Around The UK
P1 (Регина):Good morning, dear guests!
P2 (Костя)We are glad to see you here.
P1 Today we are hugely pleased to remind you that 2014 was announced to be the Russia-UK Year of Culture.
P2: More than 250 events in the sphere of culture, science, education and sports will be held both in Russia and the UK.
P1 This great event will undoubtedly attract the attention of many people, including youth.
P2 We’ve also prepared a performance devoted to the Russia- UK Year of Culture.
P1 Dear friends! I’ve got good news for you! A group of British boys and girls has come
to see us.
P2: Oh! That’s great! We are going to have a very interesting meeting.
P1 : Let’s invite them , come in, please.
P2; We are pleased to welcome you in our school.
P1: Are you from London?
Guest 1 (Дилара): Not only from London. We are from different cities and towns: London, Liverpool, Scotland Highlands and Stradford-on-Avon.
My name is Olivia Osborne. I am from London. I know a lot about this great city and about the royal family.
This is Gloria Grant (Даша). She is from Stradford –on – Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespear. She is crazy about pop-music
This is Rona Rex (Арина) and Kenna Baran (Саша Н). They are from Scotland.
This is John Brown (Айрат). He’s from Wales.
This is Michel Denton (Саша К.), he’s from Northern Ireland
Дилара. We’ve got one more guest today. At present the British Royal family is headed by the Queen Elizabeth the Second. Her Magesty prepared a speech to greet you.
(music- national anthem) video with the Queen.
Регина: We prepared a concert for our dear guests and we devote it to this memorable event.
Костя: Olivia Osborne is from London and she’ll tell us about England. (Дилара об Англии)
The country of England is one of the world's most famous, and wealthiest. Nearly 84% of the population of the UK lives in England, mainly in the major cities and metropolitan areas. The capital city of England is London. The city of London has a population of approximately 12 million people, making it the largest city in all of Europe. The red rose is the symbol of England.
Our country was built by men of physical strength, mental fortitude and unbreakable spirit.
We are the ones who have given so much to this world.
We are the ones who have touched this planet like no others.
We are the ones who have so much of which to be proud.
Walk on. Stand tall...
We are the English!
The darkest hour is the one before dawn breaks. LONG LIVE OUR BELOVED ENGLAND!
Регина: Little children like the story about Winnie-the-Pooh. The author of this interesting tale is an English writer Alan Milne.
The pupils from the 5th form would like to show us a part from this story “Eeyore's birthday”
(Выступление уч-ся 5 б кл. Сказка «Винни-пух»)
Presenter: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We are glad to present you a story about Winnie-the-Pooh by Alan Milne. Here is the chapter in which Eeyore, the gloomy donkey, has a birthday and gets two presents.
Scene 1.
Звучит грустная музыка (трек№2) Выходят Кристофер Робин и Ослик. Музыка затихает.
Christopher Robin: This is my friend Eeyore. He is a grey donkey, who lives in a remote corner of the forest.
Eeyore (ходит из стороны в сторону и повторяет, тяжело вздыхая): Nobody minds, nobody cares
Christopher Robin: Have a nice day, Eeyore!
Eeyore: Why? Wherefore?
Christopher Robin: And how are you?
Eeyore: Not very how.
Christopher Robin: Oh, dear, dear!
Музыка (трек №4) Выходит Винни-Пух
Winnie-the-Pooh: Good morning, Eeyore!
Eeyore: Good morning, Pooh Bear. If it is a good morning, which I doubt.
Winnie-the-Pooh: Why, what's the matter?"
Eeyore: Nothing, Pooh Bear, nothing. We can't all…
Winnie-the-Pooh (потирая нос): Can't all what?"
Eeyore: поет: «Here we go round the mulberry bush...» и опять делает унылое выражение лица
Christopher Robin: You look very sad.
Eeyore: I’m not sad. It’s my birthday today.
Christopher Robin: Your birthday?
Winnie-the-Pooh: But…Is it really your birthday?
Eeyore: Yes, my birthday. Look at the presents and the birthday cake that I’ve got.
Winnie-the-Pooh: Where are your presents? There's no cake, or candles, or balloons!!? Oh, Eeyore. Happy birthday!
Eeyore: It’s not happy, that’s the problem.
Звучит музыка (трек№2)
Winnie-the-Pooh ( отходя в сторону, Кристоферу Робину) I must find Eeyore a present right away. (Винни и Кристофер Робин расходятся в разные стороны, Кристофер Робин уходит со сцены, Винни тут же появляется с горшочком и ест мед.)
Scene 2.
Звучит веселая музыка (трек№1) Появляется Хрюня
Piglet: Good morning Winnie !
Winnie-the-Pooh: It is not so good. It is Eeyore's birthday today and everyone has forgotten! I am going to give him a jar of honey. (начинает есть мед)
Piglet: Oh, can I give it to Eeyore too? So that it is from both of us
Winnie-the-Pooh: That isn't a good idea. (понемногу начинает есть мед, облизывая лапы)
Piglet: Then I can give Eeyore a balloon. I’ve got a big red balloon at home.
Хрюня убегает под музыку (трек№1), на сцене появляется Сова, она читает книгу
Winnie-the-Pooh: (съедает мед, смотрит внутрь горшочка) - Oh, there is no honey in the jar…(чешет в затылке), but it is not too awful… It’s a nice empty honeypot!
Винни подходит к Сове - Hi, Owl! I’ve got a present for Eeyore! (показывает Сове горшочек)
Owl: Well, a jar is a really nice present. It’s a useful pot for keeping things in.
Winnie-the-Pooh: Could you write it for me? Thank you.
…I'm just saying 'A Happy Birthday'.
Winnie-the-Pooh: (смотрит на горшочек) It's nice. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (убегает)
Звучит музыка. Сова уходит со сцены.
Слышится звук лопающегося шара
Scene 3.
Звучит грустная мелодия (трек№2). Появляется грустный ослик, к нему приближается такой же грустный пятачок, пряча за спиной лопнувший шарик
Piglet(печально): Hi, Eeyore! Happy birthday! I’ve got a present for you.
Eeyore: Really? A present for me, for my birthday? What present?
Piglet: It’s a balloon.
Eeyore: A balloon? A real big balloon?
Piglet: Yes…but…. It’s not a real balloon. Sorry Eeyore, I burst it.
Eeyore: My balloon, my present! You burst it?
Piglet: Yes, I’m very sorry. Here it is. (протягивает лопнувший шарик со слегка виноватым видом).
Scene 4.
Музыка (трек№4)Входит Винни с горшочком за спиной
Winnie-the-Pooh: Happy birthday, Donkey! I’ve got a present for you.
Eeyore: Thank you.
Winnie-the-Pooh: Look what I’ve got here. – протягивает ослику горшок. - It’s a useful pot.
Eeyore: Really? …I can put my balloon into the pot.
Winnie-the-Pooh: (чешет в затылке) I think you can’t. Balloons are much too big to go into pots.
Eeyore: But my balloon is different! (кладет и вынимает шарик, радуясь)
Winnie-the-Pooh : So it does! It goes in!
Piglet : So it does! And it comes out!
На сцену выходят Сова и Кристофер Робин, радуются
Eeyore (глядя на друзей): Doesn't it? It goes in and out, in and out, in and out! I’m so happy!
All together: And we are happy too! Happy birthday, Eeyore!( музыка музыка трек№2)
Музыка слегка затихает, выходит presenter:
Presenter: So Pooh and Piglet are both very glad that they have given Eeyore such useful and entertaining presents, and Eeyore is very happy putting his balloon into the pot and then taking it out again!
Костя: Gloria Grant is from Stradford-on-Avon. She’ll tell us about some facts from Shakespeare’s life.
Даша: Stradford-on-Avon is a small town in the centre of England. It is situated on the banks of the river Avon.
Today we can see Shakespeare’s house with a collection of books, pictures, connected with the life and works of the poet, the school where Shakespeare learned.
The Shakespeare’s Memorial Theatre is situated there. Now it is one of the most popular theatres in the world. It stages only Shakespeare’s plays.
On the places of interests in Stradford is Shakespeare’s statue. It is surrounded by the statues of the main character’s of his works.
Every year the Shakespeare’s Festival takes place in Stradford. On the 23-d of April they have a birthday ceremony.
Регина: Our students have prepared some sonnets which can be heard here.
Sonnet №90
Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now,
Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross,
Join with the spite of Fortune, make me bow,
And do not drop in for an after-loss.
Ah, do not, when my heart hath 'scaped this sorrow.
Come in the rearward of a conquered woe;
Give not a windy night a rainy morrow,
To linger out a purposed overthrow.
If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last,
When other petty griefs have done their spite,
But in the onset come: so shall I taste
At first the very worst of Fortune's might;
And other strains of woe, which now seem woe,
Compared with loss of thee will not seem so.
Уж если ты разлюбишь,— так теперь,
Теперь, когда весь мир со мной в раздоре.
Будь самой горькой из моих потерь,
Но только не последней каплей горя!
И если скорбь дано мне превозмочь,
Не наноси удара из засады.
Пусть бурная не разрешится ночь
Дождливым утром — утром без отрады.
Оставь меня, но не в последний миг,
Когда от мелких бед я ослабею.
Оставь сейчас, чтоб сразу я постиг,
Что это горе всех невзгод больнее.
Что нет невзгод, а есть одна беда —
Твоей любви лишиться навсегда.
Перевод С. Маршака
Sonnet № 91
Some glory in their birth, some in their skill,
Some in their wealth, some in their bodies' force;
Some in their garments, though new-fangled ill;
Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse;
And every humour hath his adjunct pleasure
Wherein it finds a joy above the rest.
But these particulars are not my measure;
All these I better in one general best,
Thy love is better than high birth to me,
Richer than wealth, prouder than garments' cost,
Of more delight than hawks or horses be;
And having thee, of all men's pride I boast:
Wretched in this alone, that thou mayst take
All this away, and me most wretched make.
Кто хвалится родством своим со знатью,
Кто силой, кто блестящим галуном,
Кто кошельком, кто пряжками на платье,
Кто соколом, собакой, скакуном.
Есть у людей различные пристрастья,
Но каждому милей всего одно.
А у меня особенное счастье,—
В нем остальное все заключено,
Твоя любовь, мой друг, дороже клада,
Почетнее короны королей,
Наряднее богатого наряда,
Охоты соколиной веселей.
Ты можешь все отнять, чем я владею,
И в этот миг я сразу обеднею.
Даша : The story of the Beatles rises from the back- street of the Liverpool. Four working – class boys organized their group in 1959. They were just one of a dozen bands that played in clubs and got only 5 shillings each for it. Soon they were invited to Hamburg where they recorded their song. Later they signed their first recording contract in London and their first record was a success. In year their songs became hits they went on tours of Gr. Britain. The Beatles became “the most famous men in the world” as the press wrote.
The most popular songs by Beatles are “Yesterday”, “ Let it be”, “Imagine” “ Strawberry Fields”. And now we’ll listen to the song “Imagine” (a song).
Костя: Rona Rex and Kenna Baran are from Scotland. They are fond of Robert Burns’s poetry. (Kenna Baran about Scotland)
Scotland is a country of great variety with its own unique character and strong traditions. It is a very big country famous for the diversity of its landscapes. Scottish lakes, called “lochs”, are surrounded by picturesque hills and mountains. The most famous of the Scottish lochs is Loch Ness, because of the mystery of its monster. The Loch Ness monster is a real attraction for people from all parts of Britain and from other countries.
For many centuries the purple thistle has been Scotland's national emblem.
Rona Rex: I am from Scotland, from Highlands (the most beautiful part of our country).
The Scottish Highlands are among oldest mountains the world.
My heart’s in the Highlands
My heart is not here
My heart’s in the Highlands
A chasing the deer.
The poem is known to all Scottish people. It was written by Robert Burns. Every year, on
the 25-th of January, his birthday is celebrated in cities, towns and villages with Burn’s supper.
It begins with a traditional toast: “To the immortal memory of Robert Burns”. Then those present must make speeches. Everyone is allowed to make a speech and read a poem by R. Burns.
Регина: Let’s altogether sing this popular song!
My heart in the Highlands
My heart is not here
My heart’s in the Highlands
A chasing the deer.
A chasing the wild deer and following the roe
My heart in the Highlands wherever I go
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell of worth.
Wherever I wonder, wherever I rove
The hills of the Highlands forever I love.
Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow.
Farewell to the straths and green valleys below
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.
Костя: John Brown is from Wales. He presents his country. (about Wales)
Wales is a country situated in the West of Britain. St. David is the patron saint of Wales. It is a small country but there is no other part of the British Isles where national spirit is stronger, national pride more intense or national traditions more cherished than in Wales. Wales has a distinctive culture including its own language, customs, holidays and music. Wales has high mountains, including Mount Snowdon, the second highest mountain in Britain. Cardiff, the modern capital of Wales, has a Roman castle and a modern shopping centre. For many centuries the purple thistle has been Scotland's national emblem. The national symbol of Wales is the daffodil.
Костя: The students from the 11th form have prepared
Регина Michel Denton is from Northern Ireland. He will introduce his country. (about North.Ir.)
Саша К. Northern Ireland
There is an old Irish saying that Ireland must be the cleanest place in the world, because God washes it every day. Ireland is also called the “Emerald Isle” because of its beautiful green fields. The capital and largest city of Northern Ireland is Belfast. It is a great industrial centre and a large port. Theshamrock and the red hand are the national symbols of Northern Ireland. The shamrock is said to be connected to St. Patrick, Ireland's Patron Saint.
Костя: Our students have prepared an Irish dance. Let’s enjoy it! (ирланд.танец)
Регина: We are thankful for our meeting today. It was a great experience in exchanging culture of our countries. Today we have learned a lot about traditions of the UK.
Костя: Our party is coming to an end.
Регина:The UK and Russia have naturally rich and diverse cultury.
Костя:Yes, we are different. But diversity is one thing we all have in common. Celebrate it every day!
Регина: Let us all respect and let us all unite as human beings.
Костя и Регина вместе: Peace. Peace and more peace at all!