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Space exploration in Kazakhstan

Урок по английскому языку, 9 класс. Учебник: Express Publishing, Excel The module: Travel and tourism

Содержимое разработки

1.space exploration - исследование космоса

2.exploration of outer space - исследование открытого космоса

3.to produce discoveries and inventions - вызвать открытия и изобретения

4.the dream of space travel - мечта о космических путешествиях

5.an aeroplane flight - полет на самолете

6.to occur случиться

7.to launch a liquid-fuelled rocket - запустить ракету на жидком топливе

8. the superpower opposition - противостояние великих держав

9.to stimulate rocket research and development - стимулировать исследования и изобретения в области ракетных полетов

10.to put smth. into orbit by rockets - запустить что-либо на орбиту при помощи ракет

11.launch of sputnik - запуск спутника

12.to overcome gravity - преодолеть земное притяжение

13.to achieve a first - сделать что-либо впервые

14.space walk - выход в космос

15.to retain one’s leadership in smth. - сохранить лидерство в какой-либо области

16.the peaceful application of smth.- мирное применение чего-либо

17.to investigate smth.- исследовать что-либо

18.causes of cancer - причины возникновения рака

19.gravity-free space - пространство, где не действуют силы притяжения

20.to resist gravity - противостоять притяжению

21.to concentrate on smth.зд.: - ставить основной целью что-либо

22.landing a man on the moon - высадка человека на Луну

to walk on the lunar surface - пройти по поверхности Луны

- a moon landing - приземление на Луну

to develop a program of space exploration - разработать программу исследования космоса

a network of communication satellites - сеть спутников связи

23.to make world-wide television and telephone service possible - сделать возможным международное телевидение и телефонную связь

24.to allow regular trips - сделать возможным регулярное сообщение

25.a scientific satellite - научный спутник

26.to be put in the Earth’s orbit - быть выведенным на орбиту Земли

27.to make a voyage to - путешествовать, отправиться к

28.a spaceship - космический корабль

29.to result in benefits for mankind - принести человечеству выгоды

30.a weather satellite - метеорологический спутник

1.space exploration - исследование космоса

2.exploration of outer space - исследование открытого космоса

3.to produce discoveries and inventions - вызвать открытия и изобретения

4.the dream of space travel - мечта о космических путешествиях

5.an aeroplane flight - полет на самолете

6.to occur - случиться

7.to launch a liquid-fuelled rocket - запустить ракету на жидком топливе

8. the superpower opposition - противостояние великих держав

9.to stimulate rocket research and development - стимулировать исследования и изобретения в области ракетных полетов

10.to put smth. into orbit by rockets - запустить что-либо на орбиту при помощи ракет

11.launch of sputnik - запуск спутника

12.to overcome gravity - преодолеть земное притяжение

13.to achieve a first - сделать что-либо впервые

14.space walk - выход в космос

15.to retain one’s leadership in smth. - сохранить лидерство в какой-либо области

16.the peaceful application of smth.- мирное применение чего-либо

17.to investigate smth.- исследовать что-либо

18.causes of cancer - причины возникновения рака

19.gravity-free space - пространство, где не действуют силы притяжения

20.to resist gravity - противостоять притяжению

21.to concentrate on smth.зд.: - ставить основной целью что-либо

22.landing a man on the moon - высадка человека на Луну

to walk on the lunar surface - пройти по поверхности Луны

- a moon landing - приземление на Луну

to develop a program of space explorationразработать программу исследования космоса

a network of communication satellitesсеть спутников связи

23.to make world-wide television and telephone service possible - сделать возможным международное телевидение и телефонную связь

24.to allow regular trips - сделать возможным регулярное сообщение

25.a scientific satellite - научный спутник

26.to be put in the Earth’s orbit - быть выведенным на орбиту Земли

27.to make a voyage to - путешествовать, отправиться к

28.a spaceship - космический корабль

29.to result in benefits for mankind - принести человечеству выгоды

30.a weather satellite - метеорологический спутник

Space Exploration

Exploration of outer space in the 20th century has produced discoveries and inventions that will forever change the way people live, learn and interact.

The dream of space travel is as old as history but in the 20th century the dream became reality with astonishing swiftness. As you recall, the first aeroplane flight occurred in 1903 and in 1926 the first liquid-fuelled rocket was launched that travelled 200 feet.

After World War II, the superpower opposition between the USA and the Soviet Union stimulated rocket research and development. Both nations realized that large rockets can be used to attack an enemy from thousands of miles away and that satellites put into orbit around the Earth by rockets could transmit messages.

The Soviet launch of sputnik, the first man-made object to overcome gravity, began the space age. The Soviet Union soon achieved many other firsts. In 1961, the Soviet Union put the first man, Yuri Gagarin, into space. The first long space flights, a woman in space and space walk were all Soviet achievements. The Soviet Union still retains its leadership in the peaceful application of space exploration. In its Salyut 6, it investigated such vital matters as the causes of cancer, since cells are studied in gravity-free space. The construction of metals that can resist gravity has resulted in tools of incredible hardness; improved seeds have been developed in Salyut.

In the early 1960s the United States organized the Apollo space program. This research program concentrated on landing a man on the moon. Two Americans, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrim, walked on the lunar surface in July 1961.

Since the first moon landing, many nations have developed programs of space exploration. A network of communication satellites made world-wide television and telephone service possible. Space shuttles allowed regular trips between Earth and space. Scientific satellites were put in the Earth’s orbit. Voyages to Venus were made by the Soviet spaceships, voyages to Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - by the American spaceships.

This scientific progress has since resulted in hundreds of benefits for mankind, from the weather satellites whose information we see in our daily newspapers and on TV, to determining from outer space where fish is, where natural resources are hidden in the earth and in discovering areas which are becoming deserts.

Space Exploration

Exploration of outer space in the 20th century has produced discoveries and inventions that will forever change the way people live, learn and interact.

The dream of space travel is as old as history but in the 20th century the dream became reality with astonishing swiftness. As you recall, the first aeroplane flight occurred in 1903 and in 1926 the first liquid-fuelled rocket was launched that travelled 200 feet.

After World War II, the superpower opposition between the USA and the Soviet Union stimulated rocket research and development. Both nations realized that large rockets can be used to attack an enemy from thousands of miles away and that satellites put into orbit around the Earth by rockets could transmit messages.

The Soviet launch of sputnik, the first man-made object to overcome gravity, began the space age. The Soviet Union soon achieved many other firsts. In 1961, the Soviet Union put the first man, Yuri Gagarin, into space. The first long space flights, a woman in space and space walk were all Soviet achievements. The Soviet Union still retains its leadership in the peaceful application of space exploration. In its Salyut 6, it investigated such vital matters as the causes of cancer, since cells are studied in gravity-free space. The construction of metals that can resist gravity has resulted in tools of incredible hardness; improved seeds have been developed in Salyut.

In the early 1960s the United States organized the Apollo space program. This research program concentrated on landing a man on the moon. Two Americans, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrim, walked on the lunar surface in July 1961.

Since the first moon landing, many nations have developed programs of space exploration. A network of communication satellites made world-wide television and telephone service possible. Space shuttles allowed regular trips between Earth and space. Scientific satellites were put in the Earth’s orbit. Voyages to Venus were made by the Soviet spaceships, voyages to Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - by the American spaceships.

This scientific progress has since resulted in hundreds of benefits for mankind, from the weather satellites whose information we see in our daily newspapers and on TV, to determining from outer space where fish is, where natural resources are hidden in the earth and in discovering areas which are becoming deserts.

Exercise 1. Answer the questions:

How has the space exploration changed the life of mankind?

Why can you say that the dream of space travel became reality with astounding swiftness?

In what way has the superpower opposition stimulated the space research?

What «firsts» in space exploration has the Soviet Union achieved?

What peaceful applications of space exploration can you name?

What did the US Apollo space program concentrate on?

What benefits for mankind has space exploration brought?

Exercise 1. Answer the questions:

How has the space exploration changed the life of mankind?

Why can you say that the dream of space travel became reality with astounding swiftness?

In what way has the superpower opposition stimulated the space research?

What «firsts» in space exploration has the Soviet Union achieved?

What peaceful applications of space exploration can you name?

What did the US Apollo space program concentrate on?

What benefits for mankind has space exploration brought?

Exercise 1. Answer the questions:

How has the space exploration changed the life of mankind?

Why can you say that the dream of space travel became reality with astounding swiftness?

In what way has the superpower opposition stimulated the space research?

What «firsts» in space exploration has the Soviet Union achieved?

What peaceful applications of space exploration can you name?

What did the US Apollo space program concentrate on?

What benefits for mankind has space exploration brought?

Exercise 1. Answer the questions:

How has the space exploration changed the life of mankind?

Why can you say that the dream of space travel became reality with astounding swiftness?

In what way has the superpower opposition stimulated the space research?

What «firsts» in space exploration has the Soviet Union achieved?

What peaceful applications of space exploration can you name?

What did the US Apollo space program concentrate on?

What benefits for mankind has space exploration brought?

Exercise 1. Answer the questions:

How has the space exploration changed the life of mankind?

Why can you say that the dream of space travel became reality with astounding swiftness?

In what way has the superpower opposition stimulated the space research?

What «firsts» in space exploration has the Soviet Union achieved?

What peaceful applications of space exploration can you name?

What did the US Apollo space program concentrate on?

What benefits for mankind has space exploration brought?

Exercise 1. Answer the questions:

How has the space exploration changed the life of mankind?

Why can you say that the dream of space travel became reality with astounding swiftness?

In what way has the superpower opposition stimulated the space research?

What «firsts» in space exploration has the Soviet Union achieved?

What peaceful applications of space exploration can you name?

What did the US Apollo space program concentrate on?

What benefits for mankind has space exploration brought?

Exercise 1. Answer the questions:

How has the space exploration changed the life of mankind?

Why can you say that the dream of space travel became reality with astounding swiftness?

In what way has the superpower opposition stimulated the space research?

What «firsts» in space exploration has the Soviet Union achieved?

What peaceful applications of space exploration can you name?

What did the US Apollo space program concentrate on?

What benefits for mankind has space exploration brought?

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