Брейн-ринг по страноведению для 8 - 11-х классов
За 2 недели до Брейн – ринга обучающиеся получают следующее задание – повторить изученный материал по истории, географии, политике, образованию, науке и культуре стран изучаемого языка.
Цели викторины:
повторить пройденный учебный материал в неформальной обстановке во время игры;
подвести итог по изучению темы: “English Speaking Countries”;
повысить интерес обучающихся к изучению английского языка.
Состав участников:
Ход и правила викторины:
В викторине принимает участие 24 обучающихся, по 6 человек в команде.
Команды рассаживаются за круглые столы, выбираются капитаны.
Викторина начинается с представления команд, презентаций о странах изучаемого языка.
Викторина состоит из 4 раундов, каждый раунд содержит 10 вопросов с 4 вариантами ответов. На каждый ответ на вопрос дается по 30 секунд. Команда, желающая ответить, поднимает сигнальную карточку. Если ответ неверный, ход переходит команде соперников.
В перерыве между раундами музыкальные паузы, по окончании игры заключительная песня.
Жюри в ходе викторины следит, кто из обучающихся в каждом раунде дал большее количество правильных ответов. В конце викторины команда победителей награждается грамотой, а также награждаются грамотами обучающиеся, давшие большее количество правильных ответов по каждому раунду.
I. Начало викторины
Dear friends, today we are going to talk about English Speaking Countries. You have to answer our questions. Let’s start our quizzing game. But first the presentations of the teams and their stories about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Canada and Australia.
I раунд
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
1. Who is the head of state in the UK?
a) the President
b) the Prime Minister
c) the King or the Queen
d) Lord Chancellor
2. Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in …
3. Everybody knows that London is the capital of the UK and the capital of England. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
a) Edinburgh
b) Bristol
c) Dublin
d) Belfast
4. Shamrock is the symbol of Ireland. What is the symbol of Scotland?
a) a thistle
b) a daffodil
c) a rose
d) a leek
5. At what age can a person vote in Great Britain?
a) at the age of 21
b) at the age of 18
c) at the age of 25
d) at the age of 16
6. A world-famous school for boys, founded in 1440 by Henry VI at Windsor is …
a) Eton
b) Trinity College
c) Cambridge
d) King's College
7. Many famous people of Great Britain are buried in Poets' Corner situated in …
a) St. Paul's Cathedral
b) Buckingham Palace
c) Westminster Palace
d) Westminster Abbey
8. A well-known musical “Jesus Christ Superstar” was written by …
a) Andrew Lloyd Webber
b) Paul McCartney
c) Tim Ryce
d) Bob Wooler
9. Which one of these famous plays wasn't written by Shakespeare?
a) Romeo and Juliet
b) Much Ado About Nothing
c) Pygmalion
d) King Lear
10. O’ Henry is the pen name of …
a) J. Keats
b) O'Neil
c) William Sydney Porter
d) Robert Burns
II раунд
1. The animal that you'll find nowhere else but in Australia is …
a) a crocodile
b) a camel
c) a kangaroo
d) an elephant
2. The capital of Australia is …
a) Sydney
b) Brisbane
c) Canberra
d) Melbourne
3. When do Australians celebrate the national holiday?
(On the 26th of January. They celebrate the first settlement of Australia.)
4. What are the national emblems of Australia?
(The eucalyptus, wattle, emu and kangaroo.)
5. What animals can you see on Australia’s coat-of-arms?
(The kangaroo and emu.)
6. What can one find in Sydney and in London?
(The City, Hyde Park and the Speaker’s Corner.)
7. What does the name “Canberra” mean in the Aborigine language?
(“Meeting people”)
8. What waters is Australia washed by?
(It is washed by three oceans: The Indian Ocean, The Pacific Ocean, The Southern Ocean and four seas: The Arafura Sea, The Timor Sea, The Tasman Sea, The Coral Sea.)
9. What kind of State is Australia?
(Constitutional Monarchy. Independent federative State within the Commonwealth headed by the British Queen.)
10. Do you know deserts of Australia? Name them.
(They are four: The Great Sandy Desert, The Gibson Desert, The Great Victoria Desert, The Simpson Desert.)
III раунд
1. The capital of Canada is …
a) Toronto
b) Ottawa
c) Montreal
d) Vancouver
2. The largest city of Canada is …
a) Ottawa
b) Vancouver
c) Montreal
d) Toronto
3. The national emblem of Canada is …
a) the shamrock
b) the daffodil
c) the maple leaf
d) the thistle
4. The second official language in Canada is …
a) French
b) Italian
c) Spanish
d) Dutch
5. When did Canada become part of the British Empire?
6. What mountains do run along the Pacific coast?
(The Pacific Coast Ranges are part of the North American Cordillera (sometimes known as the Western Cordillera, or in Canada, as the Pacific Cordillera and/or the Canadian Cordillera), which includes the Rocky Mountains, Columbia Mountains, Interior Mountains, the Interior Plateau, Sierra Nevada Mountains, the Great Basin mountain ranges, and other ranges and various plateaus and basins.)
How many lakes are situated along the boundary between Canada and the USA?
(The five Great Lakes, between the USA and Canada, include Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario.)
8. Canada is often called the “Land of the Maple Leaf” or “Land of the Apple” Why?
9. Under the Constitution the head of state is …
a) the Prime Minister
b) the British monarch
c) the President
d) the Governor General
10. Canadian Parliament consists of …
a) the House of Lords and the House of Commons
b) the Senate and the House of Commons
c) the Senate and the House of Lords
d) the Senate and the House of Representatives
IV раунд
The USA.
1. Christopher Columbus landed in America in ...
a) 1620 b) 1942 c) 1492 d) 1812
2. The name of the ship that sailed from Plymouth to the new world is …
a) Titanic
b) Mayflower
c) Albion
d) Saint Mary
3. The Flag of the United States is called "Stars and Stripes". What do the stripes represent?
a)the original states b)diversity c)the unity of states d)the national emblem
4. The national emblem of the United States of America is…
a) the turkey
b) the Statue of Liberty
c) the bald eagle
d) the Flag
5. Where is the Statue of Liberty?
a) New York b) Washington D.C. c) Atlanta d) San Francisco
6. To what city do these parts belong: Harlem, Manhattan, Brooklyn?
a) New York b) Washington D.C. c) Los Angeles d) San Francisco
7. Which is the biggest state in the USA?
a) Texas b) Alaska c) California d) New York
8. The author of American Declaration of Independence was …
a) George Washington
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) Abraham Lincoln
d) James Madison
9. The oldest and the youngest US presidents elected were respectively…
a) Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy
b) Ronald Reagan and Theodore Roosevelt
c) George Washington and Bill Clinton
d) George Washington and Abraham Lincoln
10. How is the famous American film “Some like it hot” called in Russian?
a) «Горячие головы» b) «Кабаре» c) «В джазе только девушки» d) «Полёт над гнездом кукушки»
II. Итоги викторины.
Викторина завершается подведением итогов и награждением команд.