Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  8 класс  /  Разработка урока по английскому языку "The other side of the world"

Разработка урока по английскому языку "The other side of the world"

Урок позволит обучить учащихся грамотному построению предложений на английском языке.

Описание разработки

Цель урока:

Обучение грамотному построению предложений на английском языке.

Задачи урока:

Слушать и понимать услышанное.

Ход урока.

1. Орг. Момент. Приветствие.

The division into groups. Students come into the class and choose the flag of the country. According to the selected flag they sit down at the desk the country.

T: Good morning my children! I am glad to see you!

- Sit down, please!

- How are you?

- And you?

Cl: Good morning our teacher! We are glad to see you too!

- I am fine, thanks!

- I am OK, thanks!

Сообщение темы и цели урока.

2. Обсуждение стран P.B. p.47

Warm up: 2 minutes

Open your books P.B. p.47

Now we will read an e-mail written by a New Zealander to a friend in Scotland.

T: Group #1 What do you know about New Zealand?

Group #2 What do you know about Scotland?

Do you know where Scotland is?.

(It is one of the countries which make up Great Britain, and lies to the north of England.)

What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh.)

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland (Write on the board).

What is the capital of New Zealand? (Wellington)

Wellington is the capital of New Zealand (Write on the board).

Remind students that Auckland is in New Zealand. The biggest city in NZ

Разработка урока по английскому языку The other side of the world

3. Words.

So I speak English words and you repeat after me:



New Zealand



Immigration officer

What does Immigration officer do?

Who is an Immigration officer?

4. Work in groups.

дети находят определение к слову Immigration officer.

Правильный ответ

interview immigrants (people who enter a country, wishing to live there permanently)

to decide whether (который) they have the correct papers and permissions (разрешение)

to allow them to enter

The officer must be sure that the visitor will not enter with nowhere (никуда) to go and become immediately homeless.

The officer will also want to satisfy himself that the visitor plans to return home at the end of a specific time.

5. Reading the first e-mail.

Students read the e-mail.

Where is Bruce from?

Where is he planning to go?

When will he arrive in the UK?

6. Reading the second e-mail.

Students read Steve's reply to Bruce.

Whose phone number does Steve give Bruce?

Why does Steve do this? (he doesn’t know his address)

Do you think Bruce will ring Steve's uncle before he gets to London? (No, because he's travelling for two weeks after he leaves Auckland.)

Remove unnecessary (убрать лишнее)

Group #1

interview immigrants (people who enter a country, wishing to live there permanently)

to decide whether (который) they have the correct papers and permissions (разрешение)

Not to decide whether (который) they have the correct papers and permissions (разрешение)

to allow them to enter    

Group #2

Not to ask about the place and a person where a visitor go

The officer must be sure that the visitor will not enter with nowhere (никуда) to go and become immediately homeless.

The officer will also want to satisfy himself that the visitor plans to return home at the end of a specific time.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Move Ahead 2

издательства Macmillan

P.B. page 47

Unit 6: The other side of the world.

Listening and speaking “The other side of the world”

Цель урока

Обучение грамотному построению предложений на английском языке

Задачи урока

Слушать и понимать услышанное.

Ход урока

1. Орг. Момент. Приветствие.

The division into groups. Students come into the class and choose the flag of the country. According to the selected flag they sit down at the desk the country.

T: Good morning my children! I am glad to see you!

- Sit down, please!

- How are you?

- And you?

Cl: Good morning our teacher! We are glad to see you too!

- I am fine, thanks!

- I am OK, thanks!

Сообщение темы и цели урока

2. Обсуждение стран P.B. p.47

Warm up: 2 minutes

Open your books P.B. p.47

Now we will read an e-mail written by a New Zealander to a friend in Scotland.


Group #1 What do you know about New Zealand?

Group #2 What do you know about Scotland?

Do you know where Scotland is?.

(It is one of the countries which make up Great Britain, and lies to the north of England.)

  • What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh.)

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland (Write on the board).

  • What is the capital of New Zealand? (Wellington)

Wellington is the capital of New Zealand (Write on the board).

Remind students that Auckland is in New Zealand. The biggest city in NZ

3. Words

So I speak English words and you repeat after me:



New Zealand



Immigration officer

What does Immigration officer do?

Who is an Immigration officer?

4. Work in groups

дети находят определение к слову Immigration officer

Remove unnecessary (убрать лишнее)

Group #1

  • interview immigrants (people who enter a country, wishing to live there permanently)

  • to decide whether (который) they have the correct papers and permissions (разрешение)

  • Not to decide whether (который) they have the correct papers and permissions (разрешение)

  • to allow them to enter

Group #2

  • Not to ask about the place and a person where a visitor go

  • The officer must be sure that the visitor will not enter with nowhere (никуда) to go and become immediately homeless.

  • The officer will also want to satisfy himself that the visitor plans to return home at the end of a specific time.

Правильный ответ

  • interview immigrants (people who enter a country, wishing to live there permanently)

  • to decide whether (который) they have the correct papers and permissions (разрешение)

  • to allow them to enter

  • The officer must be sure that the visitor will not enter with nowhere (никуда) to go and become immediately homeless.

  • The officer will also want to satisfy himself that the visitor plans to return home at the end of a specific time.

5. Reading the first e-mail.

Students read the e-mail.

  • Where is Bruce from?

  • Where is he planning to go?

  • When will he arrive in the UK?

6. Reading the second e-mail.

Students read Steve's reply to Bruce.

  • Whose phone number does Steve give Bruce?

  • Why does Steve do this? (he doesn’t know his address)

  • Do you think Bruce will ring Steve's uncle before he gets to London? (No, because he's travelling for two weeks after he leaves Auckland.)

7. ex 3 p 47

Read the task


  • Egypt.

  • No, my final destination is Edinburgh.

  • I'm planning to stay with a friend in Edinburgh. And I'm going to stay with my friend's uncle in London.

  • know he lives in London but I don't have his address.

Yes, my friend e-mailed him and told him to expect a call from me.

8. Listening

The questions on the board

  • Will Bruce have problems answering any of the questions?

  • What problems does Bruce have?

  • What do you think happened next?

To prepare students for the second question, explain that when going through immigration it is best to give the officer as much information as possible.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Проектная деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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