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Растения, птицы и животные- символы городов, стран и регионов


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Plants, birds and animals – symbols of cities and countries

Plants, birds and animals – symbols of cities and countries

Let’s read and translate the words  a magpie  a swallow  a woodpecker  a sparrow   a magpie  a swallow  a woodpecker  a sparrow   a magpie  a swallow  a woodpecker  a sparrow   a magpie  a swallow  a woodpecker  a sparrow   a budgie  a crow  an emu  a starling   a budgie  a crow  an emu  a starling   a budgie  a crow  an emu  a starling   a budgie  a crow  an emu  a starling   a pigeon  a seagull  an owl  a turkey   a pigeon  a seagull  an owl  a turkey   a pigeon  a seagull  an owl  a turkey   a pigeon  a seagull  an owl  a turkey

Let’s read and translate the words

  • a magpie a swallow a woodpecker a sparrow
  • a magpie a swallow a woodpecker a sparrow
  • a magpie a swallow a woodpecker a sparrow
  • a magpie
  • a swallow
  • a woodpecker
  • a sparrow
  • a budgie a crow an emu a starling
  • a budgie a crow an emu a starling
  • a budgie a crow an emu a starling
  • a budgie
  • a crow
  • an emu
  • a starling
  • a pigeon a seagull an owl a turkey
  • a pigeon a seagull an owl a turkey
  • a pigeon a seagull an owl a turkey
  • a pigeon
  • a seagull
  • an owl
  • a turkey
Symbols of Russia The official symbol of Russia is a double-headed eagle. Some scientists say that the tsar Ivan the third was married Sofia Paleolog. She was a niece of the last emperor (император) of Byzantium ( Византия) . The double-headed eagle was the symbol of it. That symbol was confirmed (утвержден) by Ivan the third. A crown above the eagle was appeared in 16 century while when Ivan the Terrible ruled the country. The official symbol of Russia is a double-headed eagle. Some scientists say that the tsar Ivan the third was married Sofia Paleolog. She was a niece of the last emperor (император) of Byzantium ( Византия) . The double-headed eagle was the symbol of it. That symbol was confirmed (утвержден) by Ivan the third. A crown above the eagle was appeared in 16 century while when Ivan the Terrible ruled the country. The official symbol of Russia is a double-headed eagle. Some scientists say that the tsar Ivan the third was married Sofia Paleolog. She was a niece of the last emperor (император) of Byzantium ( Византия) . The double-headed eagle was the symbol of it. That symbol was confirmed (утвержден) by Ivan the third. A crown above the eagle was appeared in 16 century while when Ivan the Terrible ruled the country. The official symbol of Russia is a double-headed eagle. Some scientists say that the tsar Ivan the third was married Sofia Paleolog. She was a niece of the last emperor (император) of Byzantium ( Византия) . The double-headed eagle was the symbol of it. That symbol was confirmed (утвержден) by Ivan the third. A crown above the eagle was appeared in 16 century while when Ivan the Terrible ruled the country.

Symbols of Russia

The official symbol of Russia is a double-headed eagle.

Some scientists say that the tsar Ivan the third was married Sofia Paleolog.

She was a niece of the last emperor (император) of Byzantium ( Византия) .

The double-headed eagle was the symbol of it.

That symbol was confirmed (утвержден) by Ivan the third.

A crown above the eagle was appeared in 16 century while when Ivan the Terrible ruled the country.

  • The official symbol of Russia is a double-headed eagle. Some scientists say that the tsar Ivan the third was married Sofia Paleolog. She was a niece of the last emperor (император) of Byzantium ( Византия) . The double-headed eagle was the symbol of it. That symbol was confirmed (утвержден) by Ivan the third. A crown above the eagle was appeared in 16 century while when Ivan the Terrible ruled the country.
  • The official symbol of Russia is a double-headed eagle. Some scientists say that the tsar Ivan the third was married Sofia Paleolog. She was a niece of the last emperor (император) of Byzantium ( Византия) . The double-headed eagle was the symbol of it. That symbol was confirmed (утвержден) by Ivan the third. A crown above the eagle was appeared in 16 century while when Ivan the Terrible ruled the country.
  • The official symbol of Russia is a double-headed eagle. Some scientists say that the tsar Ivan the third was married Sofia Paleolog. She was a niece of the last emperor (император) of Byzantium ( Византия) . The double-headed eagle was the symbol of it. That symbol was confirmed (утвержден) by Ivan the third. A crown above the eagle was appeared in 16 century while when Ivan the Terrible ruled the country.
Informal symbols of Russia The brown bear is clever and careful. It’s the symbol of power and bravery. The brown bear is clever and careful. It’s the symbol of power and bravery. The brown bear is clever and careful. It’s the symbol of power and bravery. The brown bear is clever and careful. It’s the symbol of power and bravery. The daisy is a national symbol of love and family in our country. The daisy is a national symbol of love and family in our country. The daisy is a national symbol of love and family in our country. The daisy is a national symbol of love and family in our country.

Informal symbols of Russia

The brown bear is clever and careful.

It’s the symbol of power and bravery.

  • The brown bear is clever and careful. It’s the symbol of power and bravery.
  • The brown bear is clever and careful. It’s the symbol of power and bravery.
  • The brown bear is clever and careful. It’s the symbol of power and bravery.

The daisy is a national symbol of love and family in our country.

  • The daisy is a national symbol of love and family in our country.
  • The daisy is a national symbol of love and family in our country.
  • The daisy is a national symbol of love and family in our country.
The birch was the most important tree for our people. The birch juice was tasty and healthy. People could write on the bark ( кора). Russian bast shoes (лапти) were made from birch bast (березовое лыко). The birch was the most important tree for our people. The birch juice was tasty and healthy. People could write on the bark ( кора). Russian bast shoes (лапти) were made from birch bast (березовое лыко). The birch was the most important tree for our people. The birch juice was tasty and healthy. People could write on the bark ( кора). Russian bast shoes (лапти) were made from birch bast (березовое лыко). The birch was the most important tree for our people. The birch juice was tasty and healthy. People could write on the bark ( кора). Russian bast shoes (лапти) were made from birch bast (березовое лыко).

The birch was the most important tree for our people.

The birch juice was tasty and healthy.

People could write on the bark ( кора).

Russian bast shoes (лапти) were made from birch bast (березовое лыко).

  • The birch was the most important tree for our people. The birch juice was tasty and healthy. People could write on the bark ( кора). Russian bast shoes (лапти) were made from birch bast (березовое лыко).
  • The birch was the most important tree for our people. The birch juice was tasty and healthy. People could write on the bark ( кора). Russian bast shoes (лапти) were made from birch bast (березовое лыко).
  • The birch was the most important tree for our people. The birch juice was tasty and healthy. People could write on the bark ( кора). Russian bast shoes (лапти) were made from birch bast (березовое лыко).
Pigeon A pigeon we can see on the State insignia ( герб ) of Cyprus ( Кипр ). A pigeon we can see on the State insignia ( герб ) of Cyprus ( Кипр ). A pigeon we can see on the State insignia ( герб ) of Cyprus ( Кипр ). A pigeon we can see on the State insignia ( герб ) of Cyprus ( Кипр ). This country got of independence from Great Britain in 1960. The pigeon was a symbol of peace for a long time. People of Cyprus were against the war. And they chose this bird as the symbol of their country.


A pigeon we can see on the State insignia ( герб ) of Cyprus ( Кипр ).

  • A pigeon we can see on the State insignia ( герб ) of Cyprus ( Кипр ).
  • A pigeon we can see on the State insignia ( герб ) of Cyprus ( Кипр ).
  • A pigeon we can see on the State insignia ( герб ) of Cyprus ( Кипр ).

This country got of independence from Great Britain in 1960.

The pigeon was a symbol of peace for a long time.

People of Cyprus were against the war.

And they chose this bird as the symbol of their country.

Reutov Gulkevitchi The pigeon is the symbol of Reutov (the town in Moscow Region) and Gulkevitchi (in Krasnodar Region) that was founded in 1875 . The pigeon is the symbol of Reutov (the town in Moscow Region) and Gulkevitchi (in Krasnodar Region) that was founded in 1875 . The pigeon is the symbol of Reutov (the town in Moscow Region) and Gulkevitchi (in Krasnodar Region) that was founded in 1875 . The pigeon is the symbol of Reutov (the town in Moscow Region) and Gulkevitchi (in Krasnodar Region) that was founded in 1875 .



The pigeon is the symbol of Reutov (the town in Moscow Region) and Gulkevitchi (in Krasnodar Region) that was founded in 1875 .

  • The pigeon is the symbol of Reutov (the town in Moscow Region) and Gulkevitchi (in Krasnodar Region) that was founded in 1875 .
  • The pigeon is the symbol of Reutov (the town in Moscow Region) and Gulkevitchi (in Krasnodar Region) that was founded in 1875 .
  • The pigeon is the symbol of Reutov (the town in Moscow Region) and Gulkevitchi (in Krasnodar Region) that was founded in 1875 .
Camel It is interesting to know that a camel is the symbol of Chelyabinsk. It was founded on the Mias river in 1736. There was the “Great Silk Road” from China to Europe. Camels carried a lot of things. These animals were important for development of the country. That’s why the camel has become the symbol of the city.


It is interesting to know that a camel is the symbol of Chelyabinsk.

It was founded on the Mias river in 1736.

There was the “Great Silk Road” from China to Europe.

Camels carried a lot of things.

These animals were important for development of the country.

That’s why the camel has become the symbol of the city.

Silver bear I want to tell you about symbols of Perm (the town in Ural region). It was founded in 1783. The symbol of Perm is a silver bear (white bear ). On its back there is the gold Gospel ( евангелие ). Above the bear there is a cross ( крест ). That symbol means the education through the Christianity. ( Христианство )

Silver bear

I want to tell you about symbols of Perm (the town in Ural region).

It was founded in 1783.

The symbol of Perm is a silver bear (white bear ).

On its back there is the gold Gospel ( евангелие ).

Above the bear there is a cross ( крест ).

That symbol means the education through the Christianity. ( Христианство )

Bats and mice The most unusual symbols of cities are a bat and a mouse. The bat has become the symbol of Valencia since 1503. The king was saved in battle, when one enemy killed a flying bat above him.

Bats and mice

The most unusual symbols of cities are a bat and a mouse.

The bat has become the symbol of Valencia since 1503.

The king was saved in battle, when one enemy killed a flying bat above him.

The symbol of the Russian town Myshkin is a mouse (in Yaroslavl Region). The legend says: once upon a time Mstislav the Russian prince was sleeping under the tree. Suddenly the mouse woke up him. The prince saw a snake here. The mouse saved him. That’s why this town was founded on that place. There is the unique “Mouse museum” in Myshkin.

The symbol of the Russian town Myshkin is a mouse (in Yaroslavl Region).

The legend says: once upon a time Mstislav the Russian prince was sleeping under the tree.

Suddenly the mouse woke up him.

The prince saw a snake here.

The mouse saved him.

That’s why this town was founded on that place.

There is the unique “Mouse museum” in Myshkin.

Decide to what categories  these living things belong month   elm    turkey sunflower   bluebell   beech caterpillar   butterfly   oak ape    horse    lion elk    crow    hare canary    jackdaw   goat swan    goose    dragonfly duck    emu    beetle

Decide to what categories these living things belong

month elm turkey

sunflower bluebell beech

caterpillar butterfly oak

ape horse lion

elk crow hare

canary jackdaw goat

swan goose dragonfly

duck emu beetle

Match the English and Russian proverbs One swallow doesn’t make a summer Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. A cat in gloves catches no mice. First catch your hare, then cook him. Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда. Не убив медведя, шкуры не делят. Одна ласточка весны не делает. Дареному коню в зубы не смотрят

Match the English and Russian proverbs

  • One swallow doesn’t make a summer
  • Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
  • A cat in gloves catches no mice.
  • First catch your hare, then cook him.
  • Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда.
  • Не убив медведя, шкуры не делят.
  • Одна ласточка весны не делает.
  • Дареному коню в зубы не смотрят
Find out the extra word in each group of words elk, horse, moth, deer, rabbit. butterfly, dragonfly, caterpillar, birch, beetle. oak, elm, birch, bluebell, pine. swan, crow, magpie, owl, woodpecker sunflower, daffodil, daisy, tulip, bee

Find out the extra word in each group of words

  • elk, horse, moth, deer, rabbit.
  • butterfly, dragonfly, caterpillar, birch, beetle.
  • oak, elm, birch, bluebell, pine.
  • swan, crow, magpie, owl, woodpecker
  • sunflower, daffodil, daisy, tulip, bee
The end

The end

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