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Презентация по английскому языку "William Shakespeare"

Презентация познакомит учащихся с основными этапами жизни и творчества великого писателя, содержит краткую биографию и множество иллюстраций по теме.

Описание разработки

In 1599 the famous theater Globus was built. His plays were performed in this theater. There was no roof in this building. The seats were curved around a stage that was built on many levels.

Plays always started at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. People who didn't have the money to buy a seat were allowed to stand in the front of the stage. All kinds of people came to see the shows– housewives, children, noblemen and even visitors from other countries. The company also presented special plays for kings and queens.

Shakespeare and his fellow actors were responsible for everything in the Globe theatre. They owned the building and the costumes, they wrote the scripts and they also shared the profits that they made. The actors and writers of the theatre worked together successfully for many years.

презентация William Shakespeare

No household in the English-speaking countries can be imagined without the Bible and the works of William Shakespeare. They are symbols of Religion and Culture.

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Продолжительность 300 или 600 часов
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13800 руб.
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Презентация по английскому языку "William Shakespeare" (12.74 MB)

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Амина, 23.12.2015 18:12
Амина, 23.12.2015 18:11