Try to guess our topic

Ideas for discussion :
*Household chores (duties) are for women.
*Household duties have positive and negative influence.
To pitch in = to contribute
Everyone at home should pitch in and help with the housework
*to be draining = to be very tiring
I find that mopping the floor is draining
*to be spic and span= to be very neat and tidy
I clean on a daily basis because I like to keep my home spic and span


Useful vocabulary
I love …
I … to keep it as clean as possible
I hate …= I have an aversion to most tasks
I am keen on …..
I am fond of…..
I am not a fan of ….
I am reluctant to do smth
To share workload
To take the load off

Let’s revise grammar

Listening (reading)
1)tick the chores for each person (true/false))
2)Types of questions (rules)
3)Asking questions about the information from the text