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Презентация к УМК SPOTLIGHT 11. MODULE 2 C. "Literature"

Презентация выполнена по теме : Литература. Джейн Эйр. Модуль 2 C. Цели урока: проверка понимания прочитанного, совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков.


Содержимое разработки

 Literature 2. C   Spotlight 11. Автор презентации Зиновьева Ю.В. Г. Севастополь. Школа №8 ФГКОУ.

Literature 2. C Spotlight 11.

Автор презентации

Зиновьева Ю.В.

Г. Севастополь. Школа №8 ФГКОУ.

Reading for detailed comprehension.  True or false? John usually bullied Jane when Mrs. Reed was not looking. John bullied Jane occasionally. Mrs. Reed ignored John’s bad treatment of Jane. Jane compared John to a Roman emperor. John was angry because Jane had taken a book that he wanted to read. Mrs. Reed came into the room when she heard John’s shouts. Jane was blamed for the incident. The book John threw at Jane hit her on the head.

Reading for detailed comprehension. True or false?

  • John usually bullied Jane when Mrs. Reed was not looking.
  • John bullied Jane occasionally.
  • Mrs. Reed ignored John’s bad treatment of Jane.
  • Jane compared John to a Roman emperor.
  • John was angry because Jane had taken a book that he wanted to read.
  • Mrs. Reed came into the room when she heard John’s shouts.
  • Jane was blamed for the incident.
  • The book John threw at Jane hit her on the head.
Keys 1. True 2. false 3. true 4.true 5.false 6. false 7. true 8 DS.


  • 1. True
  • 2. false
  • 3. true
  • 4.true
  • 5.false
  • 6. false
  • 7. true
  • 8 DS.
Expanding vocabulary. affection ―  bewildered ― taking my side ―  dreading shortly ― sneaking ― accustomed to ― rummage ― trickle bellowed ― a. Feelings of love/fondness b. confused c. supporting me d. feeling anxious/unhappy about sth that will/may happen -e. soon f. doing sth without being seen or heard g. used to h. search for sth in a careless/hurried way i. flow slowly j. shouted in a deep, angry voice

Expanding vocabulary.

  • affection ―
  • bewildered ―
  • taking my side ―
  • dreading
  • shortly ―
  • sneaking ―
  • accustomed to ―
  • rummage ―
  • trickle
  • bellowed ―

a. Feelings of love/fondness

b. confused

c. supporting me

d. feeling anxious/unhappy about sth that will/may happen

-e. soon

f. doing sth without being seen or heard

g. used to

h. search for sth in a careless/hurried way

i. flow slowly

j. shouted in a deep, angry voice

1. Affection  - feelings of love/fondness (привязанность – чувство любви) 2.bewildered  – confused (смущен) 3. taking my side  -supporting me (принять мою сторону – поддержать меня) 4. dreading  - feeling anxious/unhappy about sth that will/may happen (страшиться – чувствовать тревогу/несчастье о чем-либо, что случится/может случиться) 5. shortly  – soon (в краткое время – скоро) 6. sneaking  - doing sth without being seen or heard (подлый – делать что-то, когда вас не видят или не слышат) 7. accustomed to  - used to (привыкнуть к) 8. rummage - search for sth in a careless/hurried way (рыться – искать что-то небрежно/торопливо) 9 . trickle  - flow slowly (струиться – медленно течь) 10. bellowed  - shouted in a deep, angry voice (реветь - кричать низким, злым голосом)

1. Affection  - feelings of love/fondness (привязанность – чувство любви)

2.bewildered  – confused (смущен)

3. taking my side  -supporting me (принять мою сторону – поддержать меня)

4. dreading  - feeling anxious/unhappy about sth that will/may happen (страшиться – чувствовать тревогу/несчастье о чем-либо, что случится/может случиться)

5. shortly  – soon (в краткое время – скоро)

6. sneaking  - doing sth without being seen or heard (подлый – делать что-то, когда вас не видят или не слышат)

7. accustomed to  - used to (привыкнуть к)

8. rummage - search for sth in a careless/hurried way (рыться – искать что-то небрежно/торопливо)

9 . trickle  - flow slowly (струиться – медленно течь)

10. bellowed  - shouted in a deep, angry voice (реветь - кричать низким, злым голосом)

Expanding vocabulary Threats inflictions Obedient tottered Dependant  predominated Hurl Grasp trickle became most important statements of intent to hurt someone who relies on others for financial support following orders almost fell over Grab, catch Throw Flow harm or damage

Expanding vocabulary

  • Threats
  • inflictions
  • Obedient
  • tottered
  • Dependant
  • predominated
  • Hurl
  • Grasp
  • trickle
  • became most important
  • statements of intent to hurt
  • someone who relies on others for financial support
  • following orders
  • almost fell over
  • Grab, catch
  • Throw
  • Flow
  • harm or damage
Common Examples of Hyperbole My grandmother is as old as the hills. Your suitcase weighs a ton! She is as heavy as an elephant! I am dying of shame. I am trying to solve a million issues these days Answer Key He spent some three minutes in thrusting out his tongue at me as far as he could, without damaging the roots

Common Examples of Hyperbole

  • My grandmother is as old as the hills.
  • Your suitcase weighs a ton!
  • She is as heavy as an elephant!
  • I am dying of shame.
  • I am trying to solve a million issues these days
  • Answer Key
  • He spent some three minutes in thrusting out his tongue at me as far as he could, without damaging the roots
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