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Презентация к уроку Day in,day out 4a Spotlight 6

Презентация к уроку по теме "День за днем" 6 класс, Present Simple, Adverbs of Frequency

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p.36 ex.1

Module 4a

  Play sports, Have dinner, Go to school, Have lessons at school  Brush teeth, Have breakfast, Go to bed     2 3 1 5 4 6 7

Play sports, Have dinner, Go to school, Have lessons at school Brush teeth, Have breakfast, Go to bed








    Which of these activities do you do  in the morning, at noon , in the afternoon , in the evening ,  at night , at weekends ?      2 3 1 5 4 6 7

Which of these activities do you do in the morning, at noon , in the afternoon , in the evening , at night , at weekends ?








Present Simple (настоящее простое время)  1)daily routine: I brush my teeth twice a day.  2)a habit: He reads comics in his free time.  3) a permanent state: We live in Tyumen.

Present Simple (настоящее простое время) 1)daily routine: I brush my teeth twice a day. 2)a habit: He reads comics in his free time. 3) a permanent state: We live in Tyumen.

Forming Affirmative form V1 (S) (утвердит.форма)  I/you/we/they sleep  he/she/it sleep s   (3 – е лицо ед.число) I go to school every day Mary plays sports in the evening My friends always do their homework.


  • Affirmative form V1 (S) (утвердит.форма) I/you/we/they sleep he/she/it sleep s (3 – е лицо ед.число)
  • I go to school every day
  • Mary plays sports in the evening
  • My friends always do their homework.
Forming Negative form ( отрицат.форма) I/you/we/they don`t sleep  he/she/it doesn`t sleep Interrogative form ( вопросит.форма) Do I/you/we/they sleep ?  Does he/she/it sleep ?


  • Negative form ( отрицат.форма)
  • I/you/we/they don`t sleep he/she/it doesn`t sleep
  • Interrogative form ( вопросит.форма)
  • Do I/you/we/they sleep ? Does he/she/it sleep ?
Forming (3 rd person in singular) 1. work- work s , speak-speak s , walk- walk s 2. К глаголам, оканчивающимся на –ss, -sh,-ch, -x, -o добавляется –es: miss – miss es , do-do es , watch-watch es 3. У глаголов, оканчивающихся на согл. + y, y заменяется на –i и добавляется –es: study-stud ies  4. К глаголам, оканчивающимся на гласную + y, добавляется –s: play-play s

Forming (3 rd person in singular)

  • 1. work- work s , speak-speak s , walk- walk s
  • 2. К глаголам, оканчивающимся на –ss, -sh,-ch, -x, -o добавляется –es: miss – miss es , do-do es , watch-watch es
  • 3. У глаголов, оканчивающихся на согл. + y, y заменяется на –i и добавляется –es: study-stud ies
  • 4. К глаголам, оканчивающимся на гласную + y, добавляется –s: play-play s
Reading rules. Pronunciation After t /k/ p/ f - [s] kicks, laughs,  after sh/ch/tch/z - [iz] loses,kisses other sounds - [z] plays, swims, loves

Reading rules. Pronunciation

After t /k/ p/ f - [s] kicks, laughs,

after sh/ch/tch/z - [iz] loses,kisses

other sounds - [z] plays, swims, loves

Write the third person in singular   I go –she… I fix-he… I sleep-she… I wash-it… I study-she… I cry-he… I play-she… I fly-it… I catch-she… I dress-she…

Write the third person in singular

I go –she… I fix-he…

I sleep-she… I wash-it…

I study-she… I cry-he…

I play-she… I fly-it…

I catch-she… I dress-she…

Check your answers Write the third person in singular I go –she goes I fix-he fixes  I sleep-she sleeps I wash-it washes I study-she studies I cry-he cries I play-she plays I fly-it flies I catch-she catches I dress-she dresses

Check your answers

Write the third person in singular

I go –she goes I fix-he fixes

I sleep-she sleeps I wash-it washes

I study-she studies I cry-he cries

I play-she plays I fly-it flies

I catch-she catches I dress-she dresses

Указатели времени, употребляемые с Present Simple   every day (week /month /year), at night, in the morning /afternoon /evening), on Monday/ Tuesday наречия частотности never, seldom, rarely, sometimes, often, usually, always

Указатели времени, употребляемые с Present Simple

every day (week /month /year), at night, in the morning /afternoon /evening), on Monday/ Tuesday

наречия частотности

never, seldom, rarely, sometimes, often, usually, always

Do you know, who is he?

Do you know, who is he?

Ex.6 a/b

Ex.6 a/b

Ex.6 a/b

Ex.6 a/b

does the school start? Does Harry eat Doesn’t teach goes

does the school start?

Does Harry eat

Doesn’t teach


Home task  1. https://resh.edu.ru/subject/lesson/6721/main/231494/ 2. Посмотреть видеоурок и записать выражения(ежедневные занятия) в тетрадь- выучить их, выучить правило Present Simple GR3-4 3. Составить рассказ о своем обычном дне, используя фразы упр. 8 стр.37 и наречия частотности (10-12 предложений)

Home task

1. https://resh.edu.ru/subject/lesson/6721/main/231494/

2. Посмотреть видеоурок и записать выражения(ежедневные занятия) в тетрадь- выучить их, выучить правило Present Simple GR3-4

3. Составить рассказ о своем обычном дне, используя фразы упр. 8 стр.37 и наречия частотности (10-12 предложений)

Check your answers

Check your answers

does the school start? Does Harry eat Doesn’t teach goes

does the school start?

Does Harry eat

Doesn’t teach


Harry never walks to school. Hermione always studies a lot. Students usually spend their free time in common room. Dursleys don’t often treat well. Hedwig sometimes brings Harry’s mail.
  • Harry never walks to school.
  • Hermione always studies a lot.
  • Students usually spend their free time in common room.
  • Dursleys don’t often treat well.
  • Hedwig sometimes brings Harry’s mail.
Курсы повышения квалификации

Современные педагогические технологии в образовательном процессе

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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