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Презентация. Men and women button

Данный материал используется на уроках иностранного языка (английского) для совершенствования способностей осмысленного чтения и говорения.

Содержимое разработки

Task 1.  Просмотрите текст и разделите его на условные сегменты. Используйте повышающую интонацию для перечисления и понижающую интонацию для утвердительных предложений. Сначала прочитайте текст для себя, а затем прочитайте его вслух. Не читайте текст слишком медленно или слишком быстро. Будьте осторожны со временем. У вас есть 1,5 минуты на подготовку и 1,5 минуты на чтение.

Task 1. Просмотрите текст и разделите его на условные сегменты. Используйте повышающую интонацию для перечисления и понижающую интонацию для утвердительных предложений. Сначала прочитайте текст для себя, а затем прочитайте его вслух. Не читайте текст слишком медленно или слишком быстро. Будьте осторожны со временем. У вас есть 1,5 минуты на подготовку и 1,5 минуты на чтение.

button differently reason first used right-handed servants faced easily
  • button
  • differently
  • reason
  • first used
  • right-handed
  • servants
  • faced
  • easily
Men and women button their clothes differently. There is a good reason for the difference. Buttons were first used for clothes more than 700 years ago. Buttons were expensive then, and only rich people could buy them. Most men are right-handed, so men’s clothes were made to be buttoned easily by right-handed men. In those days most rich women were dressed by their right-handed servants. The servants faced the women to button their clothes. Women’s clothes had buttons on the left so they could be buttoned easily by the servants.

Men and women button their clothes differently. There is a good reason for the difference. Buttons were first used for clothes more than 700 years ago. Buttons were expensive then, and only rich people could buy them. Most men are right-handed, so men’s clothes were made to be buttoned easily by right-handed men. In those days most rich women were dressed by their right-handed servants. The servants faced the women to button their clothes. Women’s clothes had buttons on the left so they could be buttoned easily by the servants.

Men and women button their clothes differently. There is a good reason for the difference. Buttons were first used for clothes more than 700 years ago. Buttons were expensive then, and only rich people could buy them. Most men are right-handed, so men’s clothes were made to be buttoned easily by right-handed men. In those days most rich women were dressed by their right-handed servants. The servants faced the women to button their clothes. Women’s clothes had buttons on the left so they could be buttoned easily by the servants.

Men and women button their clothes differently. There is a good reason for the difference. Buttons were first used for clothes more than 700 years ago. Buttons were expensive then, and only rich people could buy them. Most men are right-handed, so men’s clothes were made to be buttoned easily by right-handed men. In those days most rich women were dressed by their right-handed servants. The servants faced the women to button their clothes. Women’s clothes had buttons on the left so they could be buttoned easily by the servants.



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