (All the lovers in the world have one dream) из музыкального фильма «Золушка»).

King: My children, I am so glad, so happy. It’s the most wonderful Christmas! So, merry Christmas!

(звучит финальная песня“All I want for Christmas is you” + танец).



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Современные педагогические технологии в образовательном процессе

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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