Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  6 класс  /  Разработка урока по английскому языку "Животные в нашей жизни"

Разработка урока по английскому языку "Животные в нашей жизни"

Урок познакомит детей с Лондонским зоопарком и поможет повторить пройденный материал.

Описание разработки


Закрепить и углубить знания, умения и навыки, приобретенные учащимися в рамках базового курса по учебнику “Enjoy English – 3” для 6 класса под редакцией М.З. Биболетовой.

Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения языком как средством общения по теме “Animals in our life” по циклу № 6 учебника.

Развивать творческую инициативу учащихся, их самостоятельность и активность.

Содержание урока.

1. Good morning children. The topic of our lesson is «Animals in our Life”.

We’ll revise material about London Zoo, do some tasks about animals and speak about our pets

Imagine that you are speaking to visitors to London Zoo. What would you like to tell them?

Meet our baby animals. See the young birds stretch their wings. And watch out when “Junior Jumbo walks”. This little elephant likes a walk. And those funny little monkeys are always full of fun: swinging, jumping, chasing and chattering.

We have over 5,000 insects, big and small, walking, jumping, sleeping. And when it’s feeding time at the zoo, look at all those sharks diving for their daily catch. Wow!

The Zoological Society of London is fighting to help save endangered animals all over the world. The African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino are just some of these animals. London Zoo

London Zoo is a zoo in Regent's Park not far from the centre of London. The Zoo is opened every day from 9 o'clock a.m to 7 o'clock p.m. There are many exotic animals at London Zoo. A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. In London Zoo you can see camels. Children love to visit London Zoo very much.

Разработка урока по английскому языку Животные в нашей жизни

Translate the proverbs about animals and give Russian equivalents.

1. To kill two birds with one stone.

1. Кто рано встает, того удача ждет.

2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

2. Убить двух зайцев.

3. Every dog has his day.

3. Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки.

4. The early bird catches the worm.

4. Будет и на вашей улице праздник.

5. No bees, no honey.

5. В семье не без урода.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

.Открытый урок 6 класс Дигурова Тамара Петровна 2015 год.

(УМК «Enjoy English- 3 6класс Unit 6 «Animals in our Life».


  1. Закрепить и углубить знания, умения и навыки, приобретенные учащимися в рамках базового курса по учебнику “Enjoy English – 3” для 6 класса под редакцией М.З. Биболетовой.

  2. Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения языком как средством общения по теме “Animals in our life” по циклу № 6 учебника.

  3. Развивать творческую инициативу учащихся, их самостоятельность и активность.

Содержание урока

1.Good morning children. The topic of our lesson is «Animals in our Life”.

We’ll revise material about London Zoo ,do some tasks about animals and speak about our


  • Imagine that you are speaking to visitors to London Zoo. What would you like to tell them?

  • Meet our baby animals. See the young birds stretch their wings. And watch out when “Junior Jumbo walks”. This little elephant likes a walk. And those funny little monkeys are always full of fun: swinging, jumping, chasing and chattering.

  • We have over 5,000 insects, big and small, walking, jumping, sleeping. And when it’s feeding time at the zoo, look at all those sharks diving for their daily catch. Wow!

The Zoological Society of London is fighting to help save endangered animals all over the world. The African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino are just some of these animals. London Zoo

London Zoo is a zoo in Regent's Park not far from the centre of London. The Zoo is opened every day from 9 o'clock a.m to 7 o'clock p.m. There are many exotic animals at London Zoo. A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. In London Zoo you can see camels. Children love to visit London Zoo very much

Translate the proverbs about animals and give Russian equivalents

1. To kill two birds with one stone.

1. Кто рано встает, того удача ждет.

2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

2. Убить двух зайцев.

3. Every dog has his day.

3. Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки

4. The early bird catches the worm.

4. Будет и на вашей улице праздник.

5. No bees, no honey.

5. В семье не без урода.

6. Curiosity killed a cat.

6. Без труда, не выловишь рыбку из пруда.

7. Every family has a black sheep.

7. Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали.

Give the plural forms of the nouns:

Snake -

Mouse -

Eagle -

Goose -

Monkey -

Elephant -

Fish -

Wolf -

Shark -


10. The Seventh

What are the most intelligent animals?

Listen and recall “How long do the animals live?”

Rabbits – 5 years

Goats – 15 years

Sheep – 12 years

Cows – 25 years

Cats – 13 years

Pigs – 25 years


Camels – 40 years


Camels – 40 years

Dogs – 15 years






London Zoo is in Hyde Park in Moscow.



There are many exotic animals at London Zoo



The Zoo is opened. from 8 o'clock a.m. to 5 o'clock p.m



In London Zoo you can see cats and dogs.



Children love to sit on a camel's back.



Children don’t love to visit London Zoo.



A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food.



Our lesson is over but I love and care for animals will continue forever .

Thank You ! very much for your good work .

Your marks are

Good –bye!

Курсы повышения квалификации

Современные педагогические технологии в образовательном процессе

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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Разработка урока по английскому языку "Животные в нашей жизни" (40.62 MB)

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