Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Презентации  /  4 класс  /  Презентация к уроку в 4 классе по теме "Different professions"

Презентация к уроку в 4 классе по теме "Different professions"

Презентация для вводного урока по английскому языку по теме " Профессии" в 4 классе для введения новых лексических единиц и речевых оборотов. УМК Кузовлева В. П. Также её возможно использовать и на уроках отработки лексических единиц грамматических структур по данной теме. Данная презентация предназначена для интерактивной доски smart.

Содержимое разработки



An actress She acts in plays and films. She works in a theatre.

An actress

  • She acts in plays and films. She works in a theatre.
An architect  He designs houses and different buildings.

An architect

  • He designs houses and different buildings.
An artist,   a singer He sings and plays music.

An artist,

a singer

  • He sings and plays music.
A singer

A singer

A banker He works in a bank. He collects people’s money and give some money to others for some time.

A banker

  • He works in a bank. He collects people’s money and give some money to others for some time.
A book-keeper He counts money. He can work everywhere: in an office, at school, in a bank, at a factory, at the post-office and other places.

A book-keeper

  • He counts money. He can work everywhere: in an office, at school, in a bank, at a factory, at the post-office and other places.
A cook She cooks a lot of tasty things. She works in a canteen, café or restaurant.

A cook

  • She cooks a lot of tasty things. She works in a canteen, café or restaurant.
A doctor He helps sick people. He works in a hospital.

A doctor

  • He helps sick people. He works in a hospital.
A taxi driver He drives his car everywhere. He carries people.

A taxi


He drives his car everywhere.

He carries people.

An engineer He makes different drawings. (чертежи) He works at a factory or at a plant. (завод)

An engineer

  • He makes different drawings. (чертежи) He works at a factory or at a plant. (завод)
A hairdresser He or she makes new hairstyles (причёски) to people. He works in a barbershop.

A hairdresser

  • He or she makes new hairstyles (причёски) to people. He works in a barbershop.
A journalist A reporter He takes interviews and makes reports. He writes stories for newspapers and magazines.

A journalist

A reporter

  • He takes interviews and makes reports. He writes stories for newspapers and magazines.
A military man He serves ( служит) our country and protects  it.  (защищает)

A military man

  • He serves ( служит) our country and protects it.


A policeman He works in the police office. He helps people.

A policeman

  • He works in the police office. He helps people.
A policeman

A policeman

A miner He gets coal (уголь) from the ground .

A miner

  • He gets coal (уголь) from the ground .
A pensioner She doesn’t work. She is old. But she works about the house a lot.

A pensioner

  • She doesn’t work. She is old. But she works about the house a lot.
A photographer He makes many photos.

A photographer

  • He makes many photos.
A pianist He plays music well.

A pianist

  • He plays music well.
A pilot He flies a plane.

A pilot

He flies a plane.

A pupil He works at school. He studies much. He does a lot of homework.

A pupil

  • He works at school. He studies much. He does a lot of homework.
A shop-assistant   A salesman She works in a shop. She sales different things.

A shop-assistant

A salesman

  • She works in a shop. She sales different things.
A student He studies at an institute or university.

A student

  • He studies at an institute or university.
A teacher He works in a school. He teaches pupils.

A teacher

  • He works in a school. He teaches pupils.
He is a teacher too.
  • He is a teacher too.
A worker He works much everywhere.

A worker

He works much everywhere.

A fireman He helps people. He puts out (тушит) fire.

A fireman

  • He helps people. He puts out (тушит) fire.
A hunter He kills animals for meat.

A hunter

He kills animals for meat.

A joiner He makes furniture.

A joiner

He makes furniture.

A metalworker He repairs  cars.

A metalworker

He repairs


A postman She brings letters, magazines and newspapers to people.

A postman

She brings letters, magazines and newspapers to people.

A sailor He sails in the sea.

A sailor

He sails in the sea.

A shoe-  maker He makes shoes.

A shoe- maker

He makes shoes.

A yardman He sweeps paths and yards.

A yardman

He sweeps paths and yards.

A watch-  maker He repairs watches and clocks.

A watch- maker

He repairs watches and clocks.

A farmer He lives in the village and works on the farm.

A farmer

  • He lives in the village and works on the farm.
A painter An artist He paints wonderful pictures very well.

A painter

An artist

  • He paints wonderful pictures very well.
A model She is tall and beautiful. She wears wonderful clothes.

A model

  • She is tall and beautiful. She wears wonderful clothes.
A model too. Is not she beautiful?

A model too.

  • Is not she beautiful?
A tailor She makes and decorates clothes.

A tailor

  • She makes and decorates clothes.
Fishmen They catch fish .


  • They catch fish .
A sportsman He is good at running or other sports.

A sportsman

  • He is good at running or other sports.
A builder He builds houses.

A builder

  • He builds houses.
Dancers They dance very well.


  • They dance very well.
Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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