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Stereotypes of the Americans about the Russians and the Russians about the Americans

There are many differences among people: race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, social status, economic class, age and many others. And every country has its own culture. Every culture has many different stereotypes about other cultures. Most stereotypes are based on incomplete or faulty information. They can lead to serious misunderstanding. And it is not a secret that today's situation between Russia and America is very unstable. Nowadays there are different opinions on the topic of Russian-American relations. And it is difficult to say that these relations are friendly. In many cases it depends on the media.But is it true that everything the American media say about the Russians and the Russian media about the Americans? Are the stereotypes formed by the media realistic and truthful?


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Тема:Stereotypes of the Americans about the Russians and the Russians about the Americans

Олейник София Сергеевна,

Школа №76, 8 А класс

Гавшина Наталья Александровна,

учитель английского языка

Ижевск, 2018.




    1. What does the word "stereotype" mean?........................................................4

    2. How are stereotypes formed?................................................................................4

    3. What is the role of stereotypes in the life of society?...........................................5

Chapter II

2.1. The Russian stereotype and the Russians in reality……………………………6

2.2 The Americans through the eyes of the Russians and the Americans in reality…………………………………………………………………………………..8


List of literature……………………………………………………………………...12


There are many differences among people: race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, social status, economic class, age and many others. And every country has its own culture. Every culture has many different stereotypes about other cultures. Most stereotypes are based on incomplete or faulty information. They can lead to serious misunderstanding. And it is not a secret that today's situation between Russia and America is very unstable. Nowadays there are different opinions on the topic of Russian-American relations. And it is difficult to say that these relations are friendly. In many cases it depends on the media.But is it true that everything the American media say about the Russians and the Russian media about the Americans? Are the stereotypes formed by the media realistic and truthful?

The aim of our research is to examine the most widespread stereotypes about the Russians and the Americans.

The main tasks of our study were:

  • to collect material on this topic using the Internet and scientific literature;

  • to systematize the material studied;

  • to carry out an experiment;

  • to find out what stereotypes are the most popular and what differences is between American and Russian stereotypes;

  • to study the material on this topic;

  • to study the term "stereotype" to carry out research;

  • to find out how true stereotypes are;

  • to compare Russian and American stereotypes;

The object of the research is American and Russian people.

The subject of the research is the Russian and American stereotypes.

We suggested the following hypothesis: most American and Russian stereotypes formed in the society are faulty.

The novelty of our work is an analysis of Russian and American stereotypes about each other and finding out whether these stereotypes are true or false.

Chapter I

    1. What does the word "stereotype" mean?

According to explanatory dictionary of Efremovaa “stereotype is an invariable, generally accepted pattern that is followed without thinking”. According to big explanatory dictionary of Russian language “a stereotype is the habitual attitude of a person to some phenomenon, which is formed under the influence of social conditions and previous experience, or outdated, prejudiced ideas associated with prejudice”. According to Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus a stereotype “is a set idea about what a particular type of person is like, especially an idea that is wrong”. A stereotype is an established pattern of thinking, prejudice, often having little to do with reality. The word stereotype is Greek. Stereo means "hard", type - imprint. Therefore, the literal meaning of this word is "a solid stamp of thinking, an imprint of the brain". Here are some examples of stereotypes:

  • Blondes are silly.

  • In Russia, everyone drinks.

  • All the old maidens have a bad character.

  • Men do not cry.

  • Women are bad drivers.

  • Allgypsiesarerogues.

  • All the old men are grumblers and other nonsense.

    1. How are stereotypes formed?

The stereotypes are formed in the process of personality development. Stereotypes are determined by the degree of socialization of the individual, the impact of the collective, traditions, as well as their own experience.The perception of representatives of different cultures, including the native population of the country and immigrants, in the modern world is significantly influenced by the media, which often publish ethnocultural stereotypes that already exist in the public mind and contribute to the formation of new ones. Immigrants often live in seclusion and do not seek to communicate with the local population, which is also not ready to contact them. Thus, the main source of information about minority representatives is not the personal experience of the individual, since this experience is not at all, and stereotyped images and media that have settled in the society.

1.3. What is the role of stereotypes in the life of society?

A long-term collective experience is concluded in the stereotypes. With the help of some stereotypes person, who doesn’t know the culture of this country, can perceive life situations and to orient in them easier. A person does not need to analyze a large amount of information, the decision is made automatically. After all, education, social norms of behavior are also stereotypes. Protecting children, respecting elders, respecting traditions - all these are also functions of stereotypes. So, the stereotypes play one of the important roles in society, because they not only help people to learn something about other countries, but also form norms of behavior. But not all stereotypes are true, and breaking faulty stereotypes is the task of every independent-minded person and a citizen.

Chapter II

2.1. The Russian stereotype and the Russians in reality

We have analyzed various articles, which are written about the Russians and made a list of stereotypes, which are used to describe the Russians. So, the Russians:

  • like alcohol.

And so, all the Russians are alcoholics, and they are two steps away from alcohol poisoning, right? Not really. Yes, vodka still remains the queen of the festive table, but this does not mean that it is used often. But beer was not even considered as an alcoholic drink until recently, and was considered an easy soft drink. Type of cola. Although, we think it is even to some extent reinforces this stereotype in the sense that the Russians did not even consider beer an alcoholic beverage, it is too weak for them.

  • have stone angry faces.

I really will be glad to say that this is the most incorrect interpretation of the fact. Unfortunately, most visitors see Russians in places like cashiers, hotels, bureaucratic offices, passport control, which is natural, reinforce the prevailing view that the Russians do not look polite and friendly.

  • like bears.

And who does not love? This is stupid, but Russia has long been associated with bears. Everything is very simple. In their forests there are a lot of bears. They are big and strong and are a symbol of intimidation and ferocity. For a while, the bear was an element of the coat of arms, but in the end, they replaced it with a double-headed eagle, obviously preferring anatomical precision.

  • love nesting dolls.

Yes, they are really widely distributed among souvenir shops in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In this sense, they are already becoming more tourist goods, rather than just traditional toys. But if you consider that, after all, most tourists are the same Russian, then nesting dolls are not just toys that cram foreigners. Some of the popular styles of matryoshka design were the images of the Soviet leaders, which is a bit strange.

  • All police officers are bribe-takers.

This is partly true. The police, the authorities and all of them have a terrible reputation in Russia, they hinder development and encourage cruelty. And it is in a sense true. The first day in Russia was remembered as a terrible passport check, or "give a bribe", which, by the way, is common throughout the post-Soviet space.

  • Russian women are very beautiful

Yes, this stereotype becomes obvious as soon as you go out into the streets in Russia. Young girls always look after appearance. They carefully select hair, makeup and clothes so that they fit together. They will never leave the house sloppy or dressed too simply. Russian women decorate their outfits and, regardless of the situation, always look terrific. Perhaps this is one of the 10 reasons why foreigners take on Russian beauties.

  • The Russians adore the country house

Practically every Russian family has a dacha. Many residents of large cities with great pleasure move to dachas in the warm season. Here, not only relax, but also work - most often, in the dacha there is a garden where vegetables and fruits are grown. Grown up is usually proudly put on the table and shown to guests.

  • The Russians love tea very much

Even in China, people drink less tea than the Russians in Russia. 2-3 liters of tea a day is the norm for an adult. Tea is drunk when it's cold, when it's hot, at dinner and in the evening. Tea is drunk when it's just boring: certainly with cookies or pancakes.

  • The Russians love winter

Really when winter lasts 8 months a year, you simply do not have any other choice. All the Russians have learned to genuinely enjoy the frost, snowfall, snowstorm. There is a huge number of winter sports and typically Russian winter entertainment, such as sledding.

  • The Russians do not like useless conversations

In the Western tradition, there is a so-called small talk, which can be translated as a conversation about anything - just to maintain the social spirit in the company.The Russians do not like to waste time. If a Russian meets a neighbor and has nothing to say on the merits, he simply says "hello" and moves on. No discussion of the weather, or football there.

So, we can make two portraits of a Russian person: The Russians in reality and through the eyes of the Americans.

What is the opinion of the Americans about the Russians?

What are the Russians in reality?

The Russian is a drunkard. He's drunk all the time. At work, in the family, on vacation - everywhere. He drinks alcoholic beverages with tea. In summer, in winter, in autumn, in the spring, he wears fur hats, fur coats and felt boots, because in Russia it is always cold. But at the same time he grows a whole vegetable store at his dacha. In his spare time, he strolls along Red Square with his beautiful wife and with his bear Misha. At each landfill, in every corner, matryoshkas lie on all the streets. And at the same time, every minute the Russian lives with a displeased face.

Every the Russian is a sober workaholic. He pays attention to his health, career and appearance. Weekends he pays to his family, namely the beautiful wife, children and his beloved pets (not a bear). In winter, he enjoys winter Moscow, walking along its streets at -30. In the summer, he takes off all winter things and happily rides with his family to his parents at the dacha. All day he takes care of the site. After a hard day's work, the Russians gather in the family circle, discuss the past, sipping tea with bread. The day was not in vain.

2.2. The Americans through the eyes of the Russians and the Americans in reality.

We created a portrait of the Americans using the answers of our interview among pupils of 8th form. Most of our students believe that the Americans:

  • love McDonald's.

Absolute untruth. America is a country of prosperous restaurant business, and in almost every American city you will find the whole geographic range of restaurants - from Ukrainian cuisine to Thai. The palette of fast food establishments in the states is very wide, but not all fast food points look like a McDonald's snack bar.

  • The Americans are very polite and noisy.

Most see Americans as either very open, free and friendly people, or very loud, annoying and rude. Well, if we say in general this is really so. They are very friendly and like to chat, especially if you are from Europe, and especially if you are from Russia.

  • Every American person has a weapon.

Many of the students believe that ordinary the Americans do not have weapons, but it is not. In America it is very easy to acquire weapons and even legally. Wherever you live (in America), in the region of 100 feet there is at least one person who at least once fired and not necessarily that he has a weapon.Now, in connection with many cases of shooting in public places, there is much talk about how to somehow limit the sale of weapons. Probably, it is correct.

  • The Americans are super patriots.

It is generally accepted that in America the level of patriotism goes off scale. It always seemed that the Americans are very proud that they are the Americans. Mass media also makes us think that the Americans do not know anything about other countries.TheAmericans are big patriots, this is an indisputable fact. When a hymn is played somewhere, many sing, that is, they know the words. Do not know the words of the hymn, even if the first verse is shameful.

  • All the Americans are fat.

Yes, America is leading in terms of the number of complete people, Russia is on the second place in this list. True, few people take into account that in the United States a substantial increase in statistics is given by numerous immigrants, many of whom can not be called "real the Americans" either. Indigenous, if you can say so, the Americans, as a rule, slim, watch their health, nutrition and go in for sports. But those who come to earn extra money eat fast food, they move only when necessary and consume alcohol.

  • The Americans don’t walk.

The notion that the Americans are driving around on wide tracks on huge and powerful cars is quite true. To be able to drive is a necessity in America, people simply will not go further than for a quarter.The lack of walking along the streets of many the Americans are more than offset by running tracks or running / walking in parks. At any time of the day, you can see everywhere a large number of running or going, in sports uniforms or simply in free clothes of the Americans.

  • The Americans are stupid.

The facts are that, to date, "dumb" America ranks first in the world in providing services in the field - "higher education for foreigners." In addition, the US has long and firmly occupied the first place in the top three of the leading countries in the number of scientific discoveries. Just the other day it was reported about a new one – vaccination against AIDS. For the past 20 years in America, for example, have been invented: artificial heart and liver, self-cleaning windows, microwave, digital video recorder, infrared smoke alarm, keyboard for the blind and others.

  • The Americans do not like winter.

And it is true. Because of the different climate of Russia and America, their idea of winter differs significantly from ours. The temperature in winter reaches a maximum of minus 10-15 degrees. Therefore, many the Americans consider Russia a northern country.

  • The Americans are very chatty.

Yes, this is true. No wonder the Americans recognized the most talkative drivers. 69% of the Americans cheat at the helm at least once a month, while 31% write or read SMS messages while driving.

The Americans through the eyes of the Russians

The Americans in reality

Every American is sitting at home all day and watching TV. He occasionally goes out into the street and only to chat with a neighbor or go for a meal. He is fat and therefore it is difficult for him to walk to the store. He went to the store in his car. Then he returns home and continues to watch stupid programs on his TV. So it passes every day.

Almost all native Americans love to play sports. Every morning begins with a run and a healthy natural breakfast. They closely monitor their health. Then they go to work, where they spend their entire day, making money. They come home tired but happy, as the family is waiting for him at home. During dinner, they watch cognitive programs about America or some comedy shows. This is how their day ends.


Nationality Stereotypes are generalizations about different countries that are often used as a form of flaming. Summirising up all what was told, the following conclusions:

  • A stereotype is a set idea of what is sometimes wrong.

  • Almost all stereotypes are wrong, but some of them are truthful.

  • Many stereotypes are formed thanks to media and other sources of information.

  • Stereotypes form the rules of behavior in society, traditions and customs.

  • Many Russian stereotypes about the Americans are false, as are the stereotypes of the Americans about the Russians.

All tasks that were given were solved and the aim of the research was achieved. In conclusion it should be pointed out that stereotypes should not be understood as the truth about the nation as all nations have changed seriously since the stereotypes about them were imagined. This research was great way to know more about the USA and to learn what the Americans think about the Russians, to find out what the Russians think about the Americans nowadays. While researching for the stereotypes it was necessary to consult the available dictionaries and the Internet.

Confirmation of a hypothesis

Our hypothesis was that a big part of American and Russian stereotypes formed in society is wrong. It was confirmed. Almost all the stereotypes have a little anything to do with reality.

List of literature

  1. Efremova T. F. The explanatory dictionary, 2005

  2. Kuznetsov S.A. Great Dictionary of Russian language, 1998

  3. Stereotype Accuracy: Toward Appreciating Group Differences Yueh-Ting Lee; Lee J. Jussim; Clark R. McCauley. American Psychological Association, 1995

  4. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus, 2008

  5. Russia and America: Problems of Cultural Communication: Russia through the Eyes of the Americans, 1850-1880s. / A.V. Pavlovskaya, 1998

  6. https://chto-eto-takoe.ru/stereotype

  7. http://fb.ru/article/366014/sotsialnyiy-stereotip---eto-ponyatie-i-rol-sotsialnyih-stereotipov

  8. https://blogintroverta.ru/stati/rol-stereotipov-v-zhizni-cheloveka/

  9. http://muz4in.net/news/glazami_amerikanca_10_samykh_populjarnykh_stereotipov_o_russkikh_kotorye_v_kakoj_to_mere_javljajutsja_pravdoj/2014-03-06-35474

  10. https://lengish.com/articles/Путеводитель+по+США/Американцы+и+население+США.html

  11. http://xexe.club/18776-10-pravdivyh-stereotipov-o-rossii-i-russkih.html

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