Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Разное  /  9 класс  /  Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Игра-викторина «США»"

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Игра-викторина «США»"

Материал позволит обобщить страноведческий материал по теме.

Описание разработки


1. Обобщить страноведческий материал по теме "США".

2. Углубить и расширить знания по теме.

3. Развивать познавательные интересы и активность учащихся.

4. Воспитывать культуру общения, оказывать помощь от избавления неуверенности в себе, скованности, застенчивости.

5. Повышать интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

Ход занятия.

1). Организационный момент.

T: Dear boys and girls.

Now you will see a competition called “The USA”.

Two teams will take part in a game of the most quick-witted and the cleverest.

2). Представление команд.

Название, эмблемы, приветствие.

(Состав команд и задание для приветствия было определено заранее ).

3). Объяснение правил игры.

T: Now I am going how to play our question-and-answer game. The game has 4 rounds. Each team gets 1 point for a correct answer. The team which answers the most questions - wins the game.

4). Ход игры:

The first Round

(Команды задают вопросы друг другу, команды готовят вопросы заранее).

T: Team 1, it’s your turn to start.

Team 2, it’s your turn to answer.

Team 1:

1. How many floors does the Empire State Building have? (102)

2. What is America’s symbol of Freedom? (The Statue of Liberty)

3. Who is the founder of Disneyland? (Walt Disney)

4. How many years did the Civil War last? (4 years)

5. How long is Broadway? (About 21 km)

6. What is the national symbol of America? (The Bald Eagle)

7. Who was the “king” of rock’n’roll? (Elvis Presley)

8. What is the capital of Georgia? (Atlanta)

9. Who built the first car? (Henry Ford)

10. Who fought against racial discrimination in the 1960s? (Martin Luther King)

11. А gift from what country was the Statue of Liberty? (France)

12. What is the capital of Massachusetts? (Boston)

13. What university is the oldest in the USA? (Harvard, 1636)

14. What food is popular among Americans? (Barbecue ribs)

15. What was Mark Twain’s real name? (Samuel Clemens)

16. Who wrote a large part of the Declaration of Independence? (Thomas Jefferson)

17. What is the symbol of the Republican Party? (The Elephant)

18. What do the fifty stars represent on the American flag? (50 states)

19. Who invented the telephone? (Alexander Bell)

20. Where are laws made in the USA? (In the Capitol)

21. What is the oldest public building in Washington? (The White House)

22. Who wrote the novel “ Gone with the Wind”? (Margaret Mitchell)

23. How many senators are there in the Senate? (100)

24. Who invented the soft drink Coca-Cola? (John Pemberton)

25. What is the tallest building in America? (The Sears Tower)

26. Who was the first American President? (George Washington)

27. How many rooms are there in the White House? (132)

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку Игра-викторина США

28. Who is the chairperson in the House of Representatives? (The Speaker)

29. Where are the main headquarters of the United Nations? (In New York City)

30. Who played the role of Rhett Butler in the screen version of the novel “ Gone with the Wind”? (Clark Gable)

Team 2:

1. Who is known as the “king” of jazz? (Louis Armstrong)

2. What is the flag of the USA called? (“Stars and Stripes”)

3. Who created Donald Duck? (Walt Disney)

4. What place is the centre of the American film industry? (Hollywood)

5. Who is the head of the state and the government of the USA? (The President)

6. What is Соngress? (The American Parliament)

7. Who first walked on the Moon? (Neil Armstrong)

8. What is the tallest building in Washington? (The Capitol)

9. What is the largest library in the USA? (The Library of Congress)

10. What is the first name of New York? (New Amsterdam)

11. What river is the capital of the USA situated on? (The Potomac)

12. Who is regarded as one of the most successful directors in Hollywood? (Stephen Spielberg)

13. What is America’s national sport? (Baseball)

14. What is the capital of the USA? (Washington, D. C. )

15. What is the address of the White House? (1600, Pennsylvania Avenue)

16. What is the largest American State? (Alaska)

17. Who invented “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”? (Mark Twain)

18. How many theatres are there on Broadway? (More than 30)

19. Who was the youngest American President? (John Kennedy)

20. What is the symbol of the Democratic Party? (The Donkey)

21. Who invented the light bulb? (Thomas Alva Edison)

22. What is Tina Turner? (A popular American singer)

23. In which city was Margaret Mitchell born? (In Atlanta)

24. What does the American company “Johnson & Johnson” produce? (Cosmetics, cleaning, washing and medical products)

25. Who was the commander of the Confederate Army during the American Civil War? (General Lee)

26. Whose portraits are printed on American dollars? (Portraits of American presidents)

27. Who is the chairperson in the Senate? (The Vice President of the USA)

28. Who played the main role in the film “The Terminator”? (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

29. What is thе largest port of the USA? (New York City)

30. Who wrote the Emancipation Proclamation? (Abraham Lincoln).

T: Let’s ask the jury to give us the results.

The score is … to … in smb’s favour.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по

предмету «Английский язык»

Игра- викторина « США » ( 9 класс)

Задачи: 1.Обобщить страноведческий материал по теме.

2.Углубить и расширить знания по теме.

3.Развивать познавательные интересы и активность учащихся.

4.Воспитывать культуру общения, оказывать помощь от избавления

неуверенности в себе, скованности, застенчивости.

5.Повышать интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

Ход занятия:

1).Организационный момент.

T: Dear boys and girls.

Now you will see a competition called “The USA”.

Two teams will take part in a game of the most quick-witted and the cleverest.

2).Представление команд.

Название, эмблемы, приветствие.

( Состав команд и задание для приветствия было определено заранее ).

3). Объяснение правил игры.

T: Now I am going how to play our question-and-answer game. The game has 4 rounds. Each team gets 1 point for a correct answer. The team which answers the most questions - wins the game.

4).Ход игры:

The first Round

(Команды задают вопросы друг другу, команды готовят вопросы заранее).

T: Team 1, it’s your turn to start.

Team 2, it’s your turn to answer.

Team 1:

1.How many floors does the Empire State Building have? (102)

2.What is America’s symbol of Freedom? ( The Statue of Liberty)

3.Who is the founder of Disneyland? (Walt Disney)

4.How many years did the Civil War last? ( 4 years)

5.How long is Broadway? ( About 21 km)

6.What is the national symbol of America? ( The Bald Eagle)

7.Who was the “king” of rock’n’roll? ( Elvis Presley)

8. .What is the capital of Georgia? ( Atlanta)

9.Who built the first car? ( Henry Ford)

10.Who fought against racial discrimination in the 1960s? ( Martin Luther King)

11.А gift from what country was the Statue of Liberty? (France)

12. .What is the capital of Massachusetts? (Boston)

13.What university is the oldest in the USA? (Harvard, 1636)

14.What food is popular among Americans? (Barbecue ribs)

15.What was Mark Twain’s real name? (Samuel Clemens)

16.Who wrote a large part of the Declaration of Independence? ( Thomas Jefferson)

17.What is the symbol of the Republican Party? ( The Elephant)

18.What do the fifty stars represent on the American flag? (50 states)

19.Who invented the telephone? ( Alexander Bell)

20.Where are laws made in the USA? (In the Capitol)

21.What is the oldest public building in Washington? (The White House)

22.Who wrote the novel “ Gone with the Wind”? ( Margaret Mitchell)

23.How many senators are there in the Senate? ( 100)

24.Who invented the soft drink Coca-Cola? (John Pemberton)

25.What is the tallest building in America? (The Sears Tower)

26.Who was the first American President? (George Washington)

27.How many rooms are there in the White House? ( 132)

28.Who is the chairperson in the House of Representatives? (The Speaker)

29.Where are the main headquarters of the United Nations? ( In New York City)

30.Who played the role of Rhett Butler in the screen version of the novel “ Gone with the Wind”? (Clark Gable)

Team 2:

1.Who is known as the “king” of jazz? (Louis Armstrong)

2.What is the flag of the USA called? (“Stars and Stripes”)

3.Who created Donald Duck? ( Walt Disney)

4.What place is the centre of the American film industry? (Hollywood)

5.Who is the head of the state and the government of the USA? (The President)

6.What is Соngress? (The American Parliament)

7.Who first walked on the Moon? ( Neil Armstrong)

8. What is the tallest building in Washington? (The Capitol)

9.What is the largest library in the USA? ( The Library of Congress)

10.What is the first name of New York? ( New Amsterdam)

11.What river is the capital of the USA situated on? ( The Potomac)

12.Who is regarded as one of the most successful directors in Hollywood? (Stephen Spielberg)

13.What is America’s national sport? (Baseball)

14. What is the capital of the USA? ( Washington,D.C.)

15.What is the address of the White House? (1600, Pennsylvania Avenue)

16.What is the largest American State? (Alaska)

17.Who invented “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”? (Mark Twain)

18.How many theatres are there on Broadway? ( More than 30)

19.Who was the youngest American President? (John Kennedy)

20.What is the symbol of the Democratic Party? (The Donkey)

21.Who invented the light bulb? (Thomas Alva Edison)

22.What is Tina Turner? (A popular American singer)

23.In which city was Margaret Mitchell born? (In Atlanta)

24.What does the American company “Johnson & Johnson” produce? (Cosmetics, cleaning, washing and medical products)

25.Who was the commander of the Confederate Army during the American Civil War? ( General Lee)

26.Whose portraits are printed on American dollars? ( Portraits of American presidents)

27. .Who is the chairperson in the Senate? (The Vice President of the USA)

28.Who played the main role in the film “The Terminator”? ( Arnold Schwarzenegger)

29.What is thе largest port of the USA? ( New York City)

30.Who wrote the Emancipation Proclamation? ( Abraham Lincoln).

T: Let’s ask the jury to give us the results.

The score is … to … in smb’s favour .

The second Round

T: Now we come to the second round called “Puzzles out of the Barrel”. Each team should answer 4 questions.

( Участники из каждой команды поочередно достают из «бочки» фишки с номерами вопросов)


1.What is the origin of the word “Yankee”? ( The nickname was used derisively by Dutch settlers in New York to designate English colonists in Connecticut)

2.What is the difference between American football and soccer? (American football - an oval ball, can hold in hands , soccer - a round ball , cannot hold in hands , only kick)

3.Why is the USA called “a melting pot” or “a mixed salad”? (People from all over the world have mixed together to create a new society)

4.What does the American Bald Eagle symbolize? (Each individual’s independence and strength)

5.When is Election Day in the USA? (In November, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday)

6.What are the names of the districts in New York? (Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island)

7.What were the names of the ships that Columbus received? (“The Nina”, The Pinta”, “The Santa Maria”)

8.Name the major U.S. film companies. ( “Paramount”, “20th Century-Fox”, “Universal”, “Warner Bros.”).

The third Round

T: Let’s invite the best student in English. He ( she) will ask you the most interesting questions.


1.What American actor played the main character in the film “Spartacus”? (Kirk Douglas)

2.What American actress was in opposition to the American government during the Vietnam War? (Jane Fonda)

3.What is the name of the awards given to the best movie actors and actresses each year in the USA? (“Oscar”)

4.What prizes arе the best musicians and composers awarded each year in the USA? (The “Grammy”).

The fourth Round

T: It’s our last round. Team 1 will answer the 1st question and Team 2 - the 2nd question and so on.

( Команды поочередно отвечают на вопросы)


1.Who chose the place for the American capital? (George Washington)

2Are there any skyscrapers in Washington D.C.? (No)

3.How many years did the War of Independence last? (8 years)

4.What kind of state is the USA? (A federal republic)

5.Where does the American President live and work?( In the White House)

6.Who is the author of the Theory of Relativity? (Albert Einstein)

7.Who was the leader of the American Army during the War of Independence? (George Washington)

8.Where is Hawaii? ( In the Pacific Ocean)

9.Did Mark Twain finish school? (No)

10.Who is the director of the film “Jaws”? (S. Spielberg)

11.What is the highest mountain peak in the USA? ( Mount McKinley)

12.Who landed in Plymouth Rock in 1620? (The Pilgrim Fathers)

13.What currency is used in the USA? ( The American dollar)

14.What is the official language in the USA? ( English)

15.Does Washington, D.C. belong to the state? ( No)

16.What city is the home of CNN? ( Atlanta)

17.After whom was America called? (Amerigo Vespucci)

18.Which star of American silent-movie is called the “Little Tramp”? (Charlie Chaplin)

19.Did Jack London finish school? (No)

20.Who wrote the novel “ Sister Carrie”? ( Theodore Dreiser)

21. In which American city were the 1996 Summer Olympics held? (In Atlanta)

22.Who is the author of the book “ Scarlett”? (Alexandra Ripley)

23.What was O. Henry’s real name? ( William Sydney Porter)

24.Who wrote “ The Old Man and the Sea”? ( Ernest Hemingway)

25.How many floors does the Sears Tower have? (110)

26.Who created Mickey Mouse? (Walt Disney)

27.Who discovered America? (Ch.Columbus)

28.What quality papers are the most popular in the USA? ( “The Washington Post” , “The Wall Street Journal)

29.Where is the Statue of Liberty situated? ( In New York)

30.Who was the American President during the Cuban missile crisis? (John Kennedy)

31.Where was Charlie Chaplin born? ( In London)

32.What does the company “ Procter & Gamble” make? (Washing powder and cleaning products)

33.Who played the role of Rambo in the film of the same name? ( S. Stallone).

T: Let’s ask the jury to give us the results.

The score is … to … in smb’s favour .

5).Подведение итогов.

T: Let’s add up the score of the game.

The score is …to …in smb.’s favour.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Игра-викторина «США»" (43.5 КB)

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Lidia, 20.03.2016 16:06